Apostate, I was saddened to see the utter contempt shown by Dave and Ezra to your posting of the Dr. Z list.
The Lucifer Effect threadFirst off, the condescending tone of Ezra, as in, 'My, my, my... you certainly are everywhere these last few days, Craig. To be quite honest, it can be a little creepy sometimes when I see "Apostate" signed upo under every category. Got a little time off work, do you?'
Secondly, Dave's inability to comprehend something when it suits him, as in, 'Can you maybe sum up in your own words what you think he was saying, and maybe give some idea about how you think it relates to this forum? Thanks.'
I think Ezra is just plain stupid. Perhaps a classic example of someone who feels a need to comment after shining the master's shoes. My advice to Ezra is to take some time out after exhausting him/herself with such chores. Yeah, I know it can be tiresome to have to try and absorb new information when any information is tackled on the defensive.
With regard to Dave's comment, it's no doubt a classic example of going on the defense when there is a threat of being usurped by a higher authority than himself. It just doesn't seem sincere when Dave is so articulate about so many issues and then has difficulty grasping the message of this list. It seems a clear example of bully-boy tactics to ask you to sum up the list in your own words when it is clear that you are only being tolerated on their forum. I wonder why Dave didn't use an exclamation mark at the end of his 'Thanks.'