Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Date: May 25, 2007 09:03AM
Ok this is a good. Mad props TMAC.
"I am still waiting for the followers of Tony and RLC to explain their cause. Tell me why will you attend a church that has a Pastor who instructs false teachings?"
Aaron Love's Cause: before i start note "I am a follower or Christ not that other guy you keep referring too, although i can't speak for others" My cause is to hear God and know him for myself. To be full of Life, Love, and Joy. Don't get me wrong i respect and honor Tony: as a Pastor and an exceptional man, but man none the less. You have made it sound like I he is something super special.....and this is for good cause because their are some people that speak in such a way about him that would lead you to believe that. As for me I try and i quote "Try" to give all of God's children the same love i would offer Tony or even you. Back on track, (my cause) I
cant honestly answer this because we all turn off the path; (past presnt or future) but here is my attempt, to be connected to the "Vine" (who is none other than Jesus Christ) so my shit hole pit of a life can be redeemed by a loving and passionate Gardener (GOD the FATHER) so that i might bear His Fruit (of the Holy Spirit). No....this is not something that Tony has thought me, (though i have heard him teaching out of this same vane of scripture) but rather something i have resolved on my own. As we all should be receiving "insight" of the scripture through the holy spirit. After all he is our consoler sent to us by God.
Next ?: (Have you ever heard tony speak falsely out of scripture) I cant answer this the way you wanted me to, because in the last 6 years of knowing Tony I've not once heard him speak without backing it up w/ public reading of many scriptures all in context. So that being said will and have attended RLC to live in unity with the body of Christ.
I hope that answers your Questions feel free to ask more. No I'm not A zombie.
but if you still think so its probably because you are out right pissed off, So what then We live in a %#@$* world, and radiant life isn't the only church that has disgruntled people you know.
Here is an idea if you want a perfect church be a part of it, God has for sure given us all different gifts. I'm positive any where you go to serve a local body is made up of people and people if you didn't know have issues.
So, be a part of were your heart has compassion for the people; and use the gifts that God has given you to effect change small or LARGE, but at least it will make a difference.
I assure you that gossip, slander and lies are not Gifts of the Spirit, but rather gifts from Satan for he is the Father of Lies.
And again i am not protecting Tony, but rather hope to protect all God's sheep.
Aaron Lovejavascript:emoticon('8)')