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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: matilda ()
Date: November 11, 2006 07:51AM

And Rachel left in Australia or US, detaching herself from the adoptive family according to reports.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: muppet ()
Date: November 11, 2006 07:54AM

Unclear about this. Were Liz and Rachel recruited/ adopted?

Who was the girl from the orphanage in India?

St Vincent de Paul is Catholic charity.[/quote

Rachel was adopted and ended up walking across the nullabour when she was 11 or 12. Liz joined from Bangalore

I prefer not to name the girl from the orphanage

thank you for responding apostate. difficult questions.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: November 11, 2006 09:11AM

Now that I have seen that video of the trial I have decided to go into full-on "attack mode" and really work, dedicate substantial time and energy, in exposing and breaking up this group. I have made this one of my missions in life

Ok but try and keep a balance of other things in your life as well won't you? These things can take over and stop you working towards your own happiness. Forge your own life too and keep the expose as an occassional sideline.


Well, as I have a tendancy to do I overstated my point again. On the other hand, it is my postion that in dealing a predatory personality lke McKay it is hard to overreact. I will continue to monitor the situation and am happy to assist in any anti-McKay activities that may develop.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: November 11, 2006 09:23AM

In using the term "attack mode" I suppose that's my military thinking, militarty type terminology coming back. My bad.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: apostate ()
Date: November 11, 2006 10:11AM

Below is some correspondance with the Quakers. As you can see they do not support Dave's actions and would prefer that he subject such leadings from God to a governing body.


Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 16:34:57 +0930
To: <>
Subject: Quaker whipping people

To whom it may concern, I was curious as to why one of your members recently engaged in a public flogging of other people in Los Angeles on the weekend seeing that your movement prides itself on its pacifism. Fox news covered the event, so I was curious about your thoughts on the matter.

For more information view this link: []



Dear ###

If you have read a little about Quakers, you will know we are a non-credal church. Quakers have survived for 350 years and continue as they began, as ‘a spiritual fellowship based on shared religious ideals and experiences’ ( []).

Our members seek God’s guidance, and follow the promptings of the Spirit and there have always been instances of individuals who have felt led to take an action which may not have been supported by their fellow Quakers.

When early Quaker, James Nayler, rode into Bristol on a donkey in imitation of Jesus, his action was not generally supported by the Quaker movement. This ‘false Messiah’ episode brought Friends (Quakers) into the spotlight in a very negative way.

Seeking the way of peace, our founder George Fox sent a series of letters to Quakers throughout Great Britain, asking for the reconciliation of Nayler’s followers with other Friends. He also asked that in future people test their leadings during a group Meeting for Worship, and advised that more experienced Friends should monitor the actions of others.

In 1666, a group of eleven prominent Friends (not including Fox, who was in jail) sent a letter to all the Monthly Meetings in which they declared that each Monthly Meeting has the authority to discern the validity of individuals’ leadings. This letter marked the start of the idea that individual leadings are subordinate to the sense of the Meeting as a whole, which became a key part of Friends’ practice. In other words, the voice of God as expressed in the gathered Meeting for Worship is believed to be more reliable then the voice of God as felt by any one person.

However, in at least one notable instance, an individual’s leading was ahead of his Meeting’s. For example, when John Woolman, a north Carolina Quaker, spoke out about slavery in the US, his Meeting did not support him. He continued in his course of action, and though he did not live to see the change, his view was justified when the US and the UK banned slavery.

Our belief that each person may seek the will of God means that no one is above another, there is no ‘hierarchy’. An elder (more experienced Quaker) may speak to someone whose actions seem to be at odds with Quaker principles and practice, but they can only seek to influence them; each person is free to follow their own Truth.

“… stemming from this belief of the ‘Light’ within and accepting that God can still speak through others is tolerance. Tolerance of another's ideas and beliefs, accepting that I may be wrong and another may be right, is not only the basis of true community but of true humanity also“ ( []).

I hope this helps you to place our Friends’ actions within the context of Quaker principles and practice.

Your Friend

Judith Pembleton
Yearly Meeting Secretary
Australia Yearly Meeting
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia
PO Box 556

Phone 617 3374 0135 [07 3374 0135 within Australia]
Fax 07 3374 0317


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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: jason25 ()
Date: November 11, 2006 10:45AM

try out this link
i think it's set up by kevin, mckay's son.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: November 11, 2006 12:38PM

Is it true that you once dressed as a beggar and went to your parent's house, and that when you showed up at their door they didn't recognise you? Did you do this to show them up, Dave? Is it true that you believe in time travel, i.e. John from revelation coming forward in time to sit in a movie theatre to watch the movie "Revelation". I heard that you wanted to make a movie called Revelation so John could come forward in time to watch it. I heard that you wrote to Warner Brothers with a movie script which was rejected. You seem like a total loon to me Dave, seriously.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: November 11, 2006 12:45PM

"The Overall Scenario

The scope of this book does not allow us to cover all of the details that fit together to make up the big picture of what is about to come to pass in the world in the next few years. There certainly is room for disagreement on some of the details, since they are all based on interpretations of Bible prophecies. However, in this chapter we will give you a rough outline of some of the things that we expect (Many of them have already begun.) and then proceed to explain specifically how some of the conclusions have been reached.

As for whether anything dramatic is going to happen when the calendar ticks over to the year 2000, we can say with relative certainty that nothing will happen at that time that is any more significant than the sort of things that are happening now and that will continue to happen after January 1, 2000.

It appears that there will be problems with computers, and Sydney will be gearing up for the Olympics, but that's based only on what we read in the newspapers, and not on anything we read in the Bible. We'll say it again: There is nothing in Bible prophecy to support the theory that the year 2000 marks the end of the world.

But don't be too surprised if the end comes just a few years after the start of the new millennium. It has nothing to do with the calendar, but plenty to do with developments in world politics, and especially with developments in world banking.

Here is the picture as we see it.

There will be more earthquakes, more epidemics, and more famines. An increase in wars, and more problems with the world economy, will lead to drastic changes in both government and banking.

Russia will more or less rise from the dead and turn on America, virtually destroying it in a surprise military strike over the North Pole. Russia will, as a result, gain control of the United Nations, and use it to set up a world empire. An extremely popular man will lead this movement. He will usher in a time of world peace and prosperity.

The world's banking system will be totally transformed, with computer scans eventually controlling all business transactions. People will do all of their buying and selling through a microchip implant on the back of their hands. (Amputees will be able to get an implant put on their forehead.) This implant will virtually eliminate the need for paper money.

The changes, both in government and in economics, will bring great benefits to most of the earth's population. This will further increase the power and popularity of the world leader.

The Jews will rebuild their Temple in Jerusalem, and resume animal sacrifices. There will be, for a while, greater religious tolerance than ever before. Only the most rabid fanatics will oppose the changes. Amongst opponents will be a small group of Christians who will argue that it is all a mask for something unbelievably evil.

This group of Christians will try to tell the world that the popular leader is actually the Son of Satan in much the same way that Jesus is the Son of God. They will also warn that a global disaster is about to strike the earth. They will warn of an asteroid (or possibly nuclear satellites) crashing into the earth and poisoning much of the earth's water supplies, killing life in the oceans, and destroying much of the world's vegetation. Millions will be killed as a result of this disaster.

About the time that the disaster takes place, the world leader will begin a campaign against the fanatics, possibly accusing them of playing some part in causing the disaster that has struck the earth. The leader will order that all forms of worship be abolished and that he alone be worshipped as god. Anyone who refuses to worship him will be arrested and executed. This program of systematic persecution against all who believe in God will result in the deaths of more people than have ever been slain by any world leader in history, including Hitler and Stalin.

Two spokespersons for the fanatics will repeatedly elude capture at the same time that they succeed in getting the world to hear their message of warning. A worldwide manhunt will eventually track them down, and their execution will be televised around the world. Their bodies will be displayed in public for three days.

And then Jesus Christ will return to earth.

The two people who were executed will suddenly come to life, as will thousands of others who were killed for their faith in Jesus Christ. They will all be given new bodies that are not subject to gravity as people are now. All of these people, plus those who are alive and who have refused to worship the world leader or to allow a microchip implant on their bodies, will be able to float up to meet Jesus in the sky. This amazing escape will be documented with television coverage around the world. All those who are drawn together in this way will disappear into another dimension, possibly into some kind of a huge starship, where they will celebrate their deliverance. At the same time, new problems will confront those left on earth.

More disasters will strike the earth over the next few weeks, causing suffering for billions of people. Those left on the earth will continue to put the blame on the departed fanatics, and will become convinced that they are dangerous aliens from another world. All the armies of the earth will be drawn together to challenge the aliens, as a show-down looms over Israel.

When those who disappeared have finished their celebrations in their refuge in the skies, they will swoop down on earth behind their leader, Jesus. The weapons amassed in the valley of Megiddo, in Israel, will be no match for them. This is the famous Battle of Armageddon, and it will be totally one sided. Those mortals who mistakenly thought they could fight God, will be wiped out. The victorious army will be fully occupied for months just burying all of the bodies and disposing of the ruined weapons.

Then Jesus and his supernatural army will set about rebuilding the earth with the few survivors that remain. The Devil will be bound by God, so that evil will no longer triumph on earth. Whereas all past governments had been corrupt and cruel, and had appealed to people's greed, the forces for good will triumph in this new world.

Jesus will begin a reign of a thousand years on earth, in which he and his supernatural followers will seek to educate the inhabitants of this planet in the ways of God. The earth's mortal population will increase during that period of time.

At the end of the thousand years, the devil will be loosed once again, to see if the people of the repopulated earth have learned how to resist his lies and deceptions. But enough for now. That's another story.

Obviously all of this must sound a bit far-fetched for most readers. There are probably details which we haven't gotten exactly right. But anyone who has studied Bible prophecy at all would have to agree that the overall picture is pretty accurate. In the chapters that follow we will attempt to lead you through some of the steps in how we arrived at these conclusions, including a timetable that you can use to actually count down the final seven years before Armageddon."

Do you believe that you are one of the two witnesses and that you will one day help rule and reign over the earth with the Virgin Army? Do you really believe that a starship will take you to heaven and that You'll one day be watching the Marraige Supper of the Lamb on huge big-screen TV's (The aliens angels explain how the New Jerusalem has been hidden in a secret dimension all this time, and how when the great marriage of God to the Church takes place everyone in New Jerusalem will be able to watch it on big screens) What the hell?

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: November 11, 2006 12:46PM

From a UK website. Apparently, people all over the world are wise to you, Dave.


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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: November 11, 2006 01:46PM

From the JC website:

"...In the meantime, let's start encouraging our little army of bachelors not to go looking for potential wives, but to go looking for more bachelors (and women, too, who are committed to staying single for God) to add to the army. For you are the ones who are going to make our little Virgin Army cult most effective!..."

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