Hello rrmoderator... I hope the weekend was a good one for you. I just read your response to my posts from Friday, and wanted to comment on a couple things...
First, you stated the following...
But when people pay for professional help or guidance it is always best to go to someone qualified with credentials.
First, because they have the specific education typically required for licensing or certification and the related professional experience.
Second, because they are typically accountable to a licensing board and professional review regarding complaints.
Why do you say 'it is always best to go to someone qualified...'? How can anyone know what is ALWAYS best for each and every person? I don't mean to sound like a broken record and repeat my point from previous posts in this regard, but making generalizations like that is simply showing the 'one size fits all' mentality that you so strongly oppose when taking about LGATs, yet you seem to think the mentality can be used to defend your position. I again will state it's all relative, and such statements as yours cannot be used to disclaim a self help system that may help SOME individuals.
Secondly, you stated...
If Byron expects people that attend her "therapy-like setting" to sign a release form limiting her liability that would be a big "red flag."
The thing that caught my eye here is that you say 'if Byron expects...' ...but she doesn't, does she? And since she doesn't, then why talk about a red flag that doesn't exist?
The real issue I am trying to talk about with these posts is not Katie Byron or any other self help teacher or guru, but the mentality on this side of the fence, where we can fail to shed the light on ourselves and how the sweeping generalizations are made to all LGATs, making us as guilty as any guru/system in saying it's all for one and one for all... life is just not that simple in my opinion.