Here we go again! The great defender of the faith(Pastor Mike Villamor)has invited guest speaker false prosperity teacher Bob Harrison for February 15th service on how to Recession Proof your finances. I looked his name up on Doctrinetalk.com, and as far as I can see so far he is a give me your money so I can get rich artist. He makes his millions selling tapes and CD's, and people pay big money to go to his seminars. He has connections with (Business) City Church and Market Place Ministry. I sounds to me like he got his start as a crooked used car salesman. Matt. 7:15 Watch out for false prophets, they will come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. Life Application reference for verse 15 is: Jesus says to beware of those whose words sound religious, but are motivated by money, fame or power. You can tell who they are because in their teaching, they minimize Christ and glorify themselves. Tim. 2 4:3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine, instead to suit their own desires they will gather around them a great number of teacher to say what their itching ears want to hear (Tony Cunningham, Wendell Smith, helicopter guy Casey Treat, Bob Harrison, and the Ralston's, etc.).
Is this the Bob Harrison who will be speaking?
I don't think he does speaking engagements for free. I wonder why they're drumming up so many prosperity, increase, positive confession, etc., teachers. I wonder if they're needing to inspire the congregation to give more because Mike and Jeff are waaaay under their houses/mortgages? They bought their fancy homes when the market was at its breaking point, and at that time, they told everyone who inquired that they had purchased the houses as an investment so they could give back to "the kingdom work." Well, they won't be selling at or above market value for a loooong while yet. And with the recession, I'm wondering if people aren't giving as much. What happens if Mike and Jeff cannot maintain their (undisclosed) salaries? It would make human sense to call in the "big guns"--the guys who know how to inspire people to give (usually with some promise that those who give will receive a return on their "seed money" or "seed of faith" invested/sown into the kingdom).
Keep your wallets at home, Turning Point, as long as these charlatans are in town. God once asked Job, "What has anyone ever given me that I should pay him back?" (The answer is rhetorical, so you don't need to look it up.) God doesn't need (or necessarily want) our "seed money." We should give from pure motives of love, with a cheerful heart, not because we think we might get something down the road. God does bless us in His own ways, for His own reasons, but don't fall into the word-faith movement's twisted views of our relationship to God. GOD WILL NEVER BE OBLIGED TO US.
The false teachers speak with smooth arguments. Where they go off track is almost undetectable because they do so using (misusing, that is) scripture. And they do so deftly. Take time to research what sound doctrine websites say about these teachers. "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
Thanks for the heads up, Buddy!