Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Worship_Big ()
Date: December 08, 2008 07:24AM

People at rlc, to those who are reading, shaking their heads at, speaking in judgemental/condemning terms of, or have dismissed in disbelief the well over 1,000 people have left this room of the house in just the last year or so... that people you have had relationship with, friends and family could accuse a "pastor" and elders of such hideous things... Have you taken the time to follow up with those you once held precious? Have you tried to hear both sides of the story? Have you just buried your head in the sand in hopes that this all just blows over or goes away?

Why are you satisfied with the diatribe that the "hired hand" is spouting? Why are you content with the excuses, cover-up and deception? Is it fear? Fear of the unknown? Fear that you have submitted yourselves, your spouse, and your family to the false, dangerous and abhorrent teachings of an arrogant, controlling man?

WAKE UP!!! Smell the aroma of what is truly going on around you. Taste the stale dust of a crumbling kingdom. Feel the rubble and pain of the brokenness and devastation. See the barrenness of the landscape. Hear the sound of scattering feet as people run from the destructive nature of a proud, arrogant, unaccountable and unrepentant leadership.

This situation reminds me of an exchange from the movie "The Matrix" where Morpheus and Neo meet for the first time and Neo is presented with a choice between truth/reality and lies/deceit... let those who have ears to hear and eyes to see be released.

Morpheus: "At last... Welcome, Neo. As you no doubt have guessed, I am Morpheus."
Neo: "It's an honor to meet you."
Morpheus: "No, the honor is mine. Please, come. Sit down. I imagine that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole? Hm?"
Neo: "You could say that."
Morpheus: "I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, this is not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo?"
Neo: "No."
Morpheus: "Why not?"
Neo: "Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life."
Morpheus: "I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain. But you feel it. You've felt it your entire life. That there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is but it's there, like a splinter in your mind driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?"
Neo: "The Matrix?"
Morpheus: "Do you want to know what IT is? The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth."
Neo: "What truth?"
Morpheus: "That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind.... Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.... Remember, all I'm offering is the truth, nothing more...."

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Ring barer ()
Date: December 09, 2008 12:30AM

Rohn Rhitzma
Victor – from Nigeria
Scott McCullough

Each teacher listed above was a teacher of mine who did not push Mr. Cunningham’s agenda… in fact Rohn was very good about sticking to sound apologetics, Victor railed about having to measure everything taught to us against the word of G-d… he was concerned for us! And Scott stuck to New Testament scripture without mixing in Mr. Cunningham’s crazy interpretations…

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: SilentJ ()
Date: December 09, 2008 06:55AM

It's amazing to look back and realize the course of this journey over the recent years... a year and half later I am better than ever. I feel quite liberated in every way! No doubt, I am glad to be out of RLC.

I hope this encourages some of you reading this forum, but I actually do not regret the 4-5 years at RLC! This may not seem like anything encouraging, but my point is that I still had so much in the middle of chaos. I can remember having confusion while at RLC, but I also remember asking God for help when I was confused, and in those times I instantly forgot all of the doctrines and rituals that brought the confusion. I remember worrying about whether or not I was in "prosperous relationships" or whatever they called it, but I also remember meeting some of the coolest people. Bill Simon invited me to that church... and he's awesome (I miss that guy). I had opportunities to watch people grow in their relationship with Jesus all around me, and those may have just been the people that were not swept up, and in fact, nearly all of those same people have left RLC as well... I do not believe that some people's honest hearts prayed worthless prayers, or that humble servants fed the hungry for no good reason.

It is obvious that Tony's empire is falling, and his own sermon is biting his own rear: "You reap what you sow, and God cannot be mocked".

I wanted to share my recent thoughts with all of you because I have heard so many people express feelings that they wasted so many years on this church. Consider this: Now we all know what to look for. We know the warning signs. We now have FIRST-HAND EXPERIENCE of a destructive church. Some of my most trusted allies were from RLC. And sometimes it takes this type of storm to make us stronger people. Could we agree that we are now closer to our families, more prosperous, less stressed, happier, and more free than we ever were within a system set-up to destroy our heart-beat?

I think we have "grown out of RLC" so to speak, and are relearning relationship with God.

- Silent J

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: TomWilson ()
Date: December 10, 2008 05:21AM

Well guys I know I posted most if not all of this before, however in a phone conversation I had with a member of this forum who I will not reveal I was asked to post once again my experiences at RLC. He suggested I do so, because there is so much in this forum that people miss, because it is so long now. So rather then rewriting it all again I am taking a portion of my blog that speaks on the subject at length and adapting it.

I apologize for the length, but my experience with EGCC/RLC 12 years long. I'm posting both the good and the bad in this. For those who have read all this it is hear for those who have not read any of this. Please understand I'm not posting this, because I am reliving all this again now. Matter of fact I have pretty well put it all behind me and I am now just learning over again how to walk in the simplicity of genuine organic relationship with Jesus and His Body.


The people at RLC certainly acted as if they genuinely loved me right where I was in my relationship with Jesus. I never felt judged or the need to hide anything about my lifestyle. God began to soften my heart. Another thing that stood out was that even though I did not volunteer the fact that I was in bondage to pornography and was leading a sexually promiscuous life it was as if they knew.

For the first 4 years, before I authentically repented whenever I talked to a member of leadership about involvement in a area of ministry they said they didn’t believe it was God’s time. Even at that time, it stood out that they were the first people to love me enough to be more interested in my character then my Gifts. Matter of fact I felt they were the first place that even cared to know me well enough to be able to know my character.

In the mean time, the church left Elk Grove to begin moving toward Sacramento. We went from one rented school building to another and finally to the permanent location and in the mean time the leadership changed the name to RLC.

Once I repented and stopped looking at pornography and living a sexually promiscuous life, The Head Usher asked me to join the Usher Team. Then God began using the Head Usher to bring me to the point of seeing I did not authentically love people and to repent.

As an Usher part of our responsibility was to keep order in the service and to removing those who were disruptive or whose behavior interfered with others worship or desire to hear those on the stage at the front of the auditorium. However, I was the only one, besides the Head Usher who would ever talk with disruptive adults or children.

As a result, even when I was not a leader on the Usher team Elder’s would come to me and berate me for not speaking to disruptive people, but not say anything to other members of the team. Even when assigned to a different area of the meeting hall from where disruptive persons and though there were ushers in those areas whose responsibility it was to care for the people in those areas Elders came to me instead of those who had the responsibility for those areas.

RLC had three services on Sunday mornings and every volunteer was required to at least attend one of those services and not serve during that period. Even though it was obvious, that was the case and though I served in two services if there were disruptive persons that no one on the Usher team was dealing with Elder’s would come to me during my required service off and berate me for allowing the disruption to continue. Elders expected me for years to do what others on the Usher Team were unwilling to do and refused to do even though I was not the Head Usher.

Then after several years, finally, when I would have said no, because of the ministry at Budget Inn, a Head Deacon involuntarily appointed me to Head Usher every service except for the 3 Sunday morning services.

Shortly after becoming, an Usher I asked one of the RLC Elders named Dan F. to disciple me. He agreed, the first week we met I determined that as long as we met together I was going to be fully transparent and tell him everything and he would either accept me or not. I explained that 2 years earlier I had repented of looking at pornography and fornication.

That I have made and had kept a commitment to God that I would remain celibate for a minimum of 2 years or as long as it takes for me to have confidence in Him that I would remain pure and not commit fornication ever again. I explained that though all that is true I was plagued by constant pornographic thoughts and memories that I seemingly had no control over.

He just listened. At the end of our visit, he prayed with me and made another appointment for 2 weeks later. The first thing I noticed the following day and from then forward I no longer have uncontrollable pornographic images and thoughts running through my mind.

Months later, I learned from someone that for the following 2 weeks, until our next “discipleship” appointment Dan F. prayed and fasted for my healing and deliverance from the consequence of my former way of life.

My relationship with Dan F. was supposedly discipleship, but it was nothing like the example of Jesus’ relationships with the 3, 12, and 70 disciples referred to in the Gospels. Our relationship simply consisted meeting together 1-2 times per month and me telling Dan F. about my triumphs and failures and asking him questions and for advice, followed by Dan F. sharing that were applicable from his experience and the wisdom gained as well as from the Bible. Followed by him sharing with me from where he was reading in the Bible and what God was speaking to him through it.

There were a few times that I shared things God was speaking to me about him. Shortly after a few times of me sharing with Dan F. the things God was telling me he came to me saying the “Senior Pastor” Tony C. told him to terminate our relationship, because I was not a leader at RLC and therefore could not speak into Dan’s life. I was to submit to Dan F. and only he could to speak into my life, but not me into his.

Nevertheless a few times the Holy Spirit downloaded formation to me about situations and relationships in Dan F’s life things I could not know unless God told me and Dan acknowledged it, but that is what Tony K. told him were out of order. I spoke to Tony C. about this, he explained that, because I was supposed to submit to Dan and not the other way around, and because Tony C. and the Elder’s did not give me authority, it was not appropriate for me to share what God was telling me. Tony C. said he would tell Dan or me if doing so ever became appropriate. Even though is un-biblical and I did not agree, I chose to submit, because I did not want to lose my relationship with Dan F.

Pastor Kevin R. the “Community Pastor of RLC after the first three months asked me to lead the outreach at the Budget Inn and to focus completely on Budget Inn. He explained that he had spoken to Dan F. and that Dan F. had given him the go ahead to ask me. He then explained that the manager of the Budget Inn had asked RLC the month before I started going to plant an on-site ministry at the Budget Inn...

In short, order the Lord drew together a team of 17 people desiring to join the three of us. However, after the first 3 months with the additional team members everyone began to notice that RLC’s leadership particularly Pastor Tony C. gave us little to no support or acknowledgment of what God was doing at Budget Inn. However, he gave full support and enthusiastic public, acknowledgment to other outreaches by RLC members to the point of turning some into RLC celebrities especially those led by students or alumni of the School of Ministry Arts known as SOMA.

Every Saturday Night RLC held a “Prayer Meeting” called the Gap, and to encourage prayer for the City of Sacramento Tony C. would share what God was doing in each outreach location. Only for reasons unknown to me, He would give testimony as to whom God had used that day to preach in each location except for me or others at the Budget Inn. Tony C. would name whom God used and often even ask them to share. Tony often did the same thing during Sunday morning or Friday Night Worship Services.

The lack of leadership support from Tony C. and even from the “Community Pastor” Kevin R. caused poor morale among the members of Budget Inn the team and some started blaming me. I could not provide any answers regarding why it was happening, because when I asked Kevin R. or Dan F. about it, my questions were ignored and I was questioned about my motives for doing the work, even though Dan F. and Kevin R. admitted to know I was doing it out of love and not selfish ambition.

In time, I made specific requests to the Kevin R. and Dan F. for funds for specific projects to serve the residence of the Budget Inn. Each time I presented those requests in a detailed written format they said the requests would be taken through the necessary channels and that Kevin R. would get back to me with the answer.

Every time I made a request for financial or other support, Kevin R. and Dan F. asked many questions. Nevertheless, though Kevin R. and Dan F. as well as other Pastors and Elders told me they fully support our work and confirm that what was happening at the Budget Inn is unquestionably an act of God I never received a single direct answer as promised to one of my requests or any financial support from RLC.

The lack of support from all of RLC church leadership, seeing and hearing them support and endorse others, the little resources provided in comparison to others, and my limitations caused the Budget Inn Team to become so demoralized that all but Chris B. and me stopped going to the Budget Inn by the end of the first year. For the following 1.5 years, Chris B. the one remaining team member and I continued to love our neighbors at the Budget Inn until it closed at the end of August 2008.

During the first few months of this season lasing 2.5 years that I was leading the work at the Budget Inn, Dan F. who had become RLC’s Executive Pastor and I discussed the possibility of me coming on staff at RLC. This was discussed, because the needs of the believers at the Budget Inn and the other residents required enough resources of time and energy and personal finances the Lord had given me that according to Dan F. it warranted looking into paying me to do the work full time.

Dan F. went as far as even requesting what my required salary would be to meet only survival and basic needs and pay the few bills for my son, daughter and me. At the end of that conversation, he said he would get back to me. Nevertheless, he never brought up the topic again and for most of the following 2 years we continued meeting together once per month as our schedules allowed so there was plenty opportunities for it to be brought up again by him.

Continuing during the same season: The Community Pastor suggested I join Prophetic Cadre led by Tony C. who was now considered to be the Apostle of the RLC network of churches in Sacramento County and elsewhere. However, his official title at RLC Sacramento remained Senior Pastor.

Dan F. agreed with Kevin R. that I should begin attending Prophetic Cadre. I was truly excited as I knew a little about the work of respected Prophetic Servants like Graham Cooke and Martin Scott in helping the Body of Christ understand the New Testament gift of prophecy and helping those who have those gifts grow in them.

The first day I attended Prophetic Cadre I left confused as nothing Tony C. said had anything to do with the prophetic. My first impression was that the attendees there must be full of rebellion and doing nothing to grow in their relationship with the Lord as the whole time was spent on the topic of Lordship and submission to authority. The second thing I took notice of that first day was that most of the people there that seemed to get the most affirmation from Tony C. and treated with favor by him were those that acted the most as if they worshiped him and were SOMA students or alumni.

Some of the least spiritually mature and youngest men and women who were part of RLC and SOMA were there however, these same people responded to Tony as if he was the mouth of God.

Before attending Prophetic Cadre I had noticed many people took following Tony, copying him, and hanging on his every word to an extreme. At Prophetic Cadre, the sycophant behavior of Elders and others was confirmed, because in the smaller setting, it was even clearer and those people were same ones invited into what I had often thought to myself as the inner circle to which Tony C. demonstrated the greatest favor.

It was also, in “Prophetic Cadre that I began hearing Tony teaching an extremist doctrine of submission to leadership and to his own authority. I observed him have what I immediately thought of as childish temper tantrums over people not submitting to him or falling on his every thought and word as if his words were the same as Christ.

I only attended Prophetic Cadre for a few months and I did so only sporadically, because I never once heard Tony C. teach anything that had to do with the prophetic. I would come back after missing a few sessions hoping he would finally get to something that would have to do with developing ones prophetic gift and living a prophetic life.

Nevertheless every time it was simply another occasion for Tony C. to indoctrinate people with his extremist un-biblical teachings on honor, leadership, authority, and submission which always came back to submitting to him unquestionably. In this setting, I heard him berate, belittle, gossip, and slander former Elders and use their leaving as an illustration about what will happen to those who do not submit to him without question and how he will thinks about and treats those who do not follow him and submit to his authority.

The straw that “broke the camel’s back” for me deciding the supposed Prophetic Cadre was a waste was when on the last day I was there Tony C. said something that meant that this is one of the settings when people get to see and receive the most of the real Tony C. I wanted to stand up and say I do not come here to get more of you I am here and the rest of us should be learn to be more like Jesus while living prophetic lives and exercising prophetic gifts. It was also then that I knew that God was leading me to leave RLC, because it was becoming a cult and Tony C. was becoming progressively more delusional regarding his estimate of himself.

During this time I also began taking notice more of and being alarmed at people’s cult like copying everything about Tony C. I had watched people start to dress the same, drive the same vehicles as him, begin using the same jargon, the same mannerisms becoming self-made clones of Tony for some time, but it was in Prophetic Cadre that I learned it was because of his stretching and twisting of the Bible for his own benefit.

I began noticing this phenomenon of people imitating Tony C. growing exponentially over the last 2 years I was associating with RLC.. In one case, I asked a friend who is RLC Pastor and Elder why he suddenly began dressing in suits and sport coats and his reply was Tony C. is our Spiritual Father and I have chosen to follow the example sets for us. Before this I had heard others I knew well begin referring to Elders is as their Spiritual Parent and heard them explain how they began submitting to these elder’s as children are supposed to their natural parents.

I began observing adults responding to Elders like children needing to get their parents’ permission for relatively small matters. I heard one Elder named Greg H. after a RLC service in a condescending manner tell someone “I am a Father of this Church” loud enough for others to hear him in response to someone questioning his authority about something he had said to them.

During this season, I also began to have a vision for Budget Inn and the surrounding community that I shared with Dan F. I was also praying for God to give me the Budget Inn or a place for people to live and go through programs that teach basic life skills, interpersonal skills, educational and vocational skills and if they desire begin learning to be a disciple of Jesus. Where if they chose they could learn how to walk in relationship with God and represent him with their whole life.

I began praying that God would give me an uninhabited restaurant that shared the same property with the Budget Inn and people with the knowledge and skill to turn it into a vocational training center for the learning challenged and difficult to employee residents of Hotels, trailer parks, and surrounding neighborhoods of South-Sacramento.

I prayed for God to give me transitional living homes for people who are transitioning from chronic unemployment, drug and alcohol addiction, escaping abuse and oppression, a home for dysfunctional families to live together and to learn how to be live as healthy functioning families, assisted living homes for the disabled. Places to receive counseling, support and opportunities for adult education, to receive survival needs and assistance with transportation to necessary appointments such as medical and social services. Discipleship homes for those who desire to dedicate a season to learning how to grow in relationship with Father, others, and missional living.

Also I prayed for residential after school programs for elementary, Jr. and Senior High School students to receive homework assistance, tutoring and have a safe place to hang out and fun.

9 months after I started praying for all the above it appeared as if God may have answered my prayer to give me the restaurant next to the Budget Inn. The properties owners finally put a for lease sign on the building and as a exercise of faith I called asking how much they wanted for the lease. They explained it was 2900 square feet and they were offering a $2900 per month lease. At the end of my next appointment with Dan F., I told him that the restaurant I have been praying for God to give me was now available for lease so I called the owners and I told Dan F. I didn’t know how it could be God, because of the price. Dan F. said “Tom I believe it is God’s timing for the vision he has given you to become reality call the owners and set up a walk-through of the restaurant and I’ll get together some people I believe may be interested in what you have a vision for.”

So several days later Dan F, another Elder who is a General Contractor, a couple who run a restaurant and own a catering business, and I met the owners and walked through the property. Everyone that was part of our group concluded it was feasible for what I had a vision for and the monthly lease payment is reasonable.

A few days later Dan F. and I talked again, because he had gotten together some others who were members of RLC who expressed interested in the possible ministry opportunity and Dan F. asked me to schedule a second walk-through so I did. The owners it turns out are professing followers of Christ, but they were interested in leasing it to whoever qualified and were ready to lease it the soonest possible and they already had a qualified interested party, but wanted to give us first chance, because we had contacted them first. They were unwilling to wait longer than a couple weeks. So we left and all committed to pray for Gods direction.

At the end of the second walk-through, Dan F. and I met to spend time discussing this walk-through and everything that was in the other parts of the vision I had been asking God for, for the past 9 months. I asked Dan if he was willing to take the lead in order to teach me how to bring this all together as I have no experience starting anything this big or bringing all the elements together. I asked Dan F. to take the lead to teach me, because He was a Deputy Director of a State Agency and played a very large role as the Executive Pastor in directing RLC, which is a large non-profit corporation and I believed as a result I could learn much from him and that I could trust him.

Shortly thereafter Dan F’s Executive Secretary Brenda R. who was a member of the outreach to the Budget Inn called me and told me he scheduled a meeting for those interested in the restaurant and being part of the other parts of the vision God had given me. I was very excited as I figured Dan F. would give me a central role so that I could use my gifts and learn from him, just as I requested and he had given me reason to believe he agreed to that.

However, Dan presented everything in the first meeting in a way that no one even knew that it was me God had given the vision to. He left everyone there besides me to believe that bringing all this together was his original vision. Dan had everyone share what was in his or her heart to do as part of this work. People representing nearly every element I had prayed for 9 months were present in the meeting. Everyone agreed to pray for the next weeks regarding his or her involvement in this work and to meet again on a particular date, I believe about two weeks later.

At the next meeting, everyone at the previous meeting was there with a couple additions. I may not remember the exact amount of meetings and all the exact details, but soon the significant part will be obvious. In this particular meeting Dan F. barely acknowledged me, but did ask me to share what God is doing at the Budget Inn and then after I shared as if that was done as a token gesture of kindness Dan F. immediately went on in a way that was clear to me was his own agenda. In all of this, he did not consult me at all or share with what he was doing and why so that I could learn from him as I requested.

Dan shared he had spoken to couple Mike and Monica H. who owned a sober living home which operated as a California non-profit corporation. They were interested in closing the home, due to management issues which they humbly took responsibility for and that they were interested in donating the non-profit corporation to this ministry so we would not have to start the process of starting an organization from scratch.

The way Dan F. was doing this I was learning nothing. When I talked to him about how this was all happening he just shrugged me off. In subsequent meetings, Mike and Monica H. committed to hand over the non-profit corporation if their board of directors agreed. I was invited to about four of these meetings in total until Dan announced that the donation of the corporations was complete and that he had decided on whom the Board of Directors consists of.

The Board would consist of Mike and Monica H., Mike V., Tony Cunningham, James C., and Brenda R. After that meeting, I did not receive any invitation to or notice regarding the next meetings. Dan F. treated me as if I never had part in what he eventually named Restoration Alliance. Then he followed by turning it into an opportunity for the promotion of his own vision of moving to Africa as a full time missionary and treated everything as if it was all his idea from the start.

I felt like the one person I believed I could trust and I thought had my back more than anyone my whole life had stabbed me in the back. I asked Dan F. about it again over breakfast one morning and he patronizingly said “Tom I am thankful and you should be pleased, because you are the catalyst that got this started.” When he said that to I felt like “losing my breakfast” on the table, not pleasure! All my remaining trust and respect for Dan F. vanished immediately at that breakfast table. I decided that soon as God gave me the green light I would leave RLC, but I forgave Dan F. because the Holy Spirit allowed me to see that he is deceived and therefore is blind to what he did to me.

From then on, I chose to demonstrate love and honor toward Dan F. not, because he deserved it, but because the work I was doing at the Budget Inn was not finished and submission to Dan F. as the Executive Pastor was required. Dan F. eventually came to me and told me that I had grown spiritually and in honor of him to the point that I did not need him to disciple me any longer and that it would only be necessary for us to meet once in awhile to catch up.

I even invited him to breakfast again and treated him with respect. That morning I told Dan what God was doing. I believed God gave me direction to begin networking with other local churches to fulfill parts of the vision that had failed to come to reality through Restoration Alliance. To begin working together to support each other’s service to the community thereby increasing effectiveness and not duplicating what others are already doing well.

During this conversation, I told Dan that the next place I intended to visit for networking was Love Inc… Love Inc. is a ministry that serves the body of Christ and those in need by being a place churches and others can go to obtain clothing, beds, and other basic needs for those in need free of charge. The Director of Love Inc. Sacramento is a long time friend of mine named Jeff Johnson. Jeff is one of the most humble servants of Jesus I personally know. Their name by the way is short for Love In The Name of Christ.

Dan F. said that is interesting, because I had a meeting with Jeff last week. We discussed RLC participating in their Church of the Week Program and I was planning to ask you to meet with Jeff and to work with him as the leader and contact person for RLC to participate in the program. Dan F. also said since I had such a passion for networking it would be good if we could work together with another local church and together be church of the week.

I agreed to take on this project, but did not tell Dan F. I was doing so as my last commitment to RLC before leaving since by now I knew was sold and would close at the end of August 2008 therefore that outreach would end.

I met with Jeff and went through the full orientation, discussed the possible weeks and then got back to Dan F. with the information. Dan F. and I settled on which week would work for RLC and I scheduled everything with Jeff and got all the needed paperwork, informational flyers etc. for RLC to print as we bring the idea, before the membership. Dan also had me share with Tom K. the RLC “Pastor” of Administration to decide the best way to get RLC involved. I had already concluded on the best possible way, due to the organizational structure of of RLC, Tom K. agreed with me that was the best way.

Therefore, I set about talking to the necessary Pastors since Dan F. had made given me the leadership and directing role. However even though I told them it was a project given me by Dan F. the RLC Executive Pastor I was not received by the other Pastors whose involvement I was required to enlist, because in their eyes I was not part of the leadership pecking order. At that time, Dan F. was working for State Government part time and part time at RLC and we both took the same Bus during the week when going to our State jobs. I saw him one weekday after trying for several weeks to enlist the cooperation of those Dan F., Tom K. and I decided we needed the involvement of for each day of the week I committed to Jeff that we would be the Church of the Week.

I told Dan F. the roadblock I continuously ran into, he said nothing, he only gave me a look of acknowledgment, and said he would get back to me. Dan F. never got back to me, but approximately 2-3 weeks later, I received a phone call from Tom K. saying Dan F. had asked him to take over and that he had met with Jeff at Love Inc and he just wanted to let me know. Tom K. apologized for not getting to me sooner regarding this.

This was just one more thing confirming Dan F. has no regard for me. That he did not even think through, that because of the leadership philosophy of Tony C. and the resulting pecking order that giving me this project would be a waste of time and set me up for failure. Once again, I chose to forgive Dan F.

From that time forward, I only showed up at RLC on the days of the outreach to the Budget Inn until Budget Inn closed. This became one more thing that demonstrated Dan F. was not deserving of my trust and that it was time for me to walk away from further relationship with him.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/10/2008 05:29AM by TomWilson.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: smileygrl81 ()
Date: December 11, 2008 10:57AM

wow wrote us a life story.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: whatajoke ()
Date: December 11, 2008 11:07AM

welcome back smileygrl81.........what woke you up LOL. And yes thank you Tom for sharing your experiences. Some of what you speak about is truly tragic and shows the extreme level of deceit, manipulation, and abuse by Tony, Dan, and the leadership.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: wantingtruth ()
Date: December 11, 2008 11:36AM

Time for another teaching from Tony.
Ok maybe this one should be classified as a stupid teaching as well as false.

Does anyone remember Tony teaching that we should never say "I can't afford it"?

What an idiotic teaching Of course there are things we cannot afford. Pretending that we can afford anything we want is what got this economy into this mess in the first place.

It seems that Tony was really in touch with the spirit of man at the time and not the Holy Spirit.

Luke 14: 28-30 Suppose one of you wants to build a tower..................

follow Tony to financial ruin.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Guess Who ()
Date: December 12, 2008 03:18AM

A while back Braveheart gave an example asking why would you want to drink water that was 90% pure and 10% toilet water. He of course was referring to sitting under a false teacher with the justification that most of what is taught is good. I have asked myself a similar question. Some very good people I know have stayed at RLC even though they are aware of what has been going on. I asked one couple about this and their response was that they were not serving Christ before RLC and now they are and life is much better than it was before so they are going to stay. I have thought about that for some time. Going back to what Braveheart was saying about the water. If you have been in the desert for a while with no water any water will seem good and will in fact be life giving in the short run. If you however continue to drink from tainted water you will eventually become sick and die much sooner than you should.

Can we say Botulism - Clostridium botulinum bacteria - gastro-intestinal food/water borne; can grow in food
Cholera - Vibrio cholerae bacteria - gastro-intestinal often waterborne
Chronic granulomatous disease - caused by the Mycobacterium marinum infection and localized in skin, frequently occurred with aquarium keepers.[3]
Diarrheal disease due to E. coli.
Dysentery - Shigella/Salmonella bacteria - gastro-intestinal food/water
Legionellosis - cause Pontiac fever and Legionnaires' disease
Otitis externa- "Swimmer's Ear"
Typhoid - Salmonella typhi bacteria - gastro-intestinal water/food borne. Salmonellosis - due to many Salmonella species. Water/food/direct contact borne.
Vibrio illness caused by the bacteria of Vibrio vulnificus, Vibrio alginolyticus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus commonly found in seafood and recreational water.[4]

[edit] Viral Infections
Adenovirus infection - its serotypes are typically waterborne.[5]
Astroviruses -
Caliciviruses -
Circoviruses - its human form of Transfusion Transmitted Virus found in feces, saliva, skin and hair [2]
Coronaviruses - cause SARS and excreted in the feces [2]
Enteric Adenoviruses -
Hepatitis A - Hepatitis A virus - gastro-intestinal water/food borne
Parvoviruses - associated with Gastroenteritis.[2]
Picobimaviruses - associated with Gastroenteritis in AIDS patients, children and elderlies.[2]
Polio - polioviruses - gastro-intestinal exposure to untreated
Polyomaviruses - its human form of JC virus cause Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy and detected in sewage [2]
Small Round Structured Virus

For those of you who continue to choose to drink the tainted water. PLEASE RECONSIDER AND SOON!

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: HMajewski ()
Date: December 15, 2008 10:37PM

In my Psych class the text describes the different personality disorders psychologists have identified. These two sounded familiar. The text also read that most people with personality disorders never receive treatment.

"People with histrionic personality disorder characterizes people who are overly dramatic and emotional in their behavior and who make excessive demands to be the center of people’s attention. They tend to have strong, unfulfilled needs for reassurance, praise, and approval."

"People with narcissistic personality disorder have an inflated or grandiose selfimage. They see themselves as having special talents or beauty and require constant admiration and praise lest their self-esteem plummet."

I was thinking, Tony must be going crazy wondering why we haven't posted lately....

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: SilentJ ()
Date: December 16, 2008 02:51AM

"I was thinking, Tony must be going crazy wondering why we haven't posted lately...."


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