No-one is preventing Haw Haw from posting on the thread, but he seems to prefer to send personally directed PM's and emails and seems astonished that these barbed personal missives are not kept private. But that is the problem with open dialogue, it is subject to scrutiny from others with differing viewpoints and often does not stand up to such close scrutiny.
It is a very long time since I have worried about the injured feelings of a self-declared propagandist who does not get a free pass to spread his fascist propaganda without argument.
Its not fair?
What kindergarten does he think he is playing in?
The original Lord Haw Haw eventually gathered a large audience in the UK from people who were daily being bombed, whose men were fighting and dying to combat the fascist ideologues, and who faced having the fascist ideology imposed on them by force.
They listened because they found Haw Haw to be ridiculous, he was funny, he was light relief in the chaos as something to laugh and jeer at in the best comic musichall tradition.
So come on Lord Haw Haw, lets see what you are made of---- while I line up my rotten tomatoes to throw at you.
AC/DC, now that was painful. Bill Millin would be turning in his grave.
Now this, lest we forget, is music to my ears:
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/27/2011 09:39PM by Stoic.