Re: YMBBA Ministries
Date: July 24, 2012 11:07PM
As a concerned former member of the Church of Arlington, I would like to give all of you a little insight on my experience while I was there: After talking to my friend that was already a part of the church and listening to some of the elders sermons, I believed that I wasn't really saved, and I felt that I needed to move to Arlington with the church to seek the Lord to be saved. When I arrived, everyone there was very hospitable, and loved sharing the gospel with me. The men there would preach to me for hours, and I would pray and read the Bible all day long. This lasted for about 2 months until I went before the elders of the church and they determined that I was saved. When I was there, I was convinced that anything and everything that they said was from the Lord. I was so joyful when i thought that i had finally been saved, but that lasted a couple of days. I always felt so condemned after that, like I wasn't doing the right things. I would have to pray about doing so many things, like calling or talking to my family or just going somewhere to see if it was the Lords will. But i had no idea, i didn't get it. If I spoke to my family, i just preached to them, and going home without someone else with me was out of the question. I was convinced that none of my family were really saved. (However,there are some church members that do have parents and other family members that they believe to be saved. They also say that they know other true Christians that are not a part of their church. So they don't automatically think that they are the only ones.) They said that I needed to submit to the elders and the men of the church because women are more easily deceived. The women of that church really don't have a say in anything that they do, and we had to go to the elders to see if it was the Lords will for a lot of the things that we did. Some church members and people seeking the Lord had urges to leave the church, but after much preaching from the elders they were convinced to stay. While I was there, they also made predictions that didn't come true. One of the elders claimed he had a dream that God told him his child would be a turned out to be a girl. There was also a homeless man that they claimed was saved after preaching to him, but he turned out to just be using them for a place to stay.
The last few weeks that i was there, i knew that i wanted to leave. I felt so closed in, and controlled by them. I was afraid to go anywhere by myself. I was miserable. I didn't know what to do with myself. Everything that i did was wrong to them. They knew that i wanted to go, and they preached to me constantly that i shouldn't. One of the elders told me that there was no hope for me, and that was what the Lord thinks about me, because he has the heart of the Lord. Other members told me that I was going to take the mark of the beast, that i was Esau and sold my birthright for a morsel of bread, i would be like Judas betraying Jesus, and that God could make me go crazy or He was going to kill me. Another elder told me that if I didn't repent of my sins, then i would be excommunicated from the Church of Arlington (which would be the same thing as leaving Jesus Christ himself) and God would probably kill me and send me to hell for all eternity, and then proceeded to show me examples of how God killed people who disobeyed and sinned in the Old Testament. The day before I left, another member of the church left, after the elders advised him not to. I finally got a plane ticket and also left. On the way to the airport i was preached to the whole way that this was a mistake and i was going to go to hell for this... and in a way, I believed them. I was terrified to leave there, every moment, i thought 'well this is it, God is mad at me and going to kill me, and i am going to hell for all of eternity'. I was doing horrible and was emotionally and mentally scarred for months after that because in a way i did believe them.
After spending time with family, I realize that the things that they told me before I left are untrue. They make up things in their head, and say its from the Lord. I am happy to say that I am doing better now. Two other people have left the Church since I've been gone.
I do believe that their intentions are good. They are kind and gentle people, they would hurt a fly. But they really think that they believe that by saying these things to people, that they are aiding in saving their souls. They believe they are protecting the souls of that church by being so controlling and secluded from the rest of the world and their families that they think are unsaved. But the church just became too extreme and controlled right before I left. After hearing what they said to the other members that left the church, and about what happened to Faith, I pray that others in the church will see the reality of the situation, and will come back to their families. Don't give up, there is hope for your loved ones that are still there.