If it looks like a Duck...
Facts, Truths, Eye-witness Accounts
and James Swartz's own writings and 'Confession'
Are the basis for my Posts.My posts about James Swartz are based on facts and research.
We (I am simply the writer for a group of us) have accumulated:
-- His own writings, which reveal lies and distortions about his own life, accomplishments, spiritual bona fides, and 'teachings,' in which his deliberate omissions and mistranslations of sacred texts has been proved.
-- Eye witness accounts of his bragging about killing pets, shagging widowed sewer cleaners, and mistreating women.
-- Eye witness accounts of his bullying of young, virtually naive seekers.
-- Eye witness accounts, and his own writings, in which he lies about and publicly reveals the secrets of his own students.
-- The many accounts by various persons on this site detailing all of the above, and much else.
-- Most importantly, "Heather" told us her story, which started everything as has gone the unveiling the truth about James Swartz to the world. ('Her' book about Swartz:
-- Swartz's own confession, being he at first denied ever knowing Heather. Just after she went public he claimed she was a fictitious person created by followers of other gurus who were jealous of him. Then, all of a sudden, he wrote that he remembered Heather, and threatened that if she didn't want the whole world, including her family and friends, to know the truth of her sordid activities at fourteen, she better shut up.
(Doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to see the truth there, does it?)
-- And there is much more...
So, to repeat:My posts are based upon facts.
Truths. Eye-witness accounts. Swartz's own words.
Realities about James Swartz are all my posts are based upon...
Now, was I wrong to assert "Statistics_Yogi" is James Swartz, or that the pedophile rapist is writing via this person?
I don't think so. It's not an assumption. It's an educated guess based upon years of receiving insults and overtly or semi-subtly threatening messages from James Swartz.
An old adage fits this situation well: "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck." This writer looks like JS, talks like JS, and smells like JS, so...
Poor Statistics_Yogi -- if you're not James Swartz, you would seem to be missing some threads. Read the posts on this forum, and "Guru? The Story of Heather" and how could you write on the behalf of this person.
By the way, please encourage any of his 'thousands of fans' to read this site and the book, and then to send me messages of support for James Swartz.
Funny thing -- no messages supporting James Swartz (that weren't written by a JS duck or his wife) have come in four years.**After beginning to write this post, the Moderator posted a Warning to "Statistics_Yogi."
The Moderator seems also to believe, "If it walks like a duck..."