Re: YMBBA Ministries
Date: July 08, 2012 04:18AM
Yes, brothers and sisters ... our world is full of deceivers. Some are unclean spirits, and some are people being manipulated by unclean spirits. Some are within the walls of churches. Expect it: deceivers will and already are lurking on the pages of this forum, and expect them to twist realities, turning truth into lies.
Someone recently made a statement that this forum is spreading lies about YMBBA all across the nation. That statement was heard on a telephone conversation. Now ... really? How many of you are telling lies? I have no lying intentions. I only post what I think will be helpful in the situation at hand. I believe that is the essence of the principal ones who post on this thread.
Now, here is a message to any lurking soul who is reading this thread and then posting lies (whether as a PM or as a public post). In the name of Yahshua ha Masshiah, I hereby petition God Almighty to rebuke the lying spirit which is within you!
(If you do not lie in your posts on this forum, then that rebuke does not affect you).
Blessed be the name of our Holy God, our Heavenly Father, the Creator of this universe. He is the One who reconciles any wayward soul who will repent. He reconciles by the precious blood of Yahshua ha Masshiah, Jesus of Nazareth. Amen! There is no other name with such power. I believe in Him, and all who do likewise readily say "AMEN".
I came to know my Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, many years ago. In fact, I was age 4, and God convicted me of sin in my life. I knew I was doomed to be judged, unless I repented. By the merciful hand of God, a missionary friend came to visit at our house, in California, and God directed him to ask me if I knew the Lord Jesus as my Savior. Since I told him "no", and since I told him I wanted Jesus to be my Savior, we knelt right there in the living room of our house, and I prayed, confessing my sin, confessing myself as a sinner and asking Jesus to come into my life. I asked for His salvation, and I received the promise of salvation that day. That was about 47 years ago. God knows, my lifetime ambition has been and continues to be that of serving Him all the days of my life. Yes, I have fallen under temptations since that day. But I confessed them, and He forgave. No, I do not sin that grace may abound. The spiritual nature and the carnal nature are at war (Romans 7). I hate sin. I want to be holy ... set apart for the purposes of Almighty God. By His grace, I humbly follow and obey, to be like Him. I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. My spirit was made alive about 47 years ago, my soul is daily being renewed unto more and more holiness, and on the day of Judgment, my body will be a resurrected body. Praise God for His completed plan of salvation! Praise Him for His promises.
I post on this forum to encourage and to edify. I pray we who are servants of the Most High God will do likewise. And as we do the work He has for us to do, we petition God to liberate the captives. In accord with the faith of Joshua and Caleb, we return with the report, " ... we are able to overcome it." (Num. 13:30). With the help of God, we are able to overcome every unclean spirit, no matter how wily and sly. But we must study His Word; we must apply it; we must be a praying people, and we must be obedient to the voice of our God. He gets all the glory for the victory, and we get none!