Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: January 05, 2011 01:05AM

Malcolm Wesley WREST:

It doesn't have to be "years" before an ex-cult member returns home, both physically and psychologically. It can be a much shorter process with either professional help and/or helpful interaction with other former members and study.

Many former cult members recover much more quickly with such help.

Of course this varies according to the group, length of time in the group, damage done by the group, personal background, extenuating circumstances, etc.

See []

In my opinion the JCs are a particularly bad group, due to their relatively small size and therefore more concentrated control.

Hopefully, when and if the group does break up, the ex-members will seek help and in this way not have such an "extended passage" period.

When more former JCs begin to pop up on message boards explaining why and how they left, with critical comments about McKay and his history of group control, it will be a strong indication that things have really changed, they are actually sorting things out and moving on .

Meanwhile the silence is deafening.

No indication yet that anyone (e.g. Joe Johnson) is thinking and/or acting independently.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: January 05, 2011 01:12AM


You have lost your pre-approved status.

All of your posts must now flow through moderation and be approved before appearing on this message board.

At some time in the future you may again receive pre-approved status.

But if you continue the personal attacks and off topic remarks, you will be banned permanently from this message board.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: January 05, 2011 09:34AM

Blackhat and the others who come to try and undermine this thread from time to time are like rodeo clowns. They distract the conversation from its focus (DM and the JCs), throw out red herrings and make themselves easy alternative targets. All this, in order to protect their own interests as well as those of their associates. They are here to distract and to amuse, but mainly what they are here to do is to protect one another.

And speaking of rodeo clowns: Apollo, trying to go into that forum asking questions like that right away would be like going into a PETA convention dressed like a rodeo clown. You are in for an icy reception and are very unlikely to get anywhere, socially speaking.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2011 09:39AM by zeuszor.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Date: January 05, 2011 09:57AM

Dear Zueszor,

If you (or anyone in the "know") has a moment....would you mind PMing me the suspected identity of "X"....the sexual offender whom David failed to report and who apparently "confessed" to Alf beforehand.....(NOT was Alf as I misremembered earlier).....if Alf was the "leader" of the cell at the time, wouldn't he also be liable for prosecution for "failure to report", as well as McKay?....If I remember correctly from the dreaded dossier...Alf holds Australian citizenship too, which would seem to simplify any procedural matters involved in including him, as well in any submission to the authorities in Australia....a positive identification of "X" (discreetly provided!) would be necessary though....


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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Date: January 05, 2011 10:08AM

And speaking of rodeo clowns: Apollo, trying to go into that forum asking questions like that right away would be like going into a PETA convention dressed like a rodeo clown. You are in for an icy reception and are very unlikely to get anywhere, socially speaking.

- Zeuszor

Dear Zeusor,

An "icy reception" in the arena is certainly assured although I must say that I thought the "rodeo clown" nicely took that old nag Glen down ("hog tied" and "branded"! WHOA!) with this response...

PtolemyGlenn wrote:

Hey Apollo, what is your view on someone harrasing a 90 year old woman for information?

I have absolutely no idea what you're referring to. Though any form of harassment should be reported to the appropriate authorities.

Hey Glen, what is your view on someone who falsely accuses someone of attempted murder?

Hey Glen, what is your view on someone who grooms teenagers for the purpose of joining a destructive cult?

Hey Glen, what is your view on someone who encourages his victims/followers to break all ties with family and friends?

Hey Glen, what is your view on someone who coerces their victims/followers into donationing their organs all for the purpose of financial gain and media attention?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2011 10:11AM by Malcolm Wesley WREST.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: January 05, 2011 10:12AM

Nicely done, Apollo! Well played!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2011 10:16AM by zeuszor.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: January 05, 2011 10:28AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2011 10:28AM by zeuszor.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Apollo ()
Date: January 05, 2011 10:33AM

It's like pulling teeth over there.

What exactly is the point in having a thread titled ''Wanna ask an ex-member of the JC's a question?'' if almost every question is dismissed?

They seem shocked and outraged that someone would actually have the temerity to enter such a thread and ask a few questions.

Would a more appropriate thread title not have been ''Wanna ask an ex-member of the JC's what their favourite colour is, their favourite food is, their favourite tv show is?'' etc etc.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: January 05, 2011 10:38AM

Would not a more appropriate title for the entire forum have been "Dave McKay's Jesus-Christians: tightly controlled discussion between members and ex-members, supporters and observers?"


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2011 10:39AM by zeuszor.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Apollo ()
Date: January 05, 2011 10:54AM

Malcolm Wesley WREST
Dear Zueszor,

If you (or anyone in the "know") has a moment....would you mind PMing me the suspected identity of "X"....the sexual offender whom David failed to report and who apparently "confessed" to Alf beforehand.....(NOT was Alf as I misremembered earlier).....if Alf was the "leader" of the cell at the time, wouldn't he also be liable for prosecution for "failure to report", as well as McKay?....If I remember correctly from the dreaded dossier...Alf holds Australian citizenship too, which would seem to simplify any procedural matters involved in including him, as well in any submission to the authorities in Australia....a positive identification of "X" (discreetly provided!) would be necessary though....


If we can find out who ''X'' is then that will certainly help answer a few questions.

How long after his disturbing confession was ''X'' allowed to continue working for Dave McKay?

Did ''X'' spend time working alongside vulnerable children in Africa and how often?

Was ''X'' involved in any other JCs projects involving children?

Were all new members made aware of ''X's'' paedophile tendencies?

Were children within the group ever left in the care of ''X''?

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