changedagain Wrote:
> TheJewel Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Try this one:
> >
> []
> > 6/8/24680235/jrs_the_walk.doc
> >
> > It just worked for me.
> Thanks, Jewel.
> Here is an excerpt (pg 34-35) regarding the mine
> debacle. Is this account accurate? Partially
> accurate? Completely bogus?? Certainly some people
> in this forum have first-hand knowledge. I came0
> into the walk shortly after this went down.
> "Holder, however, did not settle down into a
> normal Christian life at Grace Chapel. Until 1971,
> he was still wheeling and dealing all over North
> America, constantly getting in touch with Stevens
> to get permission to enter into another
> enterprise. It is not clear how many of these
> enterprises were funded by members of the Walk,
> but one thing is clear: by 1973, over one million
> dollars had been funneled to Holder and
> disappeared without any profit or material return.
> How could this be?
> In 1971, John Robert Stevens' son-in-law was
> admitted into the practice of law. The same year
> Holder, Stevens, Steven's daughter, and Richard
> Helphand (Stevens' son-in-law) formed Western Ore
> Reduction Corporation in Carson City, Nevada.
> Holder was the president; Helphand was the
> vice-president; Helphand's wife (Stevens'
> daughter) was the treasurer; and Stevens (keeping
> his usual low profile) was on the board of
> directors. From this moment on the burden of the
> mine was shifted from being mainly borne by Holder
> to everyone in the Walk. It takes no genius to
> make the connection between this burden and the
> fact that Stevens and his family had a lot to
> profit by the union of free enterprise with church
> financial support. All that was needed to gain the
> support of the congregation was the right bait.
> John Robert wasted no time in baiting his hook.
> The Hook
> The hook (or bait) needed was given in a series of
> prophecies and ministries as well as two or three
> slickly presented pamphlets issued by Western Ore.
> According to, "To Take the Kingdom," concurrent
> with Holder's 1953 vision, prophecies were being
> made in Grace Chapel that indicated that God was
> going "to bring great wealth to His people so that
> the Apostolic Company could carry the gospel of
> the Kingdom to the 'ends of the earth.'[. "To Take
> the Kingdom" (Sepulveda, CA: Western Ore Reduction
> Corporation, no date), p. 9.] This piece of
> propaganda gives a history of world economics,
> placing Holder's mine within a salvation-history
> framework. Thus, the members could plainly see
> that the "Kingdom Mine" was part of God's divine
> plan for the End Time:
> Kingdom Mine is located about 75 miles northeast
> of Los Vegas, just off Salt Lake Highway. In
> addition to being one of the richest gold deposits
> in the world, it has some of the world's best
> farming soil . . . . .Before long, Kingdom Mine
> will be Kingdom City. It will have all the
> facilities to be completely self-sufficient . . .
> . If we are to avoid the "mark of the beast" and
> still survive to do God's will we must be
> completely self-sufficient.
> However, even more than just a means of financial
> support, this mine is intended in the perfect will
> of the Lord, to be instrumental in bringing the
> downfall of Satan's control over the monetary
> systems of the world. This will be the first time
> since the Garden of Eden that key resources have
> been part of the Kingdom . . . .Yet with all this,
> there is still the confirmed word of the Lord that
> the Kingdom Mine is in His perfect will; that He
> has spoken and ordained that it should come forth
> now. This seemed to be a stalemate until the Lord
> began to reveal that He would do it through His
> own people . . . .
> What it boils down to is this: the Kingdom Mine is
> just like any other ministry: its lifeblood
> depends completely upon the sustained faith,
> prayers and support of the entire Body. Just as
> with the printing ministry, the tapes, the video
> ministry, the buildings, the camps, the Apostolic
> Company, or whatever, it is the continued
> sacrifice of the saints that brings it forth. What
> is needed right now, in addition to constant
> intercession, is the money and equipment to put
> the pilot plant into operation."
I don't know about the backdoor dealing that went on but I can tell you that even a six year old child knows there was no millions or million spent on anything in that desert. Besides the millions of grains of sand and snakes and scorpions there were no millions there.