Okay, I'm getting ready to listen to last weeks sermon, but I have to bring up a point that's been bugging me since I first noticed it. How many times have the people on this forum been accused of gossip? Did pastor mike accuse this forum of gossip in his message (I'm about to find out)?
But, if he is addressing the things that we are saying here, to the body, but not to us....if he is twisting and misstating our concerns....again, to the body, but not to those of us here on the board....isn't THAT gossip?
Is pastor mike now doing exactly what we've been accused of doing, or warned against?
Isn't he doing exactly what he's instructing soma students, and staff, and the body to avoid doing?
Is pastor mike feeding the rumor mill by implying (or boldly stating) false statements about the people that are posting here?
He does not accuse the people on here of gossiping. He said there are enemies but does not say anything about this website. I was at both services.
I believe that people posting on here twist his words and actions on a regular basis. There are alot of hear-say statements. I would never expect to see him on here responding to any of these posts. Some people on here would be receptive and happy he was answering questions and others would pull apart every word he said. I am sure any of you can guess which posters on here would do what.
I know that I could ask him one on one any of the questions being asked here and get it answered and I will ask him the ones that are important to me.
I don't think he is addressing the body about what is being said here. I believe he is being asked alot of the same questions being asked here and is hearing alot about how upset people on here are and also people are concerned due to all of the negative publicity with the newspaper articles and this and other websites. From what I can see I am the only person on this forum who is not anti-turning point.
Sorry I believe you miss what we (the majority of the ppl on the forum) are trying to commuicate.
What we are trying to commuicate is that we are not against TPC, in fact no one on hear would say we would like to see TPC go under (although i believe that right now the chances of it going under are far more likely than pastor mike and the elders repenting)
What we wish is that they would repent and that people inside the church would not get hurt like we have, even if our hurt is not valid (which we could validate it for you) you have to see many simliarities to how we have been hurt and relaize that those things are not healthy.
What we are saying is that based on several obsevervations and testimonies, that Mike is unaccountable, smug, aggrogant, and the church leadership (how it is established, not the people themselves) is destructive.
I recently met with a man who had been with the church for quite some time, he told me a very sad testimony. He said you know what Pastor Mike used to say (to this effect) "my biggest fear is that if i am ever wrong that they will follow me right off the cliff". That is what is happening too.
Gods Warrior I have questions to ask you.
Do you beleive we are lying?
Do you beleive that mike is telling the truth?
Do you believe his is making his best effort to be forthright?
How many churches in Marysville have forums about them?... with enough testimonies to populate 64 pages?
Would you allow someone to mow your lawn (weekly), do your lawndry (weekly), cook you dinner (once a week)?
Would you be embarassed to say that Mike is an APOSTLE and we are to submit to him, to a new believer?
Would you be embarassed to tell them Mike's accountablity? ( as i beleive that if you invite them to chruch you owe it to them to let them know what they are getting into)
Would you be embarassed to tell them about his really nice house... dispite how good of a deal he got on it?
Would you be embarassed to tell the leadership of your TP, that you are regularly checking your rickross account?
My point is that his accountablity, smug attitude, lack of pastoral leadership are all serious problems (i wonder if mike just chuckled?)
.... lets make this clear
NO ONE HAS SERIOUS PROBLEMS WITH THE DOING THINGS APOSTLICLY (although many of us would agree that we disagree with the New Apostlic Movement and some would even disagree that apostles exist today but) IT IS NOT THE ISSUE! IN FACT OUR PROBLEMS ARE WITH HIS ACCOUNTABLITY Thank you GW
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