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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: wherefromhere ()
Date: January 30, 2009 04:25PM

wow learningpoint, your last post really hit me hard. Thank you. i think my wife and i will give it one more week and then make a decision whether we stay or go. this is very hard because our children love the childrens program and so do we. the director has a heart of gold and has blessed our children. i hate to pull them out, but if that is what we must do then so be it. i will look for these things on sunday and i will ask God to reveal to me the truth. our friends feel the same. it feels as though something is brewing, maybe God is tired of pride. thank you again.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: January 30, 2009 05:29PM

I think I might know who had some influence at Turning Point in some of this word of faith movement,name it claim it,positive confession,prosperity,i want to take your money so i can become rich movement.The couple are leaders at turning point,and i am almost postive that they both went to Rhema college(thats where alot of the false teachers come from.One is a leader of market place ministry and his wife is a leader of the womens ministry.You want to know something ,i went to her facebook and she had Casey Treat as her favorite celebrity/public figure.I do not remember anything being said about Rhema college to the church.Was there a cover up?Does tp check poeple out before they put them in leadership postion.Or is this a way to take our money.I am sorry if my information is off.Please correct me if i am wrong.Buddy

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Guess Who ()
Date: January 31, 2009 12:48AM


Just wanted to encourage you. I have children and have spoken to many others who have left RLC. At one time they all had the same thoughts and concerns about how the childrens ministry was so good for their children.

In almost 100%, so I should say at least 90% of the cases when the parents made the decision to leave RLC and plug in somewhere else the children were excited. Only upon leaving did the children start to voice their discontent with the church as a whole. One of the major points made by the children is they felt more like they had their parents back. That the time commitment and many other expectations from the church leadership was taking their parents time and resources from them and they know it. This has come from children as young as 4-5 years old. Your children know there is something wrong. They have many times a much more sensitive spirit. How about you skip church take your children out for brunch or whatever they like to do for a Sunday family day. See what they say and how they interact with you by the end of the day. Spend the day loving on your children and spouse. You will reap what you sow into your own family at expotential and accelerated speed.

Anyway just a thought for you to consider.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: January 31, 2009 01:41AM

I have been praying for friends who are at Turning Point. I still continue to pray for each of you as you are confronted with much grief and anguish over what you see and experience at your church compared with what you see and experience as you study God's Word and discover His Truth. You are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. Your struggle is difficult. Seek out the Holy Spirit for He will lead you into Truth.

To the leaders who know the truth and continue to turn a blind eye: please know that God is not mocked. Nor will he allow deception to stand. Each day you turn your eyes away from the truth is one more day you call down God's judgment upon yourself.

To the leaders who have had the courage to confront
: God is your strength. In the morning, sing of His love for you because He is your strength.

To the one who calls himself prophet and apostle
: You break the heart of God as you deceive HIS flock; as you take from their wellspring for yourself, you also take from God that which is not yours. You speak of Joy and turn around and rob your flock of their Joy in the Lord. How much longer will the Father stand back as you teach to tickle ears and gain your own profit? If the owner of the House knows the robber comes to plunder, will not the Owner set in place a plan to ensnare the thief?

As the Psalmist says in Psalm 25:3
No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced,
but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.

Your disgrace is at hand.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: January 31, 2009 06:00AM

I had said I was going to make this post some time ago, and it has been on my conscience to follow through on it ever since. So here goes...

First of all, I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but my approach was again to include multiple Scripture passages that give a fuller picture of God's design for leadership in the church, rather than a perspective supported only by a couple of passages that get skewed in their application when the rest are not taken into consideration.

This post is intended for anyone at Turning Point who has read and "bought in" to the Undercover/Master and Commander model of leadership and "followership" that Turning Point practices. It's also for those who don't buy it but who feel they cannot put their finger on why it seems off track.

Installment 3: Things I’ve Learned from My Experience at Turning Point

Lots of people at Turning Point—most, if not all, leadership for sure—have been encouraged, even instructed, to read John Bever’s acclaimed book “Under Cover,” which advocates an authoritarian-type leadership structure within the church. In short, from what I understand, it promotes unquestioning obedience to church authority. (This helps to explain Pastor Mike’s affinity for the movie “Master and Commander,” which depicts life on a British battleship in the 1800s where there must be a chain of command and a heavy hand at times to keep things from becoming chaotic.) This model, however, is not taught anywhere in Scripture as a way for church leaders to relate to their fellow believers in Christ. Don’t believe me? Let’s see what Bevere might have skipped over in his eagerness to advance his personal beliefs, rather than a commitment to accurately reflect of the biblical record.

Concern #3: An Authoritarian Church Model: An ‘Undercover’ Deception?

First of all, authoritarian leadership was NEVER God’s idea. He never wanted Israel to have kings; He wanted to be the Good Shepherd who would rule over His people and grant them a high level of freedom within His clear and well-designed guidelines. He wanted them to follow Him with a willing heart and experience His manifold blessings as He led them in peace and well-being. When they began to press the prophet Samuel for a king, God had Samuel warn the people what would happen when a king began to rule over them: a king would call them and their sons into battle, would tax them, enslave them to benefit his kingdom, etc. Still, the people wanted to be like the other nations; they wanted one of their own to rule over them. With a grieved heart, God gave them what they wanted, telling Samuel, “They haven’t rejected you. They’ve rejected me.”

Later, after the nation began unraveling, splitting into two kingdoms—a northern one (Israel) and a southern one (Judah)—God sent the prophet Jeremiah to warn Judah to repent and turn back to God. (Israel was already far gone into idolatry and pagan practices, following her king into them, and then was overtaken by Assyria and completely scattered in exile.) As God is pointing out the various symptoms of Judah’s spiritual sickness, He says this in Jeremiah 5:30… LISTEN TO THIS, PLEASE:

“An appalling and horrible thing
Has happened in the land:
The prophets prophesy falsely,
And the priests rule on their own authority;
And my people love it so!
But what will you do at the end of it?”

I could stop right there, but I want to present a number of other scriptures from the New (or as Hebrew scholars call it “Christian”) Testament. I will introduce each and then let them speak for themselves.

1. Matthew 23
Here is a warning that Jesus gave to the spiritual leaders of His time. I’ve highlighted the danger zones I believe modern-day authoritarian leaders easily, almost without effort, fall into:

Matthew 23

Pharisaism Exposed

1. Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to His disciples,
2. saying, "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses [i.e., the seat of authority];
3. therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things, and do not do them.
4. "And they tie up heavy loads, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves are unwilling to move them with so much as a finger.
5. "But they do all their deeds to be noticed by men; for they broaden their phylacteries, and lengthen the tassels of their garments.
6. "And they love the place of honor at banquets, and the chief seats in the synagogues,
7. and respectful greetings in the market places, and being called by men, Rabbi [i.e., their title of leadership/authority].

Now take note of what JESUS SAID:

8. "But do not be called Rabbi; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers.
9. "And do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.
10. "And do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ.
11. "But the greatest among you shall be your servant.
12. "And whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.

2. John 21:14-17
Jesus charged Peter to care for the church as a shepherd tending a flock:

The Love Motivation [Love for Jesus, that is, not for position, power, control, money, fame, etc.]
15. So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." He said to him, "Tend My lambs."
16. He said to him again a second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love Me?" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." He said to him, "Shepherd My sheep."
17. He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love Me?" Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, "Do you love Me?" And he said to Him, "Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You." Jesus said to him, "Tend My sheep.

3. 1 Peter 5:1-4
Peter charges those who are elders to care for the church as for a flock, as he himself had served in obedience to Christ:

Serve God Willingly
1. Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder [Peter does not exalt himself here] and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glory that is to be revealed,
2. shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight [to oversee is not the same as to rule] not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness;
3. nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock.
4. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.

Now, if as you read what the Word of God says here, and you get the sense that Mike is overstepping the parameters of his role as a church leader, don’t panic and run to ask your discipler if it’s true or not. Your discipler likely has already given Mike and Cyndi a wrongful place and voice in their lives. Jesus promised to give us His Holy Spirit who would lead us into all truth. God is faithful. Ask Him to help you discern the truth. And don’t be afraid if the truth is different than what you have been taught about Mike’s leadership and authority. God will help you not only discern the truth, but also to walk in it. If you need to confess that you’ve given God’s place of authority in your life over to a man or a woman or a group of leaders, just do that. Confess the idolatry in that, and ask God to give you boldness to follow Him, to trust Him, to listen to Him, and to not be afraid to look into “the perfect law of liberty” (scripture) and embrace what it says, even if you end up standing alone among others who are immersed in the idol worship of a man and his ministry.

Do you want evidence that at Turning Point “they do all their deeds to be noticed by men”? Keep tally marks in the next sermon each time Mike boasts of some ministry (all the “seed sowing” that Turning Point is doing), spiritual discipline he practices (how many hours he worshiped or prayed), act of piousness (pulling buttons off his shirt in worship), how Turning Point is leading the way in unity or “blessing” the city or whatever good deed has been done by him, his wife, the elders, his children, other parishioners, etc. Compare this boasting to Jesus’ attitude. It’s not for the sake of so-called judging or condemning Mike that we need to weigh these things. It’s for the sake of getting back to what is real and right and good and true, readjusting our broken sense of what is according to God’s Word. We do need to discern these things and be willing to change our viewpoint if we’re off track. The Bible admonishes us to be sober and watchful. Christians who are watching have to look at what they see and draw conclusions, not based on their own feelings or the opinions of others, but according to what God has said. What has GOD said? And I don't mean what does Mike say that God has said. Mike is not an apostle, he's a fellow believer. He's not supposed to be grabbing titles anyway according to Matthew 23.

Please stop “amen-ing” absolutely anything the leaders say without reflecting on it (because you might be encouraging and taking part in an arrogant authoritarian mindset). Get back in touch with what is written in the Word of God—not just the snapshots you get in sermons or reading Psalms. Read it all, please! Pay attention as you’re reading, and be willing to change the way you think to bring it in line with God’s Word, as His Spirit reveals truth to you. We'll give an account of this one day, and the excuse that "Mike said..." won't hold up.

Learning Point,

Thank you for your encouragement in these words. You speak the truth. I can sense the compassion you ave for the people of Turning Point. These are so very helpful.

One day I hope that we are able to meet- you, M&M, nooneofimportance, buddy- face to face. Thank you for what you have added to this forum.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: January 31, 2009 06:51AM

yes learningpoint I think about summer jubilee and how I felt when I showed up one year and saw all the big tents and bouncy houses and the huge stage. all I could think was how grandeouse this is and I remembered something I read in a kieth green book when he told people at a festival that God wasnt intereted in thier festival and wasnt impressed by thier fanfare it was thier hearts thier hearts. once we wanted to serve the comunity to give to those in need, we handed out school supplies downstairs at our church we gave out cloths to the needy no fanfare no noteriaty just giving freely. What the heck happened to us. how were we drug into a self promoting group of people who like to see our church in the paper declaring all our good deeds. Its so much like the pharisee's wearing the fine gowns sitting in the most noticable seats being noticed for thier so called godliness. Why cant we just give without getting something in return like pride in our achievements God opposes the proud, Yet we take pride in our church in our worship humility is a forgotten gift.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: January 31, 2009 12:35PM

wow learningpoint, your last post really hit me hard. Thank you. i think my wife and i will give it one more week and then make a decision whether we stay or go. this is very hard because our children love the childrens program and so do we. the director has a heart of gold and has blessed our children. i hate to pull them out, but if that is what we must do then so be it. i will look for these things on sunday and i will ask God to reveal to me the truth. our friends feel the same. it feels as though something is brewing, maybe God is tired of pride. thank you again.

I'm praying for you and your family, wherefromhere. God will make things clear TO you and will clear a path FOR you. How good He is! :)

PS: I believe Mike is reading these blogs (though he tells the congretation not to), so he may curb the boasting for a while. But it's such a habit for him that he may not be able to. If you listen to previous sermons, though, it's almost a continual litany of boasts.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: February 01, 2009 03:05PM

Turning Point, BEWARE!!!!!


That your Marketplace Ministry Leader lists as "friends" on his MySpace page prosperity preachers Oral Roberts and Creflo Dollar, as well as Smith Wigglesworth and the father of the heretical prosperity/word-faith doctrine(s) E. W. Kenyon. Unless he removes them after getting wind of this message, you can see them at []

These are obviously great influences in his life, shaping his thinking and doctrine of "success in this world for Jesus." (my paraphrase of his philosophy/doctrine). These "friends" he lists are shapers and leaders of a false doctrine that does not believe we need to consult the will of God and that God NEEDS our help to get stuff done. Ministries, such as Marketplace Ministires, appeal to the fear people have of not "succeeding" (or not maximizing their God-given talents) in God's eyes, and such ministries also appeal to the boastful pride of life, assuring you that you can become all God wants you to be if you'll just...attend this conference, join this business-oriented group, etc., etc. The funny thing is, they'll charge you (so they can succeed financially, like they believe God wants them to) to learn this stuff when everything you need to know is written in God's Word, and the only thing you need to attend to is that Word through the guiding, directing, and convicting work and voice of God's Spirit, whom Jesus promised would lead us into all truth. God's Word and God's Spirit, all in fellowship with God's people, is all you need as a person saved by grace through faith in Jesus. You don't need these extra things weighing down your life and stealing your time, money, and joy away from real kingdom work. (Why not sponsor an orphan for the year ahead instead of shelling out money to line the Marketplace Ministry mill's pocket? That's something that God's Word says truly pleases God--James 1:27 "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." NLT) Beware of "ministries" that sound spiritual, but are just man's ideas in disguise.

Here's a little information about Kenyon you might want to know from the very helpful informational web site you might consider spending some time

The true father of the modern-day Faith movement. (deceased)

Essek William Kenyon's life and ministry were enormously impacted by such cults as Science of Mind, the Unity School of Christianity, Christian Science, and New Thought metaphysics. (E. W. Kenyon, The Father and His Family, 17th ed. (Lynnwood, WA: Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society, 1964), 100; cf. Kenneth E. Hagin, "The Incarnation," The Word of Faith, December 1980, 14)

Many of the phrases popularized by present-day prosperity preachers, such as "What I confess, I possess," were originally coined by Kenyon. Kenneth Hagin ... plagiarized much of Kenyon's work, including the statement, "Every man who has been 'born again' is an Incarnation, and Christianity is a miracle. The believer is as much an Incarnation as was Jesus of Nazareth." (E. W. Kenyon, The Father and His Family, 17th ed. (Lynnwood, WA: Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society, 1964), 100; cf. Kenneth E. Hagin, "The Incarnation," The Word of Faith, December 1980, 14)

"If Jesus' physical death could pay the penalty for Sin as some contend, then why is it necessary that a Christian die? If a Christian dies physically, does he not pay the penalty of his own sin? If physical death is the penalty for sin, then why do not the whole human race pay their own penalty, and save themselves, for all die? But we hold that the physical death of Jesus did not touch the sin issue at all." (Daniel R. McConnell, A Different Gospel (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1988), 23, 28 note 23)

(From [])

Faith healer and founder of Oral Roberts University. (almost deceased if not for 8 million dollars)

Oral Roberts, you may recall, is the man who claimed that Jesus told him God had chosen him to find an effective treatment for cancer. In a lengthy appeal, Roberts avowed that the Lord told him, "I would not have had you and your partners build the 20-story research tower unless I was going to give you a plan that will attack cancer." Roberts then said that Jesus instructed him to tell his partners that "this is not Oral Roberts asking [for the money] but their Lord." The project was completed, but has since been "shut down and sold to a group of investors for commercial development." And no cure for cancer was found. (Hank Hanegraaff, Christianity In Crisis, 1993, pg. 31 citing Russell Chandler, "Talked with Jesus, Evangelist Says", The Los Angeles Times (3 February 1983), 3, 16 and Clark Morphew, "What's to become of Oral Roberts 'City Of Faith?'" St. Paul Pioneer Press (27 June 1992); reprinted in The Christian News (20 July 1992), 2.)

Prosperity teachers are so committed to presenting a Jesus who wears a Rolex that they are willing to do whatever it takes to sell this myth to their parishioners. Oral Roberts, for example, wrote a book titled "How I Learned Jesus Was Not Poor." (Hank Hanegraaff, Christianity In Crisis, 1993, pg. 187)

On January 4, 1987, Roberts launched his most notable campaign to date. Roberts told his followers that if he did not raise a total of 8 million dollars by March, God was going to take his life ... Comparing himelf to the apostle Paul, Roberts begged not to let Satan defeat him. "God" he says, "clearly told me he needs me here on earth. And here's why -- because of all the ministries, this ministry is the only one God has on this earth that owns a medical school." ... Some time later, Oral's son, Richard, took pen in hand to warn of his father's impending doom. Without "the additional $4,500.000." explains Richard, "God will not extend Dad's life" He then pleads, "Partner, we cannot let this man of God die. There is no reason for him to die." ... After sternnly warning, "IF YOU NEGLECT TO PAY ATTENTION ... then Satan will take advantage and hit you with bad things and you will wish that 1985 had never come, " Roberts closed his letter with a hard sell. Sending a seed-faith gift will not only enable you to "STOP SATAN IN HIS HATE TO BRING YOU DOWN," it will also "help you get your hundredfold return." (Roberts raised the money and did not die.) (Hank Hanegraaff, Christianity In Crisis, 1993, pg. 196-198)

(Jesus allegedly) instructed Robert's partners to take (a) picture of Oral and Richard (Roberts) "AND HOLD IT OVER the prayer sheet and your Seed-Faith gift so that the shadow of the picture COVERS THE ENTIRE SHEET." According to Jesus, this "becomes the point of contact for you to loose your faith." (Hank Hanegraaff, Christianity In Crisis, 1993, pg. 204 citing Oral and Richard Roberts, direct-mail letter (August 1984), 2-3 capitalization in original)

(Oral Roberts used the KJV translation of 3 John 2 to say to) his wife, "Evelyn, now this means that we're supposed to prosper" (as Christians). Roberts goes on to recount how, after discovering this verse, God gave him a brand-new Buick. ... Evelyn enthusiastically agreed with Oral that to propser "is God's highest wish for us." (Hank Hanegraaff, Christianity In Crisis, 1993, pg. 223 citing Roberts, "A Daily Guide to Miracles" (Tulsa, OK: Pinoak Press, 1975), 36-38 passim.)

Son Richard, as usual, had to face a press and try to explain his father's atrocious claims (about raising people from the dead). He said that there were "dozens upon dozens upon dozens" of documented cases of such resurrection, and I decided to switch the direction of my inquiries. Knowing full well that a mere healing is nothing compared to a resurrection, I sent this telegram to Oral Roberts on June 30, 1987: "Please provide me with one identifiable case of a resurrection from the dead brought about by Oral Roberts, regardless of the sources of the power used to accomplish this wonder. Since resurrections are not considered commonplace, I will accept documentation of such an event in place of any of the other evidences of healing by Reverend Roberts that I have been seeking." Need I tell you that no response was ever received? (James Randi, The Faith Healers, 1989, p.195)

(From [])

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/2009 03:18PM by LearningPoint.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: February 01, 2009 03:20PM

yes learningpoint I think about summer jubilee and how I felt when I showed up one year and saw all the big tents and bouncy houses and the huge stage. all I could think was how grandeouse this is and I remembered something I read in a kieth green book when he told people at a festival that God wasnt intereted in thier festival and wasnt impressed by thier fanfare it was thier hearts thier hearts. once we wanted to serve the comunity to give to those in need, we handed out school supplies downstairs at our church we gave out cloths to the needy no fanfare no noteriaty just giving freely. What the heck happened to us. how were we drug into a self promoting group of people who like to see our church in the paper declaring all our good deeds. Its so much like the pharisee's wearing the fine gowns sitting in the most noticable seats being noticed for thier so called godliness. Why cant we just give without getting something in return like pride in our achievements God opposes the proud, Yet we take pride in our church in our worship humility is a forgotten gift.

It's truly a source of grief, nooneofanyimportance, which I share with you. That's a perfect example of what has been lost along the way.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: February 02, 2009 03:08AM

Don't forget to bring your kids to church next week because (the great defender of the flock)Pastor Mike Villamor will be preaching on how to recession proof your wallet and your sex life.It's going to be PG-13(viewer discretion is advised)next week is a good time to start looking for a new church.In Christ Love,Buddy

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