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I got this from this URL:
"David Rutledge: If we look at the practice that some Jesus Christians have made of kidney donation: last year, when the law in NSW said that you’re not allowed to make a kidney donation to a stranger, members of the Jesus Christians who wanted to donate a kidney lied to health authorities, and led them to believe that they had long-term relationships with prospective recipients when they actually didn’t. What did you think of that? Did you approve of that?
Dave McKay: Definitely. Every decision we make, we have to measure the means up against the ends. Tell a lie, save a life. That’s the means and that’s the end. Now, 'have sex with somebody to get a new member', that’s another means and end. And so we have to weigh each one up individually.
David Rutledge: But the Jesus Christians community isn’t just anybody, this is a small group - I would say a vulnerable group - who have this sort of cult baggage around them, that I assume you’d like to get rid of. And to that end, wouldn’t complete openness and transparency be an advantage?
Dave McKay: It was open. We were the ones that went and publicly told the media we'd told a lie. Our teaching is: if you must tell a lie, be honest about your dishonesty.
David Rutledge: Dave McKay, leader of the Jesus Christians movement "
So, it's OK to lie when the end justifies the means, Dave?