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Contegrity, is reportedly "an organization whose two founders hail from Landmark Education Corp., which has ties to Werner Erhard and Associates and the Erhard Seminars Training, better known as 'est.'"
For those who don't know about est or Landmark...
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Contegrity appears to be another LGAT.
You don't seem like a researcher or someone really investigating from your posts. Instead as stated before you come across as an apologist, or what some people would call a "troll."
Researchers regarding LGATs have been previously linked such as Philip Cushman, a clinical psychologist.
If you dig into the database you will find many more. There is also a Links page.
Almost every day there are groups , movments or leaders proposed for inclusion in the database of the Ross Institute.
Very few make it in because those naming and proposing such groups don't offer links to news articles, court documents regarding the group, leader or movement that could potentially be archived.
Some end up commenting on this board, which is open to the public.
The Byron Katie article is now included within the database under Information/General Information.
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Though there is not enough material to warrant a seperate subsection for Katie.