Re: YMBBA Ministries
Date: June 29, 2012 09:08PM
Jasmine, you are 100% correct in saying that what was meant for evil, God can use it for good. Up to this point, I knew there had to be other parents out there that were hurting and estranged from their kids but it was 'out there'--do you know what I mean!? I truly believe that He has brought us together here so that we DO have the support of each other and that we begin to pray specifically for this deception and stronghold to be broken. We have reached the end of ourselves and our attempts and have realized the only thing we can do is pray, pray, pray! Every time a name comes to mind, pray. Whenever you feel defeated, pray. If you think about the children involved, pray that God will guard their hearts and minds. When God brings the town of Wells into your thoughts, PRAY! Invite everyone you know to this forum. Put it on your Facebook page. Begin to make a list of the names you know that are involved and take one a day to pray for. The names of my family involved are Kristin and Daniel and my grandchildren are Savannah, Annabelle and Levi--ages 4, 3, and 2. "I KNOW whom I have believed, and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him for that day." 2 Timothy 1:12 He IS able!!