What happens with these extreme LGAT seminars, is that people don't just take one single seminar. They hook them in, and reel them in, and they take seminar after seminar, going deeper into the rabbit hole.
The seminar leaders use dozens and literally HUNDREDS of the most powerful influence and mind-crushing techniques on people, including extreme sleep deprivation, food and water deprivation, and endless techniques to triggers various traumas people might have in their psyches.
They bombard them from early in the morning until well after midnight, more than 16 hrs a day. That is a deliberate technique to break people down to make them more suggestible, and then the upsell them to the next seminar, and the vicious cycle continues.
It has been PROVEN that extreme STRESS can precipitate extreme psychiatric episodes in people with no history.
The extreme stress of these LGAT seminars does the same.
But even worse, they use all sorts of powerful techniques to try and crack open people's traumas from the past. So a person who has experienced a severe trauma many years ago, can have it Triggered by the seminar leader with their "exercises".
That can then trigger a full-blown PTSD espisode, and PTSD mishandled can be lethal.
Terrible things can happen very quickly.
On top of that, there are many reports of people literally have a "psychotic break" while going to these extreme seminars.
Read the disclaimers of the seminars, and they describe what can happen to people, including death.
Death Waiver [
Unfortunately the public has no idea of what is going on at these seminars.
You could take an expert with 20 years experience in this field, and even they are at risk at one of these seminars.
But the people who really get hurt are the "soccer moms" from middle America, people who have no idea of what is happening to them. They have no training in these extreme techniques, which could be used on professionals.
People are getting hurt, people are being bilked of every penny they have in the world, and are persuaded to borrow every dollar they can and sign it over right in the seminar while under undue influence, using tricky contracts. They lose everything.
People are ending up in emergency wards right from the seminar, and people are dying in the aftermath of psychological decompensation from the extreme stress.
Many LGAT's watch for people who are going over the edge, and they kick them out of the seminar as its happening TO AVOID BEING HELD RESPONSIBLE. That is a proven fact, it happens all the time.
How much longer are they going to continue to get away with it?
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/17/2009 01:48AM by The Anticult.