Yes, it's a big worry when people say they are doing a mission in another country, and then when things blow up, it turns out they don't have any kind of plan for looking after the volunteers, aside from hiding them in a pit! What any parent would need in such a situation is clear information. But it seems David McKay would use it as a point-scoring exercise to prove his power over the parents in this case. I think its shameful.
He is withholding information because he wants to control who the parents speak to.
Just like a kidnapping ransom demand!
It's all turning into type of hostage-negotiation type situation, IMHO.
Not too different than DM putting a gun to the kids' heads and screaming, "Nobody move or the kid gets it!"
Demoniac Dave has them all as his human shields and he knows it.
Regretfully, I must express that I feel this matter of the JCs is coming to a head.
Something disastrous and tragic is not too very far off. Unless, of course, somebody does something to incarcerate or otherwise somehow stop David and his drones.
I do not presume to suggest specifically which measures should be taken to that end; I only say that this madman and his clones must be somehow stopped.
All one in my position can do is watch and pray. I volunteer as well to switch places with any of them in some emergency if need be. I hope that it does not come to that, but my gut says that somebody is going to die before it's all said and done, Heaven's Gate style. A death will be the end result of DM's dementia.
Time to pray and fast, people.
My thoughts: IMO, we should give up on trying to reason with DM, as 1) the ability to feel or even understand guilt, or the capacity for empathy, is something that is foreign to him anyway (you'll never get through to him by appealing to his emotions, because he has none) and 2) his logic-processing capabilities are entirely self-serving and full of fallacious argumentation. Mostly what I see in his mind is the constant tendancy to reduce every argument put against him to absurdity (in logic, called the reductio ad absurdum) in order to try and make his critics look stupid (ad hominem fallacy). Here is a good example:
We Jesus Christians teach (as Jesus taught) that people must forsake everything they own, forsake their families and friends, property and jobs, and even their own lives to be Christians. And yet we ourselves own stuff, have families (which we often visit), and are still alive.
What is even more amazing is that Jesus had clothes, a "purse", family and friends, and was alive at the time he spoke those words too.
See if you can figure it out, Craig.
Jesus had a good relationship with His mother, too, but that doesn't seem to get through to DM.
DM's mind is replete with illogic and all kinds of fallacious argumentation. Read this over and you'll see DM all over it.
We'll unfortunately NEVER be able to get through to them using logic, reason, or emotionalism. DM and his people thrive on conflict and love to be persecuted. The louder you shout, so to speak, the more righteous they feel. A classic folie a deux situation. The way I see it, the phenomenon is very organic in nature, like a psychological virus, and these kids are "infected." It's like the old Chinese finger-trap toy; the harder you struggle to get out of it, the tighter it'll hold you. You cannot "think your way out of" such a closed system of logic that DM has trapped them with. Because as we both admit, it's hard to say that they are wrong on a lot of points, the main one being: "Did Jesus really mean what He said, or not?" That's how he gets them, you see. He then exploits their guilt and zeal to his own ends. Uses the "red letters" as a mechanism of control, namely control for David.
IMO this is the best that can be hoped for, unfortunately: just contain them so they cannot get anybody else. Just like a quarantine.
DM is what Peck called a "Person of the Lie", an "ambulatory schizophrenic". I am not a doctor or anything but am as convinced of that as I am of my own name.
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 01/04/2008 02:06AM by zeuszor.