Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Blackhat ()
Date: December 30, 2007 08:39PM

Malcolm Wesley WREST
Dear Blackhat,

We need to inaugurate some Annual Awards (to be called the "Loweys".....and announced every 17th December?) to recognize those who have managed the outstanding....rather brilliantly you have caught David so thoroughly in his own words that his very silence of course confirms how truly you have struck home....

Congratulations on your astute work!

(How low would one have to be, in order to, in utter and flagrant hypocrisy, condemn an amputee, of all people, for practices that you yourself knowingly dishonestly engage in??)

Thanks for the kudos, Malcolm, I appreciate your feedback, it means a lot.

Guys, it's not that hard. David McKay's stance is so tenuous, it's a house of cards!

I loved Dogmother's comment:

[[i]center]"But I was a friend of Jomo Kenyatta's in the sixties. Stayed in his home several times. We were trying to get all those creepy, self-serving missionaries thrown out of HIS country.

From one of Jomo Kenyatta’s famous speeches. “When the missionaries arrived, the Africans had the land and the missionaries had the Bible. They taught us how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the land and we had the Bible.”

Now Dave has land in Kenya?'[/center[/i]]

What about that land in Kenya? It's listed as being in the names of two longstanding Jesus Christians, with a view to possibly handing it over to a committee in 2009? As if!

I wonder who those longstanding members are? Sue and Roland maybe? Or could it be Dave and Cherry?

'Land Owned By: Other (We do not own land (apart from the Kenya experiment (see above). We rent houses when members choose to stay in buildings. However, vehicles are registered in the names of long-standing members. The land in Kenya is presently in the name of two of our longest term members there, but it may be signed over to a committee in 2009, when we hope to move on to start another such community.)"


Do you have to declare overseas properties when you get a pension? I actually don't know, never having been in such a wealthy position......!!!!!

Tell us about "All things in common" again, David!!!!


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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Blackhat ()
Date: December 30, 2007 08:59PM

Bear in mind, David not only gave such advice, he also tried to get the guy who has a $$$ payout accident compensation lump sum to join the Jesus Christians:

"P.S. We still haven't heard back from you with regard to you actually becoming part of our community. Have you considered it? "


I've never seen David falling over himself quite so much to get a new member!!! No checks and balances, no meetings with the faithful! No trial week!....Oh no, you come right in here and join us!!!!

Ethical Christianity? I don't think so!

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Blackhat ()
Date: December 30, 2007 09:55PM

Dave's at it again, deconstructing everything Dogmotherl has posted, down to the last bum-wipe on a particular day to prove his point (can someone tell me what it is, other than that those who oppose David are liars?)

Yet he steadfastly refuses to answer anything I raise.

This can't go on. David, either put up or shut up, you weasel-word monger! Justify yourself in the light of the things I have raised!

1. You stole a copywrite image created for a Credit Union.
2. You told an amputee to give up the pension while you live on one.
3. You sucked up to that amputee with a payout to join your cult.
4. You or your agents own land in Kenya which is not held in common like the early Christians

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Dogmother ()
Date: December 30, 2007 10:20PM

Go Blackhat, go! Good idea about the award, Malcolm.

I've told my account and I'm done.

Dave, go ahead. You'll get lots more miles and pages out of taking me apart which gives the other mothers a break over the holidays. Enjoy the time out of the spotlight, ladies, or rather I should say, Dave's tunnel vision.

My daughter didn't want to be involved in the JK Show because she knows HIM only too he tries to suck his oponents into relentless discussions that suck up people's time which should be spend on enjoying life and helping the less fortunate.

What HAVE you got to show for your ministry, Dave?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/30/2007 10:30PM by Dogmother.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Dogmother ()
Date: December 30, 2007 10:28PM

Just a quick side-bar...

Dave knows everything about my visit to Dallas--what was in my heart--and of course my invitation-only visit to LA, because....

You guessed right, guys. Because of HIS omnipresent, constant monitoring...

Lying liar Dave and his cohouts said on JK that Dave and Cherry didn't know where "the boy" was. Tell us another, Dave.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Jack Oskar Larm ()
Date: December 31, 2007 07:23AM

I don't visit the 'welikejesus' forum very often, so the following cut-and-paste is probably not new or surprising.

Dave's post (on Introducing...Brian Birmingham! thread): We here at the Jesus Christians forum are indeed blessed to have had a part in this wonderful worldwide display of love and affection. It seems that it has spread also to the Rick Ross forum, where Franky has now, along with Brian, adopted Liesel as her "mother" and says that she would also like to have Kate and Sheila as mothers too, since they are such wonderful people.

I'm not sure how all of that fits with the email Franky sent me a few weeks ago, stating that she had decided, because of Brian's treatment of my aged mother (and presumably because of Liesel's, Sheila's, and Kate's support for that action), not to post on the Rick Ross forum anymore. But I guess that is how it is with emotions... they can be up one moment and down the next.

So is there room for me to squeeze into this great big worldwide hugging fest? Maybe I can play the part of the daddy?

Perhaps this is an example of Dave's sense of humour, but it does seem to reveal an often-mentioned aspect of Dave's personality. Play the part of a daddy? Sad. Very sad. Fatherhood is not a game... The above post is followed by a sudden reality check - quite melodramatic - and I had to laugh and wince when Dave backpedaled like he was on fire.

PS: It was also interesting to read his breakdown of one of my RR posts. Some good points; many bad ones. However, there still seems to be confusion about what I meant by Zeuszor's accomplishments. Okay, perhaps for the last time, in the context of this forum being about the education and illumination of the cult known as the Jesus Christians, ZEUSZOR HAS CONTRIBUTED A WEALTH OF USEFUL INFORMATION. Simple as that, really. One only has to sort the wheat from the chaff (yeah, not an easy job). Having said that, many, many individuals have accomplished great things here!

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Dogmother ()
Date: December 31, 2007 10:10AM

God help you, Dave, if you let anything happen to any of our children.

You took our kids from us, snatched them from their families, their mothers.

You are in charge of their safety under any and all circumstances.

You know what I'm talking about tonight, Dave. God help you.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/2007 10:11AM by Dogmother.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: yasmin ()
Date: December 31, 2007 11:50AM

Praying for Joe and all those J.C.'s in Kenya who are in danger tonight.
With deep sympathy for their families and friends.Yasmin

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/2007 11:51AM by yasmin.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Dogmother ()
Date: December 31, 2007 12:52PM

Call your mother or any of us Joe. We'll come out to pick you up. We'll negotiate on your behalf. If you're in peril like Dave tells us you are, I'll put myself in your place. Please confirm where you are and I'll be there shortly to look for you.
PS: I have been to Africa many times.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Date: December 31, 2007 01:31PM

"She loves her son, though is ashamed of him, but does not support his self-seeking mission. She hardly ever hears from him and that's hard for any mother, especially in her reclining years. She is such a nice woman, your mother, a saintly person, and so ashamed of you. She said that she was always nice to you, always stood up for you, and that she doesn't understand why you treat her so poorly. Ashamed to call you her son, she is" (page 196!!)

David's pitifully lame sarcasm: (as reported in Jacks' earlier email on this page....)

"I'm not sure how all of that fits with the email Franky sent me a few weeks ago, stating that she had decided, because of Brian's treatment of my aged mother (and presumably because of Liesel's, Sheila's, and Kate's support for that action), not to post on the Rick Ross forum anymore. But I guess that is how it is with emotions... they can be up one moment and down the next.

So is there room for me to squeeze into this great big worldwide hugging fest? Maybe I can play the part of the daddy?"

No, David you CANNOT play the role of Daddy, (despite the skill with which I admit you play the role of "worthless son"), increasing numbers of former members continue to support each other, you remain, of course far more suited to the role of "neurotic and despotic tyrant"...

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