Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Date: April 05, 2024 10:02AM
Thanks, Escapesoon. I do not in any way see your post as mere “ramblings”. What you’ve said hits the nail on the head exactly. Yes, I do remember the stares. I recall stares from whichever leader was up on the platform preaching, or even in one-to-one conversations (so-called interviews for counselling) with someone in leadership. Sometimes you felt that a leader knew all your sins and shortcomings when they gave you a look from the platform. This led to low self-esteem and feelings of failure. It’s hard to understand this unless you’ve experienced it for yourself. Looking back, I can hardly believe the way I used to feel in Struthers meetings. I never feel that way now. Of course, at any church that I’ve been to, the minister or leader does not engage in this staring, intimidating behaviour!
I think the staring is a form of control and an attempt to subdue a person’s feelings and thoughts, so that they will be forced to conform to what the leader is telling them. I believe staring techniques are used as a form of intimidation in countries where there are dictatorial regimes and when someone is caught for disobeying orders.
blackwatch, I have a vague memory of Bob Morrison and his daughter(s). I think he must have left Struthers way back in the 1980s because I have no memory of him after that time. Perhaps his piano-playing did not measure up to the “anointed” standard which was sought after and prized. It always had to be done a certain way or the musician was sidelined.
Another name from the past, AlDuff, you mentioned Susan Latham, a young woman with various disabilities. Back then, there was less awareness and understanding of neurodivergent conditions as there is now, and Susan was not always treated with kindness. I know that when she died in her late 30s, many in SMC were racked with guilt because of the way they had ignored or treated her. In this case, it wasn’t the leaders, it was ordinary people in the congregation. But people who are controlled become controlling and hard-hearted, I believe.
Rainbow, I very much enjoyed reading your recent posts although I felt sad at the same time because of the way you and other young folk were treated in SMC.
I do remember being told about the young woman, who was living at the Cedars house and who was asked to leave, after being caught practicing witchcraft in her bedroom. I found this so hard to believe at the time, but nobody could explain the situation further. As usual, swept under the carpet and kept secret. Do you know anymore about this incident, Rainbow? I don’t know what happened to the young woman as nobody saw her again after that. Why couldn’t the leaders offer her help and pray with her? Why did they simply condemn her and tell her to leave after several years of faithful commitment to SMC? They are supposed to be experts at getting people set free!
* Incidentally, this is not the same situation as the one written about a number of years ago on this Forum about a lady supposedly involved in witchcraft and given deliverance ministry at the time.
Looking forward to reading more of your stories!