Some here have taken some heat for being so BLUNT in the language they use.
But blunt, direct, honest language is essential.
These LGAT and cultish groups use language as a weapon, to gently and powerfully shape people's perceptions.
To counteract that, can take a glass of cold water.
This is why the LGAT Gurus like James Ray, and like Byron Katie, are so TERRIFIED of knowledge and critical thinking.
Just even having a small amount of knowledge of the LGAT seminar techniques, can make the difference. The person attending sees with their own eyes...HOLY SHIT THEY ARE DOING THE TECHNIQUES! and that makes a huge difference.
To the trained-eye, James Ray on Oprah was seen to be exactly what he was literally in seconds.
[James Ray exposed Feb 2007]
Oprah has also unleashed 2 more new Age Gurus on the soccer moms of America to be milked like fattened cattle.
Oprah just crowned this sleazy salesman James Ray the new Werner Erhard. There were some horrible complaints about this guy on the Oprah boards, people getting ripped off 10K, and lots of people burning their feet in his "fire-walk" and not being allowed to go to the hospital. This guy is very bad.
(there is a direct correlation with James Ray being on Oprah, and all of those Midwest people being hurt by James Ray. They trusted Ray, as they trust Oprah, and Ray milked the Oprah connection. Oprah should be ashamed for allowing such vicious con-artists on her TV show, just disgraceful, and she doesn't seem to care??)
James Arthur Ray | The Oprah Winfrey Show | Free Resources []
Ray the greasy salesman []
To the trained-eye, James Ray on Oprah was seen to be exactly what he was literally in seconds.
Why? Because he was running basic persuasion patterns he copied from others, and doing them rather poorly.
James Ray is a LGAT guru clone. A mimic. He never had an original idea in his head, he just copied stuff from everyone he could and applied it ruthlessly. He is just very reckless, and pushed it way too far.
But he is not that different from many other LGAT gurus.
His 36 hr fast, same as Byron Katie. His homeless game, same as Byron Katie.
Both of their seminar systems are quite similar in structure.
They both copied it from others, as well as all their others of dozens and hundreds of techniques.
Byron Katie does not have a sweat-lodge, but she has a Turnaround House, and her hotel ballrooms are emotional sweat-lodges with people lying on the floor in pain. What the hell is going on in the Turnaround House for 30 days? Who knows, everyone is signed to gag-orders. Is that going to be in the newspapers in a few years too?
Sadly, these won't be the last lives lost to LGAT seminars. Many lives have been lost.
Usually though, the suicides occur outside the seminar, so it goes unreported, and the LGAT Guru just blames the victim.
And they hush things up with payouts and gag-orders, and make millions in profit.
The public needs to be educated on how it all works.
Then you can see the techniques in seconds. Then you see James Ray on Oprah and in seconds you see he is a manipulative, persuasion pattern-running con-artist, who is just out to line his own pockets and stoke his own sick ego. In seconds, your skin is crawling, just from hearing his manipulative voice run those covert persuasion language patterns he copied verbatim from others. His blank eye stare creeps the hell out of you, as you can see what he is doing.
Too bad there has not yet been time to show how Byron Katie and James Arthur Ray do many many of the exact same techniques on people.
To the RRForum, AC, and Regular Contributors,
My enduring thanks for your efforts, here. You do an enormous service to folks who do internet research before signing up, attending, or buying into LGAT seminars. It was the information available on this forum that prepared me to protect myself at my one LGAT experience; without you, I can't imagine where my credulity would have led me. You don't mince words. Bless you for that.
May these be the lasts lives lost to LGAT gurus.
Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 10/22/2009 12:16PM by The Anticult.