Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Miki ()
Date: July 12, 2010 10:07AM

Daughter of Dorcas
Braveheart it is an Interesting but baseless notion that anyone would consider going back to TPCWOC after the events of the last few years. I believe God tells us to forgive. No where that I can find does it say to enter back into relationship with those who have hurt you if there is every possibility that the same thing is likely to happen again given the opportunity. I have spoken to NO former ex-TPCWOC members who would leave their new church homes to go back, quite the contrary. However there are many of us who left dear friends behind that we would love to pickup friendships we valued and move forward.

Having been called weasles and rats from the pulpit along with remaining members of TPCWOC to shun us has damaged many a relationship.

D of D

D of D, liked what and how you said all this! Yes, we had to leave many friends behind. After 5-6 years, it's still hard to have people come over for dinner..... it's like opening my heart again only to be broken. I wonder how long it takes to get over all this stuff.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: July 13, 2010 01:21PM

Did Some of you forget about "forgiveness"?

Maybe I've had five years of grace by God... I actually can see the good M&C did for our family. I also feel sad that they must "move" to get away from people. It's such a reversal. People moved away because of them, now they're running. Maybe they need this fresh start. I weep for them. I pray for them. Most of all, I pray for the children!!!!

God please continue to be with us all!
First of all the model we are given by God is there needs to be Repentance first then he extends forgiveness. If a thief breaks into your car takes it put on a joy ride then wrecks your car obviously that person is guilty and not only has criminal charges but on the other hand there needs to be restitution made tou you to replace your car, or are you going to extend forgivness?

The false teachers like Mike and Tony do not believe in repentance nor do they ever want to address restitution.


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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Miki ()
Date: July 13, 2010 01:46PM

Hey Braveheart' actually the car thing and a 6000 bill along w it. I am not a saint. But for ME, it has helped me move on. Sometimes it creeps up in me again. Then I work it thru. Then forgive again. Hearing things happening at tpc brings things up time and time again. After all, when investing in a deep relationship w anyone has its good and heartaches. Hope ur ok. Miki. Ps EVERYONE deals w healing in their own way. I'm sorry for ur pain and pray for healing. thanks for ur response!

MIKE n CYNDI WILL PROBABLY NEVER REPENT OR ASK FOR FORGIVENESS... so I can't and won't live my life by their standards and I won't try to kill myself anymore because I've disappointed them. I used to think I was so aweful that I wanted to die. Now, as I'm growing, I LOVE LIFE!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/13/2010 01:59PM by Miki.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Brokenhearted ()
Date: July 13, 2010 11:16PM

Forgiveness. It's a big word. Forgiveness is about an individuals heart. I can say that I have forgiven the leaders at TP for the havoc they have cauesd. That doesn't in any way excuse their behavior. They are responsible for that, for repentance and restitution. I've said it a hundred times, but I harbor no ill-will against any of them. My heart continues to break as information is leaked (while there is relief, there is no satisfaction). I pray for them, and I do love them. I will be friendly (and it will be sincere), and open towards them. But, I will NOT seek a relationship with any of them until I receive an apology from them. Some of them owe it to so many people, that I would accept a simple "public" apology (not that I deserve a public apology, but one to the public). Something that's real, that admits what's been done....not some vague "If we hurt you we're sorry" type of thing.

I've heard that Mike and Cyndi are not repentant of anything. Jeff Barnes mostly skirted around, but eluded to the issue in his restoration service. Anyone else? Any other leaders come forward and admit that there was abuse and false doctrine being taught at TP? Does anyone know where the elders and deacons stand on these issues as of today? Jeff spoke in service about it...but has there been anything done outside of that message to make one think that he was sincere, that TP is returning to the Lord?

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: July 14, 2010 04:51AM

Brokenhearted & Miki
Yes in this case where the people who are doing the abuse or purpertrator (Call it Clergy Abuse) when these smug arrogant people are unrepentant they become enemys of the gospel and should be treated mor like a common criminal a pedophile of the soul.
yes to move on we do forgive but remember They Must me labeled what the are and others need to be warned! DO NOT rekindel any friendship or sit under there authority.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: UndeniablyLivid ()
Date: July 14, 2010 07:19AM

One evidence of salvation is that one recognizes false teachings. Maybe those who left are truly saved and have entered through the narrow gate. Both gates, the wide and the narrow, are marked "heaven" but for those elders and others who say nothing about salse teaching it makes me wonder. Another Jesus was preqached. He was rich and went around with a large treasury. That's why the soldiers gambled for his robes, according to Mike. And no one said a word. How can true believers listen to that CRAP?

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: July 15, 2010 07:46AM

Vision Cast Sunday
Date: Jul 25, 2010
Time: From 9:00 am until 10:30 am
Location: Turning Point Skagit Valley Church Worship Center

715 W Division Unit A
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
Map link

( Vision casting by TP Skagit Valley Church, TPCWOC had there Vision casting not to long ago with false Apostle Mike Villamor, now it looks like Skagit Valley wants to go down the same path, has Dave Luster been looking at false Apostle Mike Villamors crystal ball again for vision and direction?)

Join us on Sunday Morning for an excellent opportunity to hear the vision and direction of Turning Point Church in the upcoming months. God has been moving tremendously in our midst and we are excited to peer into the future. Adults will be treated to a morning light brunch during both the services. Normal children's programming will be offered for all ages.

Please be attentive to arrive on time to ensure everyone is properly seated and cared for

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: July 15, 2010 11:47AM

I drove down State Street earlier this week and saw that the former TPC offices are vacant and for lease. Then I saw familiar cars at the former Trophy Shop building. The next thing to go will be the leasing of the Junior High building. When was that move made?

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: July 15, 2010 10:01PM

I wonder if the leaders of TPCWOC will sell all the TPCWOC buildings to pay back some of the money we gave to possessing the land campaign?
False Apostle Mike Villamors vision of a TPCWOC church skyscraper that could seen from the freeway does not look like its going to happen.
What happened to all the money?

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: July 17, 2010 02:06PM

TPCWOC Marketplace Ministry, Power to Produce,Next level thinking, Word Faith movement false teacher,name it claim it , positive confession, I want to be rich and famous, Ken Ralston will take you to a new venue.

EXCELERATE-Building a Picture of Your Great Future
July 27
7 00 PM to 8 15 PM

NEW LOCATION! Join us in our new venue! We will be meeting at the Tulalip Resort, Chinook Room #1, in Marysville, Wa. Complimentary Valet Parking available. No childcare.

Vision is like a puzzle and each glimpse you get of it is like a puzzle piece. As you put the pieces together, the picture becomes clearer and clearer - that is vision! How clear is your picture of the future? Is your picture drawing you to it? Join us Tuesday July 27th to learn how to get glimpses of your future and turn those glimpses into a vivid picture that literally pulls you to it like a magnet. This could be exactly what you have been needing to get out of that rut or hit that next level.

You have a great future! However, it’s difficult if not impossible to get there without the ability to see it. There is something about seeing it that is like a magnet drawing you to it. In his classic book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill did a study of some of the most successful people of his era. The one thing they all had in common – they could all SEE themselves as successful. There is power in SEEing!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/2010 02:28PM by buddy.

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