Thank you FriendlyFace for your trust-worthiness and honest brokering. Well done to you and your contacts for taking such an initiative.
And thank you Alan Martin for writing such a thought out, measured and respectful letter. (wow - can't believe you're still about - I remember you as kid ... Chelmsford n'est pa?)
Here's a different way of looking at it - bit of sideways idea coming....
For any of you who have had the fun of studying business or management theory, or have worked in a growing small business started by a dynamic personality, you may recognise that some of what Alan Martin is asking reflects what would be the normal change process of a growing Owner-Managed business. One where the Owner recognises that for sustainable growth to occur, systems and processes need to be established, procedures need documented, people matters need thought thro, succession planning or sale of the business may be needed as a retirement exit strategy.
I went on the web to remind myself of what the theory of owner-managed growth is and quickly found this as one explanation of process: (there will be many such explanations of the growth cycle available)
Building a Scalable Team: From Solo Act to Orchestra
For many owner-managed businesses, the transition from a one-person show to a fully-fledged team is a critical juncture. Building a scalable team isn’t just about hiring more people; it’s about creating a structure that can grow and adapt with your business. This involves several key elements:
*Clearly defined roles and responsibilities
*Documented processes and procedures
*A strong company culture that can withstand growth
*Effective delegation and empowerment of team members
Investing in your team’s development and fostering a culture of continuous learning can help ensure that your human resources scale alongside your business operations.
The Road Ahead: Balancing Ambition and SustainabilityThe path to scalable growth is rarely straight or smooth. It requires a delicate balance between ambition and sustainability, between seizing opportunities and managing risks. As an owner-manager, your personal vision and drive are at the heart of your business’s growth journey. However, true scalability often requires a willingness to step back and let your creation take on a life of its own.[]
This is probably what SMC needed to start after the watershed year of 1987, but instead, it continued on with nepotistic leadership, untrained and unskilled in safe organisational growth and people development, power retained at its self-appointed centre, no questions by membership allowed, direction and methods not to be challenged. Control and emotional abuse of people the natural consequence of unmitigated power held by the unaccountable few.
The last 12-18 months may the outward sign of the organisation finally growing up. Keep going .... Divestment of power and introduction of organised processes is supposed to be the normal progression of a new thing! (New was 1952 or 1955 or whenever, this is now 2025!!!!)
Personally, I've always wanted SMC to be wound up - so much damage has come to so many people from its leadership. I never thought I would see the day an offical letter such as Alan Martin's would be published. (could do with some emojis here)