Thanks Northwest for your post. These are all good questions. I appreciate you taking time to post here. I will respond to each of you points in RED.
Here are a few comments or questions I have either personally made or had friends tell me them regarding turingpoint and its teaching. I would love for people to post there comments on what they think on this forum.
“I still feel like the holy spirit is there in worship, when that leaves I will leave.” This is a response based on feelings. And these feelings are falsely attributed to the "Holy Spirit" when in reality it is an emotional response to the music. There is nothing wrong with experiencing an emotional response to music. It is quite natural as all music evokes emotion. The temptation is to attach those emotions to "the Holy Spirit". The apostle Paul in all his writings did not warn people to leave when they stopped having an emotional response. He consistently warned against FALSE TEACHING. It is the teaching that is to be the barometer.
“I have never been to a church were people are as serious about God and as many people are getting saved. So what if they focus a little to much on authority etc...”What does it mean to be "serious about God"? Is teaching false doctrine really "serious about God"? Those who are serious about God are careful how they handle the Word of God.
“_________ is really Godly why hasn't he seen this?” Or “why are you the only one sees these things.”What are the marks of a Godly person? Also is it possible they do see but dont know what to do? or feel alone in what they see? or choose not to see because they fear 'stepping out from under the covering'?
“Are you ever going to find a church that you agree with 100%.”Yes, believe it or not, many people find Bible teaching churches that they completely agree with because these churches teach truth.
“So what if there are stupid people in the church who worship the pastor. I worship God and don't see why I should have to leave just because of them.”No one is asking anyone to leave anything. I think what is being asked is that leaders be accountable for their teachings, behavior, and mistakes.
“If Tony Cunningham (assuming he is everything that is described by the forum) were the pastor of a church, and 1 million people were getting saved every week in his ministry, would you attend his church?” This is a straw man argument. Look at all the people who "were saved" under the teaching of Jim Jones (you may be too young to remember "The Peoples Temple". They "got saved" and attended Jim Jones church. THey followed him and succumbed to his false teachings. Ultimately they died for their beliefs. Why? because Jones commanded them to drink the Kool Aid. No you should not decide to attend a 'church' simply because "lots of people are getting saved there".
Is the fact that the church believes the pastor is an apostle and all the other things which M&M described mean that I have to leave the church immediately. Can I not stay, disagree and pray for change. Yes you can stay. You may disagree. You can pray for change. Many people do exactly what you are suggesting.
Here is a testimony I heard about at the church. I don't remember if I heard it directly either way I believe what they said:
They were attending a college about 45 minutes from marysville. While at college they had not really been seeking God, although they were still a Christian. One day while in prayer this person heard God tell them to go to marysville and learn about discipleship. (or something like that). So they decide to attend a church in marysville and walked into the doors of Turning point. The church was right in the middle a year long series called, “Discipleship, into the nations.”
If my church is so terrible why would God send someone specifically to learn about the part which is apperantly one of the worst parts? Or was this person deceived and really heard a demons voice.No one has said your church is terrible. The question has been about the teaching and affiliation with RLC and Tony Cunningham. Could the person have been deceived? Do you believe people are capable of being deceived?
One of the biggest problems I have in evaluating the church is the fact that God seems to be blessing the church through his holy spirit, salvation, healing and even speaking to people who know nothing about the church and telling them to attend it. If the church is evil and wrong why would God do this? Your assumption is that "God is doing all this". Again, the question is what does the church teach? Is the teaching of the church biblical or is it false teaching?
When the pastor is called an apostle most people have never heard of this teaching.First, who determines that the pastor is an apostle? Secondly, why do so many churches not agree with the teaching of the New Apostolic Reformation? No other church they have gone to has taught it. And the pastor carries himself in a way they have never seenHow does the pastor carry himself? The Bible talks quite abit about how the Christian is to carry himself. Does the way your pastor carry himself line up with how Christ commands his followers to carry themselves?. Chances are they used to go to a church of 30 people who saw one person saved every year. Is that one person any less important than any other life?They then walk into a church with many people who are seeking after God with all there heart. In evaluating the apostlship teaching unless you have talked to someone who can explain why it is wrong you will most likely see this teaching as an explanation for the positive differences between there old church and new one. Also the fact that so many other people who they respect don't seem to object to it.Why didnt the mass of people object to the false teachings of Jim Johns or David Koresh or any of the other false teachers in modern history?Perhaps they didnt know what scripture says. Perhaps when they questioned the leaders, the leader responded saying they teaching was "a new revelation". Perhaps when they did question the leaders refused to listen to them. The members of Jim Jones felt strongly about seeking after god with all their heart. They believed their church was filled with the holy spirit. Their teacher carried himself in a way not seen in other pastors. And the majority of them ended up dead. Why? Because they chose to follow a teacher who tickled their ears. They chose to follow a teacher who was focused a little to much on teaching about his "authority".
Northwest if you would like to read more about Jim Jones and his 'church' then see this link []
People Who Live In Glass Houses Should Not Throw Stones