Hello again A Theist 101 and thanks for these additional insights into your own experience.
I am confident that none of what you say about your own position will in any way affect your welcome here. This is a place to talk about the experiences we have had in Struthers not to argue about what is right post-Struthers. Thanks for sharing your own position.
In my own case, the reason I speak quite a bit about the normal Christian experience is not to try to convince people that it is right but to point out that Struthers is very far from mainstream Christianity and it is not inevitable that you lose your faith if you leave Struthers. I would be happy to have a debate about Christian beliefs, but this is not the place for that. Please do feel free to correct me if I ever stray over that line and move from explaining why Struthers does not practice anything that would be considered as normal or Biblical Christianity and into realms of trying to convince people of my personal beliefs.
And while on that idea of potentially getting things wrong, I have, like quite a few others, got things wrong on this forum and have of course apologised. The interesting thing is that no-one who has come on here to support Struthers has ever apologised for anything they have got wrong.
I for example remember anon201062 back on page 2 of the forum saying,
But for everyone that has an issue with the work god is doing there I can find 50 who have been set free, healed or are finding a freedom in god that is a result of the work the leadership has done, and the work that god is doing in that place.
Hmmm. I wonder if anon201062 can find 10,000 people that would testify to that – or is willing to come back onto this forum to say they were mistaken. The would be the honest thing to do.