Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: November 30, 2008 09:51AM

This is my first post
I would like to address the issue of alleged Tony bashing on this forum.
The thing that most people who weren't ever inner circle don't understand is that once you come out and breath the free air, once you step out and look at things from the outdside having once been in the inside, then you realise that RLC is indeed a cult. RLC is a cult, and Tony is a false teacher in every sense of the word.
The first way that RLC is a Cult is in the way that Tony the false teacher is worshipped thus making it a PERSONALITY CULT after the person (little god) Tony Cunningham. Why so much attention to Tony? He has brought it upon himself. Tony has made RLC all about him.
To the inner circle, Tony is the unquestionable authority. His interpretation of scripture is the only solid one. His revelation is always perfect, and he always knows what is best and we should all follow him. Want to be blessed in your marriage? Do as Tony tells you to do. Want to prosper in business? follow Tonys perfect light and advice. Want God's favor in your life? Give an extra 1/2 tithe - cash only thanks- under the table to Tony, and your honoring Tony the apostle will open the heavens and allow God to bless you. Cross Tony or bring and issue of concern to him and prepare to have your person ridiculed to the core. Break of relationship with Tony, and he will write your name on a stick and break the stick symbolising the breaking of God's favor over you, and he will then sit back and wait for a bad report about you to tickle his ears. Does this seem cynical? Well, sadly it is the truth.
Tony has enriched himself at the flocks expense. Check out the lavish cars, the lavish lifestyle, the artwork in his house. If it belongs to Tony it is only first rate. Second best in meant for others.
Humility? The last time that I saw Tony humble and teachable was.........I just don't seem to remember when. Tony is more into himself that any of us would ever dare to think. Sooooo if you are looking for a church that is all about one person --Not Jesus Christ-- then RLC is the place for you. Prepare to leave your mind at the door.

That is just the first part of what is wrong at RLC. It's primary leader is a man full of spiritual pride, and he has eliminated any leadership that might question him.
Poor Tony? I think not, he has brought this upon his own head.

Now to the Cult stuff
Yes, it is real, and if RLC isn't a cult, then it is on the border leaning into cultland in an out of balanced way (picture falling)
How? lots of ways already layed out on this forum.

RLC through the headship of Tony Cunningham has introduced teachings that maybe you won't hear on sunday mornings, but they are real and have ruined the faith of many. The fruit is bad - how do you recognise a false teacher according to Jesus? Fruit, those in the inner circle and the closest to Tony are the angriest, and the most screwed up.

For instance: God ordainded marriage. Read Genesis if you will. That is God's primary plan for human relationship. Lots is written about it.
Well, along comes Tony and introduces Spiritual Parenting. He himself takes married young women as his spiritual daughters. Tony introduces into the marriage between two other people HIMSELF. Thats not God's order! Now the husband has to compete with Tony for the emotional affection for his wife! And suprise, it bears bad fruit! Tony cannot bear to admit that this was a false teaching (which by the way, he introduced and championed and modeled), because that would mean that he was a false teacher, and that might screw up the whole I'm never wrong because I'm the apostle gig that has given me a lavish lifestyle that is completely out of proportion to the role of Senior Pastor.

But wait, theres more to come.

Your insights and testimony are very accurate and insightful
Your points are right on!
1. The first way that RLC is a Cult is in the way that Tony the false teacher is worshipped thus making it a PERSONALITY CULT

2. To the inner circle, Tony is the unquestionable authority.
Break of relationship with Tony, and he will write your name on a stick and break the stick symbolising the breaking of God's favor over you, and he will then sit back and wait for a bad report about you to tickle his ears. Does this seem cynical? Well, sadly it is the truth.

3. Tony has enriched himself at the flocks expense.

4. Humility? The last time that I saw Tony humble and teachable was.........

Thanks for posting
I look forward to your next installment

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Ring barer ()
Date: December 01, 2008 04:50AM


In every way you are correct… and thank you for bringing the topic back home…

A while back in this forum we all focused on our personal experiences and what we could share of our testimonies. This was powerful because it was the genuine truth about our experiences. Many people benefited by the testimonies and many still do… then the forum moved to sharing of literature and helping to educate each other while at the same time still sharing testimony as eyes where opened and layers pealed away… this is still being practiced but I think to some degree the focus has been shifted…

I would like to know what you all think about getting back to encouragement of one another and the sharing of what you know to be true first hand… along with insights and education from credible sources. I believe that if the forum stays focused on facts, testimonies and education it will continue to be extremely helpful to others reading.

I am thankful for this forum, though sometimes even I shake my head, and I am convinced that G-d has had a hand in using the testimonies of this forum and the people willing to post here to open eyes… so thank you to everyone willing to share…

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: wantingtruth ()
Date: December 01, 2008 10:57AM

I would like to further address some of Tony's false teachings at RLC.

To understand how RLC is a cult, you must understand that Tony is the one who has decided what is taught at RLC, so that is why we are focusing on Tony and bringing light to shine on some darkness.

Lets start with Tony's views on polygamy.

That's right friends, and were not talking here about some isolated close knit communty near Utah, or a middle eastern country, but rather good old Sacramento and Elk Grove!!!

I have personally argued with Tony about his polygamist views, so most of this is not comming second hand.

Tony believes the following:
That it is not a sin at all for a Christian man to have more than one wife at the same time and he is allowed by God to have concubines as well without limit.
Just because our culture in the backwards USA frowns on it doesn't mean that we can't practice it!

It gets better
According to Tony, a Spiritual leader in the USA is in sin if he takes more that one wife at a time, HOWEVER, he may take for himself a concubine!!!!
Wonder why observers of Tony have problems with tony's relationship with miss V.? I have problems with it as well. Whatever happened to "among you there should not even be a hint of sexual immorality" ? Perhaps a valid concubine (tonys view) isn't sexual immorality.
With his penchant for descreet ceremonies, I would not be suprised if there wasn't some type of secret wedding light/commitment ceremony to seal the deal.

I think that Tony rationalizes this by how he thinks that he is such a man after God's heart like King David, that God would not deny him anything that his heart desires. See how David was rebuked by the prophet after sinning with Bathsheba, and I think that you may have some insight into his twisted thinking.

Now were you to ask Tony about all this I bet that he would not answer you truthfully. You see, in addition to being a false teacher, Tony has enormous character flaws and problems as well.
Flaws and issues such as lying manipulating, and controlling behavior, belittling people, blame shifting, and obsessive behaviors.

Does this sound like someone to follow spiritulally?
No, it sounds like someone who needs serious spiritual deliverance, and clinical intervention.
Tony needs to resign to get the help he needs, RLC needs for him to leave to find healing and restoration.

RLC needs Jesus not more of Tony.

More to come from a former sycophant

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Guess Who ()
Date: December 01, 2008 02:36PM

An update on Katy TX. . For those who haven't heard Tom Borsic had Tony's Porsche Boxster and BMW motorcycle shipped to him at his home. So now Tony has two more vehicles at his disposal. I heard that someone who lives in Tony's neighborhood saw the Porsche with Texas plates in his driveway and someone else saw his son driving it.

Two reasons I bring this to everyone's attention. First, Tony continues to live an extravagant lifestlye on those that he oppresses with his version of performance and works based salvation. Secondly, this may be some kind of indication that Tom Borsic is moving more and more into freedom himself.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: wantingtruth ()
Date: December 01, 2008 11:35PM

I know that there are others who view this thread who have heard Tony express his enlightened views on polygamy.

What have you heard? Time to air it out.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Ring barer ()
Date: December 02, 2008 01:56AM

Tony openly taught in my 3rd year SOMA class that polygamy was not a sin and that its frowned on by western culture… he stated that in other countries men with several wives often become pastors in the field and westerners try to push their beliefs on them by making the get rid of all but one wife. His argument in there is no biblical black and white instruction on multiple wives… at the same time he openly railed against the U.S. claiming that we are a rebellious nation built on rebellion… he taught on his disgust for the U.S. and spoke of this country, that allows him his silly right of free speech, as evil and looked down on by the world.

The U.S., while it has its issues, is a country not built on rebellion but on freedom from tyranny for religious purposes. The U.S. is hear because our forefathers broke free of religious oppression and sought out freedom… sounds familiar to me!!!

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Guess Who ()
Date: December 02, 2008 04:39AM

Hear hear Ring Barer and Wantingtruth: I also heard the same teaching.

Ring barer
Tony openly taught in my 3rd year SOMA class that polygamy was not a sin and that its frowned on by western culture… he stated that in other countries men with several wives often become pastors in the field and westerners try to push their beliefs on them by making the get rid of all but one wife. His argument in there is no biblical black and white instruction on multiple wives… at the same time he openly railed against the U.S. claiming that we are a rebellious nation built on rebellion… he taught on his disgust for the U.S. and spoke of this country, that allows him his silly right of free speech, as evil and looked down on by the world.

The U.S., while it has its issues, is a country not built on rebellion but on freedom from tyranny for religious purposes. The U.S. is hear because our forefathers broke free of religious oppression and sought out freedom… sounds familiar to me!!!

Another teaching I received from Tony was on women divorcing their husbands. He said that if a man was going in a direction he should not be, that he would tell a woman it was ok to divorce her husband. This was spoken in the same conversation concerning a husband who had decided to leave RLC. Some more Tony sayings in regards to marriage: if he were to hear one more woman complaining about her husband to him but the husband was providing for her and had not beat her then he would throw them out of his office. Hmmm, if you were to consider all that has been heard from Tony then you could easily come to the conclusion that in Tony's mind woman are 2nd class citizens.

Is this the kind of man you want to be receiving any teaching from? These are clearly false teachings from a false teacher.

I emplore all to delve into the word for yourselves. See I Tim. 2:15 NKJV. Don't just read, study.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Worship_Big ()
Date: December 02, 2008 05:07AM

"Another teaching I received from Tony was on women divorcing their husbands. He said that if a man was going in a direction he should not be, that he would tell a woman it was ok to divorce her husband. This was spoken in the same conversation concerning a husband who had decided to leave RLC. Some more Tony sayings in regards to marriage: if he were to hear one more woman complaining about her husband to him but the husband was providing for her and had not beat her then he would throw them out of his office. Hmmm, if you were to consider all that has been heard from Tony then you could easily come to the conclusion that in Tony's mind woman are 2nd class citizens." - from Guess Who.

I have noticed that all of the hired hand's instructions, either from the pulpit or in private, are all subject to his interpretation of where we are in our lives as to where, when and to whom these teachings would be applied... It is almost the same as how his theories and teachings on restoration are tied to how far you bow down before him and what ends up as a gift in house or his driveway...

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: wantingtruth ()
Date: December 02, 2008 06:47AM

Potent stuff Ring Barer and Guess Who
Ring Barer has it right - Tony's contempt for the USA our culture, our church culture, our society. While I fully acknowledge that there are many ills in all three, Tony's disdain goes far beyond wanting to help. It really looks more like Look at me, I'm the perfect example to follow - everything else is garbage.

You may think that I'm excessively harsh, and ask "where's the evidence?"

OK - Take a drive around your community and look at all the current inner circle peoples houses. It's what you don't see that should strike you as odd.

NO Christmas lights or displays of any kind. Without exception. Why?

On Veterans Day, or Independence Day, or Memorial Day. No American flags ever Why?

Go inside the houses (with permission of course) No Christmas Trees Why?

See lots of family portraits with non RLCers in them? Nope Why?
It reminds me of a report that I saw about a reporter inside North Korea interviewing everyday people. What the reporter noticed was that they had no family portraits anywhere in their houses, but rather pictures of the Great Leader.
If there is a portrait with Tony and family however it will be proudly displayed.
(family portraits or pictures of loved ones you see are a form of ancestor worship in Tony's eyes)

Contempt for others and other ways that Tony does not approve of is one of Tony's hallmarks.

Contempt: the state of being despised; dishonor; disgrace.

Contempt is unvarnished pride. It means: I'm better than you. My ways, my thoughts, my lifestyle.

If you want insight into pride, especially spiritual pride then I recommend C. S. Lewis and his book Mere Christianity. Look at the chapter called The Great Sin. I quote "How is it that people who are quite obviously eaten up with Pride can say they believe in God and appear to themselves very religious? I am afraid it means they are worshipping and imaginary God".

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: December 02, 2008 01:17PM

Potent stuff Ring Barer and Guess Who
Ring Barer has it right - Tony's contempt for the USA our culture, our church culture, our society. While I fully acknowledge that there are many ills in all three, Tony's disdain goes far beyond wanting to help. It really looks more like Look at me, I'm the perfect example to follow - everything else is garbage.

You may think that I'm excessively harsh, and ask "where's the evidence?"

OK - Take a drive around your community and look at all the current inner circle peoples houses. It's what you don't see that should strike you as odd.

NO Christmas lights or displays of any kind. Without exception. Why?

On Veterans Day, or Independence Day, or Memorial Day. No American flags ever Why?

Go inside the houses (with permission of course) No Christmas Trees Why?

See lots of family portraits with non RLCers in them? Nope Why?
It reminds me of a report that I saw about a reporter inside North Korea interviewing everyday people. What the reporter noticed was that they had no family portraits anywhere in their houses, but rather pictures of the Great Leader.
If there is a portrait with Tony and family however it will be proudly displayed.
(family portraits or pictures of loved ones you see are a form of ancestor worship in Tony's eyes)

Contempt for others and other ways that Tony does not approve of is one of Tony's hallmarks.

Contempt: the state of being despised; dishonor; disgrace.

Contempt is unvarnished pride. It means: I'm better than you. My ways, my thoughts, my lifestyle.

If you want insight into pride, especially spiritual pride then I recommend C. S. Lewis and his book Mere Christianity. Look at the chapter called The Great Sin. I quote "How is it that people who are quite obviously eaten up with Pride can say they believe in God and appear to themselves very religious? I am afraid it means they are worshipping and imaginary God".

These are great questions that people need to be asking!

If they can not get an audience with Tony then I encourage "you people" to start asking them publicly!

Yeah even on Sunday morning when Tony is tickling the ears of the enchanted ones.....START ASKING QUESTIONS

That is so interesting that you quoted C.S. Lewis...I was just going through that book on Friday & Saturday 'and I underlined that same quote!!' "How is it that people who are quite obviously eaten up with Pride can say they believe in God and appear to themselves very religious? I am afraid it means they are worshipping and imaginary God".

It is pretty obvious that Tony does not like the USA or embrace our constitution. Hmmm on the political side of things Tony is looking more and more like a Socialist Liberal. He has a great disdain for America.

I challenge the few of you who are still hanging in there at Rlc trying to make since of it all. Go back and read the 10 commandments and match Tony's teacings up to the Lord's 10 Commandants.

How is breaking off your relationship with your parents honoring to God?

How is it when Tony encourages his SOMA students to break off their relationship with their parents, in line with the 5th commandment?
hmm It is not!!

I have been saying this and I will say it again!
Tony has his concubine of women who he calls his "Spiritual Daughters"
Yes he is having emotional affairs with these young women! He does this in very odd ceremonial fashion. Which leads me to believe it mirrors a satanic like sacrifice ritual.

So here is another question to start asking “Why is Tony so hung up on sacrificial rituals?” In the Christian Faith, Christ said “it is finished” so what the heck is Tony trying to prove?
The other women who are married to the remaining elders, likewise Tony is having emotional affairs with these women. These women are more devoted to Tony than to there husband. These men have to constantly compete for approval and affection.

I have been saying it and I will say it again;
Tony has his concubine of women who he calls his "Spiritual Daughters" Yes he is having emotional affairs with them and does this in a ceremonial fashion.

November 12, 2008 12:17PM
This I do know
If you were to go to a Licensed Credentialed Christian Marriage Counselor (Something Tony is Not!) They would tell you that a man looking a porn is lusting after what he sees and according to the Bible that lust is sin. But a woman carrying on an emotional relationship with a man is just the same. yes that emotional lust is often times more powerful than the visual lust of a man. After all God made women more emotional than men.

So I can say with all confidence that Tony is having not only and emotional relationship with his so called Spiritual Daughters but he is also having a Spiritual Emotional Relationship with them.

To the point that these married women (Spiritual Daughters) are more devoted to Tony than there own husband
. So applies to all the remaining Sycophants Pastors & Elders wives i.e Kelli Huth, Kathy Skinner, Shea Pang, Joel Arpilleda's wife and Tom Kimbell's wife, Loretta Sealers and Mrs. Feist and my personal favorite Aubrey Stewart.

These ladies become more emotionally devoted to Tony than to there own husbands and these guys have this choice, ether suck up to Tony and follow Tony like a sycophant or they get cut off!
This is the spell and fear that these emasculated men are under!
This is where Tony will encourage a woman to divorce her husband if he becomes non compliant to Tonys whims.

This is the Jezebel Spirit!
Tony Embodies that spirit!

Remember this to be in Tony Inter Circle you have to be attractive or affluent.

1) But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.
(2) People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, parents, ungrateful, unholy,
(3) without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,
(4) treacherous, rash, conceited,¤ lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—
(5) having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.
(6) They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, (young beautiful women)
who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires,
(7) always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.
(8) Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth—men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected.
(9) But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.

2 Timothy (3:1-9)

Oh and going back to the Tree analogy Tony is that worm!

Look at this growing list of people who have been spiritually hurt Spiritually Abused and Manipulated.

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