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13 years ago
Letter of restoration Note the number of times the phrases, "we are sorry" and "we were wrong" are used in this letter...
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
What is it with pastors who lead churches with the phrase "world outreach center" in its name?
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
There is an apt analogy that has some popularity right now. "You drove the car into the ditch..." I wonder if this applies to the current leaders at TPC?
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
There are those (including a former Elder) who have said Mike's actions toward Jackie were driven by a personal vendetta. If this is true, then did not Jeff willingly and knowingly participate in this attack not only on Jackie but, ultimately, upon the church? If Jeff were an active accomplice in this heinous act then one has to ask what other schemes did Jeff willingly join with Mike to a
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Does anyone remember back at the beginning of this year how Turning Point Church World Outreach Center posted the letter from Mike and Cyndi and the letter from the Elders (see links below). Im curious why Jeff hasnt posted a letter of repentance on their web site. I wonder why the remaining Elders havent posted a letter stating what has happened and what steps are being taken moving forward b
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Miki, Jesus sees you. He looks at you and he calls you the Apple of His Eye; he calls you his Beloved Bride; he calls you his Friend and his Sister; he stretches out his Wings of Shelter and bids you to come and find comfort and rest. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the World.
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Church & Tax Guide 2010, "the church must obtain approval from donors, or give them the option of refund for designated unused funds, used not for the intent of when missions, building fund etc. a letter sent all donors stating they are going to use it for another project giving them the option of refund is satisfactory. Then the church must issue thos
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
QuoteBrokenheartedI don't really know Shaun, but I could tell from a distance that he was/is a man pleaser. He was brought up in the faith that way....all we can do is pray, for him and for Corbin. I teeter between contempt and pitty for these men...Lord forgive me. Shaun said, "There are two sides to every story".... but he only wants one side to be told. He only cares to he
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
QuotebuddyTPCWOC official twitter site with link to TPCWOC face book: Dear friends, we love our Church... When you think of how God has transformed your life at TPC, what's the first... TPCWOC face book link, one person says: The first thing I think of is the lies and deception along with the judgment and condemnation. The powers that be deleted the comment that casts TPC in a poo
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Is Undercover part of the Cannon of Scripture? How about Joe Prince? Are his writings part of the cannon of scripture? Don't you subscribe to the idea of extra-revelation? Do you have "prophets and apostles" running and dancing in your midst declaring they have "received a Word from God?" Did you not lift Tony up as an Apostle? Did you not lift Mike up as an Apos
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
QuoteMikiNow that M&C have ran off, no one can really sue them right? Tony had so many people sue him, i'm just wondering if the same can happen to M&C... It may not matter where Mike and Cyndi currently live. Because Mike and Cyndi own property in WA state and because they conduct business in WA state (articles of incorporation were filed with the state for all of Mike and Cyn
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Mike and Cyndi have left town under a shroud of secrecy. Elders are resigning. Staff are resigning. Jeff and Kim are running around apologizing to anyone willing to give them the time of day...or are they? Something happened between March 2010 when all the Elders in Unity launched Mike into his apostolic orbit and June 2010 just after Father's Day when the rocket ship came cras
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Thank you for your help. And no, I did not ask for names. Still curious: When was the $50,000 given to Mike? Back in March when the Elders "launched" him into his Apostolic orbit? Or was it more recently like June or July? And can you shed more light on what, exactly, people were told about "false teachings". Was it just a blanket statement or did they name speci
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
QuoteSaddenedFact - Rick Lewis has stepped down as an elder. We know this because his picture has been removed and it has been acknowledged that Rick resigned as an elder. I have been told, but have not spoken to Rick and Kari to confirm that he was asked to step down because he was "causing trouble." Causing trouble we all know is TPC speak for not going along with what the TPC hier
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
So Jeff and Kim were willing puppets? Wow. Jeff, you see that? A willing puppet... Is this what you call leadership? Being willing puppets? Jeff and Kim need to have a full and complete audit of ALL financials related to TPC/PNWBC for the last 5 years. Only through complete transparency can trust be established. Miki you speak of changes to come. Is one of those changes a fu
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
"If you decide to step outside that umbrella of Covering..." so they continue to teach Undercover... and use it as a control mechanism
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
"If you decide to step outside that umbrella of Covering..." so they continue to teach Undercover....
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
When Mike and Jeff decided to do an audit related to Pastor Jackie why did they not conduct a FULL and COMPLETE audit of ALL the accounts related to Turning Point Church in Marysville Washington including the accounts of Pacific Northwest Bible College. It is imperative that a full and complete audit be performed if reconciliation is to truly occur. Many people were asked to give money to th
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
QuoteMiki WOW! Msville04.... very true. either conform or die. i think jeff and kim will do a good job. i believe they are making great effort to help "heal" the body. Tall order. But if anyone can do it, Jeff and kim can! Healing requires transparency and honesty. Now is the time for a FULL and COMPLETE audit of EVERY TPC bank account. Without a full accounting of the funds hea
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
So, I wonder, if Tony does indeed pull up the tent stakes and leave California, where will he go? Anyone want to place odds on Texas?
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
QuoteDie QuietlyWell - the Villamores put their house up for sale on Tuesday, the kids said goodbye on Wednesday and they all headed for Texas on Thursday. What a bittersweet end. Bitter because reconciliation could have happened if they had just opened their hearts to the possibility. We all wanted to leave town but many of us didn't have the option. Its bitter because they did what we
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
"How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him." Frank Herbert "The primary symptom of a controller is denial, that is I can't see its symptoms in myself." Keith Miller "You will find peace not by trying to escape your problems, but by confronting them courageously. You will find peace not in denial, but in victory.&qu
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Question: If you have a different teacher teaching the same teachings, do you get a different outcome? Why? Observation: Its easy to look at Jeff and Kim and start to see them as victims of Mike and Cyndi. The reality is Jeff and Kim are not victims, they were willing participants. They chose to cover for Mike; they chose to act as intimidators, obfuscaters, and participators in Mike and To
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
QuotebuddyTPCWOC Marketplace Ministry, Power to Produce,Next level thinking, Word Faith movement false teacher,name it claim it , positive confession, I want to be rich and famous, Ken Ralston will take you to a new venue. EXCELERATE-Building a Picture of Your Great Future July 27 7 00 PM to 8 15 PM NEW LOCATION! Join us in our new venue! We will be meeting at the Tulalip Reso
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hey Buddy... Did you get your call yet?
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Quotebuddy Jeff and company in my opinion are so indoctrinated into some of the false teaching that its going to be hard for him and others to come out from it. I have heard Jeff try and play down all the false doctrine as if it was only little doctrinal difference like the gift of speaking in tongues. In the mean time I will be waiting for my phone call from Jeff! Pastor Mike said it best: &q
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Wish I had more to say regarding the developments at TPCWOC. I dont really know anymore than what I posted earlier. I would suspect you could call the church and ask to speak with an elder, staff person, or even Jeff. They may or may not be willing to discuss it with you but you can always try. In the past when the church was called by forum members they were rebuffed. I dont think that wi
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
This thread started in October 2008. It appears we have come full circle. It is none the less a sad day. So many have been hurt along the way. Several have completely walked away from church altogether. Lord, please, please, please draw those people to you and you alone. I do not know all the particulars, but have heard that churches have disassociated themselves from TPCWOC and have st
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
It certainly appears that something is amiss at TPCC. Continue to pray for truth to be revealed and eyes to opened.
Forum: Destructive Churches
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