Vera, this is treading a little close to Zelig's "cult members are to blame for their own predicament" line. You are also giving conflicting messages regarding the 'true believers' ("mind fucked" you say) and those who are willing accomplices or cooperators.
After a year of studying this cult I have come to the conclusion that there are those who follow because they are stuck in a programmed state, those who cannot leave and those who aren't under any illusion yet derive personal benefit from the cult. But how do you know if someone truly believes or not? It is just as likely that the ones you term 'willing accomplices' are the most brainwashed followers.
Controlling cult members is far more complex than just coersion and manipulation of beliefs. A person is often torn between a life of uncertainty and insecurity weighed against their family, employment and community that are intrinsically intertwined into the cult? Add to that fear of shunning, harrasment and/or violence against to those who give up the programming, along with the paranoia, social phobias, anxiety and depression that are cultivated in members from the time they join. Radha Krishna das admitted to blackmailing a follower with denied access to his own son if he did not comply on this same thread. How would you categorize an individual in these circumstances?
You seperated the cult into "true believers" on one side and his closest disciples on the other. Just as Zelig did. Is that your final analysis?
Let's look at it another way. The followers who didn't become his disciples, those who dropped away or kept to the background had enough critical thinking to not say "Yes Srila Prabhupad, I give my life to you as a slave." These individuals may have been less impulsive and more consciencous about any doubts they had.
Vera: 'It has been suggested that recruits come from families that have the same “double – faces”'
How many families don't have deep skeletons they hide from the public? You are talking about over half the nation. More likely is the fact that cults target much of their recruitment towards youths or individuals who are at low point in their life, particularly vunerable youths. Their situation in life may or may not have anything to do with their upbringing. Recruits can come from anywhere.
Wait, didn't Chris have an alcoholic parent? Ah, I see why you used this example. "The parents of cult members dropped the ball". That was one of Zelig's lines too.
Describing followers cooperators or as purely mind-fucked, who lack critical thinking skills or have a certain personality with abusive parents is over-simplifying the hold on people this cult has.
On a lighter note:
This is a cast of Bhaktivedanta's feet for sale that a devotee can use to bathe his feet and "catch the water" for an unspecified purpose.