I was wondering what M&M or anyone else thought was the motivation behind the change of tithing methods.
Do you think the staff and pastors are just looking for more ways to get people to give, are they deceived or are they following what God told them?
Although I disagree with the new way the present tithing the bigger issue to me is how they came to the decision and if there is anyone who is able to disagree with what they feel like God has told them.
Northwest I believe you may want to ask: Does God contradict God....
The TurningPoint website says this about scripture:
That the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God, fully authoritative for all matters of faith and practice.If God instructs us through the Bible on how we ought to give then why would He give contradictory instruction through "special revelation"? Is this not what you mean when you ask "who is able to disagree with what they feel like God has told them". And if God can give "special revelation" to pastors that is outside the instruction of scripture or contradicts scripture then how can Turning Point claim a belief in the "Infallibility" of the Bible? How can they claim that scripture is "
fully authoritative for
all matters" if they must also receive from God "special revelation" and "additional instruction"?
It also begs to be asked, "Did God change his original instruction for how Turning Point was to receive offerings"? The practice of placing your giving in the bins at the back of the church as you leave was instituted by Turning Point at their very first service. There was even some discussion about whether or not to pass an offering plate with a disclaimer but that was rejected because Mike believed God had told him to not pass the plate but instead allow people to give, without pressure, as God laid it upon their hearts.
What may have motivated this change? That is a good question, Northwest. The simple easy answer is to say, "God told me to do it this way". Who would dare to question God? This answer effectively shuts down all discourse on the matter. But is that the real and true motivation or is it because of financial matters? Is the church budget being met? How far in debt is the church? These are all legitimate questions that members of your church should feel free to ask of its leaders and expect openness and transparency. But when the leaders say, "God told us to do this" then you are expected to not ask questions and toe the line. Stay alert, I suspect it will not be long before you begin to hear teachings about "prosperity" giving and "seed" money. Giving in order to be blessed 100 fold, etc.