Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: December 29, 2007 04:10AM

Love and kisses to you, mother Liesel.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Jack Oskar Larm ()
Date: December 29, 2007 09:11AM

Regarding a new logo for the JCs, I thought something along these lines (emphasis on the whip, of course)...

Or, keeping a sense of humour, like this...

And, for something slightly different, but just as relevant, I've been thinking that Dave and the JCs have similarities with this classic cartoon, Top Cat. I especially like the fact that the Top Cat is lying on rubbish bins (trash cans, for the Americans)...kind of spooky!

And last, but not least, the entire gang making music after a satisfying feed from their favourite restaurant!

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/29/2007 09:24AM by Jack Oskar Larm.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: December 29, 2007 09:30AM

My husband and I were quite amused over our morning coffee....reading about the Credit Union.

He--my husband--quipped that SPANGEBOB SQUAREPANTS may be a good imagination is working in overdrive. I can already see the new logo....SpangeDave....

Y'all know old obsessive me... I can't stay gone for too long! Thirty hours was a pretty good hiatus. I needed a break. So hard to tear myself away!

That SpongeDave song got me thinking and I HAD to post this. I got to post a couple more clean videos to YouTube too. We used to march to and sing the SpongeBob song as a cadence when I was in the Army and I remember it well. Here's the SpongeDave theme that I came up with:

Are ya ready kids?

Aye, Aye apostle!

I can't heeeaaar yooouuu!



Who lives in a welfare flat over the sea?
Sponge Dave Free Pants!
Deluded and crazy and evil is he!
Sponge Dave Free Pants!
If self-serving logic be somethin' ya wish.
Sponge Dave Free Pants!
Then drop by Dave's place and he'll give you a fix!
Sponge Dave Free Pants!

Sponge Dave Free Pants,
Sponge Dave Free Pants,
Sponge Dave Free Pants,
Sponge Daaave Freee Paaants!

Ah Ha Ha, Ha Ha Ha, Ha

Ah Ha Ha, Ha Ha Ha, Ha, hArgh wh..arire..Ha arrrigh.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 12/29/2007 09:44AM by zeuszor.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: December 29, 2007 10:48AM

Folks, that's all the uploading I am going to do for now. I am really tired. Good night.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Blackhat ()
Date: December 29, 2007 03:11PM

Blackhat, thank you so much. That's indeed a brilliant "discovery" you shared with us. I'm most impressed.

Well thanks for the kudos, Dogmother, and much as I'd like to claim brilliance, you really need to thank a good idea and google coming together. All I did was wonder about the image, typed the two words burn and money into google images, and "presto!", it was the first thing that came up! Do it yourself and see how easily David McKay can come undone!

It wasn't hiding, it was just waiting for someone to ask. There must be so many other things that just need someone to have an idea and check it don't give up, just keep on thinking about it when you have a clear mind.......and ask yourself, what is the right question?

Now, we know that if someone posts something not quite true here, David very quickly responds with his "weasel word" [] lengthy replies on his forum. He's been posting today about postings here, and guess what he's said in response to this? Nothing! If he ignores it, it might go away?

I don't think so.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Blackhat ()
Date: December 29, 2007 06:37PM

Something still is bothering me.

How is it that the JC's (and especially David) seem to be able to fly to Kenya, United States etc in a way that all of us surely must find incredible?

A poster back in June, after the Australian Story program, put this question out there, and to my knowledge, nobody has as yet answered it (Dave, are you listening?). Here is the question:

"One of the reasons for requiring that a kidney donor knows the recipient is for ethical reasons. If there is a relationship between donor and recipient then it is less likely that money has changed hands; the worry here is that the rich are taking advantage of the poor.

This was one aspect that was not explored in tonights show. Jesus Christians (JC) do not work, yet two of them were able to fly from Australia to Canada, where did the money come from and how much more was paid to JC"


Since then, David seems to fly all over the place - 'I'm in Kenya now' - and -'I'll be visiting my mother for Christmas' type of information, and so on.....

His wife lives on a pension because she has some kind of condition, and they live in Government Housing with subsidised rent, and he collects a "Carers Pension,"... while flying all over the world to run his cult and promoting himself and drumming up publicity stunts and preaching to others about the idea of living on faith!

I still can't get over him telling an amputee that until he "puts the nail on the pension" and lives by faith, he's not for real! What a hypocrite!!!!!!!!!

David keeps saying that nobody has anything concrete against him. Well, let him explain how he can tell an amputee to give up the pension while travelling the world on his!!

So funny it's stupid! (unless your kid is caught up in it...)

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Dogmother ()
Date: December 29, 2007 09:11PM

Dave--who never met me until the JK Show--professes to know what was in my heart when I came to Dallas to search for my children! I guess he knows what's in EVERY mother's heart! Because he's all knowing....

I'm not going into all that stuff of his latest post again. The facts are the facts. And we all know where Dave's ranting originates, namely in his dark mind and heart. Most other people on the panet don't think and feel like he does. Makes him really unique. And I feel rather sorry for him.

One thing is worth mentioning though since it fits in with Dave's constant need for deception.

I consulted with a Private Detective during my Dallas visit and was given several social security numbers which seemed to belong to the same person. They were "off" just by a digit or two. And this fictitious person had rented different digs at different times in the migrant community. The PE gave me the district, even the street, but because of the constant shifting around not an acurate number. I wore a bright outfit, hoping that my kids would spot me somehow.

When I got home there was a menacing e-mail from Dave on my computer and then my computer crashed.

I did not find my kids during my Dallas visit, although I had mailed them a card with my hotel address and phone number, hoping they would come to see me.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Dogmother ()
Date: December 29, 2007 09:17PM

A few weeks later, Jon Ronson visited the community. He was told about a mother and her two children, but they were "out." Jon had promised to check on my children's welfare.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Dogmother ()
Date: December 29, 2007 09:44PM

Three years later I was on my way to Los Angeles with an invitation to visit the JC community.

I thank the mothers who supported my spirit during those hard three years and since. Without them, I don't know where I would be today.

I already wrote about the first day, which I understand was typical how parents re-discover their children who are in high demand organizations.

The reunion was utterly wonderful. I stayed in downtown LA, and the next day, early, I was picked up to join the group at a free screening of Shrek. Dave knows all this, of course. Nothing happens without Dave. I loved all the young people, especially Reinhard, Ulrike, Paul, Fran and her beautiful two daughters who were visiting from Australia.

Later, I took the train to the JC digs in Compton. A smiling Reinhard picked me up at the station. My daughter had made dinner. All was well and everyone smiled at me.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Dogmother ()
Date: December 29, 2007 10:16PM

My daughter told me that the group had never watched "Kidneys for Jesus." I happened to have had a copy on me and offered it to them with the view of having a lively discussion afterwards. "Jon Ronson wasn't out to get you guys. He supported kidney donations," I said. "I have nothing to hide."

The next day my children and I went to visit friends--an attorney and his wife-- who lived in Woodland Hills. We just behaved "normal" and not a word about the JCs was mentioned. My grandson picked oranges and grapefruits from their trees, we had dinner by their pool and a wonderful day was had by all. I couldn't have been happier. Blue sky, birds are singing, sun is shining....

By the way, Zeuszor, you can call me Mom any time.

Enter DAVE via his loyal daughter Christine.

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