Well, those characteristics certainly cover nearly the full range of human emotions;
Your point being?
And how does that list relate to the subject of AA, alternatives, and the legality of court-ordered attendence at AA?
You're going way off topic here.
Well, there's a methode to my madness. That is a list from a test on ADD not alcoholism.
I deliberatly left off 2 things from the list which would have been a give away:
[b:7f54cdfe5f] *History of ADD symptoms in childhood, such as distractibility, short attention span, impulsivity or restlessness. ADD doesn't start at age 30. [/b:7f54cdfe5f]
[b:7f54cdfe5f]*Tendency toward addictions (food, alcohol, drugs, work) [/b:7f54cdfe5f]
My point is that many alcoholics have ADD but are undiagnosed. In AA they would lump it all with just being a drunk or the alcoholic personality.
It has been a great help to me to understand that I have HADD, that my brain works a little differently then someone without it.
But wouldn't ya know their are people that don't believe that ADD exists either just as their are people that don't think alcoholism is a disorder.....or clinical depression etc.
The 12 steps have also helped me with my HADD.
I take the position as did early AA's that there is allot that we don't know, we should all keep an open mind.