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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: November 16, 2006 10:10PM

The interesting thing to note from all this is the way Dave McKay attempts to manipulate everything to gain control over people and empower himself.

This is typical of cult leaders like McKay.

Zeuszor's heartfelt remarks are sincere.

But Dave seems to have no heart, even for his children.

Whatever emotions McKay exhibits seem play acted, other than anger when people disagree with him or he doesn't get his way.

Commuicating with McKay anywhere but an open forum in public is not worthwhile.

BTW--is the "Jesus Christians" Web site and message board down now?

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: November 17, 2006 12:04AM

For some reason, the security settings on his forum were not active last night and it allowed anybody to post anything without logging in. I experimented with trying to post something without logging in (I don't even have an account to log in to) and it worked! I could post freely. So, I went to town with it and we engaged (DM and I) in a bit of an online discussion before I told him "goodbye". At first he thought I hacked into the forum (previously I was banned) until I explained that the security settings were messed up and allowed me to just post post post away! So he's likely fixing it today. It sure made him "what the hell is he doing here?!"

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: November 17, 2006 01:08AM

It's back up now.

The forum Dave runs is interesting when you look at the numbers.

It has 81 members.

Out of less than 2,000 posts almost a third have been posted by Dave McKay.

About 140 for the other two moderators.

Fran, a follower of McKay's, has posted 117 times. Other group members have also posted substantially.

"PtolemyGlen," who has posted on this forum has posted 153 times at the "Jesus Christians" message board.

So if you exclude Dave McKay and his followers there isn't really much going on at the "Jesus Christians" message board other than "PtolemyGlen."

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: November 17, 2006 01:35AM

[b:5bf419c87a]RR wrote:[/b:5bf419c87a]

"Whatever emotions McKay exhibits seem play acted, other than anger when people disagree with him or he doesn't get his way. "

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: November 17, 2006 01:40AM

Sorry typo.

"Play acted" means his emotions are often feigned and not genuine.

He plays the victim, hurt, offended, sorry, etc. etc.

It's about manipulation, not sincerity.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: jinnythesquinny ()
Date: November 17, 2006 02:16AM

It's back up now.

The forum Dave runs is interesting when you look at the numbers...

So if you exclude Dave McKay and his followers there isn't really much going on at the "Jesus Christians" message board other than "PtolemyGlen."

Just to clarify: Dave doesn't "run" the forum-- I host it, and it isn't really "run" by anyone. I and two members of the JCs have "Administrator" priviledges and some other members have "moderator" status to cover all time zones.

I'm not a "follower" of Dave McKay, either. I'm just a friend of the UK JCs who offered to host a forum for them, as I love forums, and I thought it would be great to have a forum where the JCs could discuss their stuff without censorship.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: November 17, 2006 02:23AM



Dave has 555 posts out of 1,900.

And what is your position regarding "Jesus Christians"?

How do you feel about the recent Fox News report about McKay?

Was it a McKay publicity stunt for attention or what?

Do you feel sorry for the families Dave McKay has hurt?

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: jinnythesquinny ()
Date: November 17, 2006 03:36AM



Yes, it is.


Dave has 555 posts out of 1,900.

Yes he does. Dave quite happily enters into dialogue with people.


And what is your position regarding "Jesus Christians"?

As I said I'm a friend of the UK JCs. I meet up with them and hang out occasionally when they are in London, where I live.


How do you feel about the recent Fox News report about McKay?

It was nice to see some familiar faces I've met over the years as they passed through London, though seeing the picture of Reinhard after his beating was a bit horrible.

I think it showed a lot of bad journalism and said things I knew to be untrue. I've spoken about this at length on the other forum if you're interested.


Was it a McKay publicity stunt for attention or what?

I really have no idea as I'm not privy to Dave's mind.

I don't think that "publicity stunts" [i:45bc0153f6]in general[/i:45bc0153f6] are not necessarily bad things in themselves.

As I've explained on the other forum, I find the whole whipping thing very odd. But it's not something that over-rides the things I know to be indisuptably not at all bad about the JCs so I will continue being their friends. I know some much odder people. :-)


Do you feel sorry for the families Dave McKay has hurt?

Other people's hurt feelings aren't something I'm privy to either.

I'm always saddened by hurt. But I know that blaming one person for hurt feelings is usually wrong and I see no reason for this to be any different. I know that most of my own hurt feelings are more down to my reaction to things rather than the things themselves.

I would suggest if you're curious about me then you visit the other forum. I really have no wish to get into long discussions on here as the level of censorship annoys and disheartens me.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: November 17, 2006 03:53AM


Just wanted to establish for anyone reading here that you are a "friend of Dave." And that's why he chose you as the host for his forum.

Dave McKay staged a media event like theater in California to gain attention through Fox News. He used his followers like props or puppets, even having them wear t-shirts promoting his Web site address.

I don't recall Scientology doing something quite this shameless, though they also have their members where bright jackets that say "Church of Scientology Volunteer Minister" promoting their group.

Dave McKay has hurt a lot of families, apparently including his own. Two of his children have little to do with him. A man that has failed that miserabley in his own home and has such a bad reputation doesn't seem to meet the standards for leadership as outlined in the New Testament.

"Jesus Christians" is rather a classic personality-driven cult, not unlike the group "Children of God" founded by Moses David Berg.

It seems McKay left that group to create his own, also like Berg. Of course it's a much smaller group that barely has a few dozen commited full-time followers.

If you are annoyed by "censorship" how could you possibly participate in such a rigidly controlled and personality-driven message board such as the one run by "Jesus Christians."

You may be the "host," but as you know McKay runs and dominates the board. He and his followers, account for most of the posts.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: jinnythesquinny ()
Date: November 17, 2006 04:06AM


Just wanted to establish for anyone reading here that you are a "friend of Dave." And that's why he chose you as the host for his forum.

I would like to make it very clear that I OFFERED to host a forum for the Jesus Christians. It was actually quite a while before they took me up on the offer. It originally popped up in a conversation I was having with Rob, who had emailed me for some technical advice. I hosted a forum before, for some atheist friends of mine, after the forums went down. When that forum folded (I screwed up an update and hadn't backed the forum up for a while) I was looking for an excuse to host another one so I made the offer to Rob. I am internet forum "whore" of long standing.


speech snipped


If you are annoyed by "censorship" how could you possibly participate in such a rigidly controlled and personality-driven message board such as the one run by "Jesus Christians."

Rigidly controlled? Dave ignored my advice and still allows people to post without registering despite the flaming this invites. We've only banned one IP address and [i:70e5b3e482]I[/i:70e5b3e482] did that because the poster was getting ridiculous. It's not "rigidly controlled". And it's mostly driven by the posts of people who are opposed to the Jesus Christians. Dave wouldn't have anything to say if people didn't keep asking questions.


You may be the "host," but as you know McKay runs and dominates the board. He and his followers, account for most of the posts.

He doesn't run it. He was only made a moderator after a lot of wrangling over whether he should have the "power" to delete posts, purely to avoid accusations such as the one made above. Dave dominates the board because he has the most interest in answering questions, and generally it's him that people want to hear from anyway!

Of course the JCs account for most of the posts. It's the Jesus Christians forum. People go there to hear from them. It would be silly if I or any of the other non-JCs were the main contributors!

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