Anyone out there care to share about how God is healing them, post TP attendance?
Also, what's hard about moving on for you guys? I've been at the church I'm attending now for nearly three years, I think. And it's a wonderfully Christ-centered church, but to be honest, I'm having a hard time having the heart to engage beyond small group attendance. Anyone else having trouble?
Also, my relationship with God is not what it was before I started attending TP. I know God is working out new growth in my heart, soul, and mind. But it's like I lost my spiritual innocence at Turning Point. I used to hear the promptings of God so clearly before I attended TP; now I second-guess everything because I had started hearing false spirits when I was at TP. The ease of my relationship with God is missing. (I will share the specifics of this some other time. I'm not a "way out there" kind of person, so I'm not talking about strange things; I can give solid evidence for what I'm talking about.)
Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone was willing to dialogue about what's hard right now. What's going well? Any helpful insights as you move on? What's your criteria for choosing a new church? Let's talk about what life beyond TP is looking like.
Hey there LearningPoint,
I very much know about what you're speaking about. You know us and how we loved to entertain? Well, it's been about 4 years since we've had a bbq at our home. My husband has a really difficult time with the small group thing so we haven't made any commitments since leaving TP.
However, when it comes to God, I think we're stronger as a family. I went to conferences and people ~ asking tons of questions. I had to relearn things. Sometimes I still second guess myself, yet I turn around and see that the enemy is trying to bring me down. For example. Just listened to Mike's Sunday sermon. It's about forgiveness and some things he said in it made me think about him speaking directly to me. So I take that and get sad. HOWEVER, I know that he is not a righteous man. Mike is not a man of God. What is TRUTH? Truth is in the word.... John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid"