there are quite a number of connections and links between OneTaste and Andrew Cohen and "Evolutionary Enlightenment", EnlightenNext.
Going back a year or two, they were even conducting "Evolutionary Enlightenment" seminars right inside the OneTaste Urban Retreat Center in San Francisco.
Followers of Andrew Cohen (Bay Area Andrew Cohen Community) have met at OneTaste SF as far back as 2005.
There is even some hints, that Nicole Daedone and OneTaste were considering some type of partnership, or cross-dealings with the Andrew Cohen cult going back a year or so.
OneTaste and Andrew Cohen have some serious connections.
People better watch the fuck out for Andrew Cohen. That guy is a freaking nightmare, he is not "enlightened", he is a rabid narcissist, con-artist, and abuser, have a look at all the complaints about that guy.
Some of these groups are "close-calls" and might be hard to figure out. Not Andrew Cohen, he is just doing straight-up, old-school, Guru-Slave, brainwashing tactics. Totally blatant and ruthless. That guy is dangerous to a vulnerable person.
Anyone with links about Andrew Cohen and OneTaste, please post them. OneTaste could be hooked into Cohen through Ken Wilber who wrote a book called One Taste. That is a clue! []
But since OneTaste is hooked in with Andrew Cohen, clearly they will learn from his ruthless techniques of manipulating groups of people in a "community" aka cult.
People need to be way more cautious and use their critical faculties.
Andrew Cohen at Freedom Of Mind
Andrew Cohen's mom speaks.
The Mother of God, by Luna Tarlo, relates the story of the author's three-and-a half years of harrowing spiritual bondage to her own son, Andrew Cohen, a well-known American guru. The book describes her travels in India, Europe, and the United States with Andrew and his earliest disciples, and reveals in stunning detail her parallel inner journey from loving observer, to slave-like disciple, to a final wrenching assertion of autonomy.
The abuse of power, the incessant fear, the psychology of obsession are all explored from an intimate perspective. Since brainwashing cults and their grandiose gurus are proliferating in this country and around the world, this book is not only a mother's lament, but also a finger pointing to the growing appeal everywhere of authoritarianism and absolutism.
Tarlo (in van der Braak, 2003) further describes Cohen as exhibiting an “ever growing paranoia and ferocious will to control.” Under that alleged mindset, disciplined life in his community is said to have entailed, at one time or another:
Followers doing up to a thousand prostrations in a ten-hour period each day, on the orders of Cohen
The guru instructing his devotees to shave their heads and maintain celibate relations to prove their dedication to his path. At one point, approximately one-fifth of the community were shaven celibates
Disciples willfully destroying $20,000+ cars, at Cohen’s instruction and indeed with him present, to demonstrate their non-attachment and sincerity
Successful painters renouncing their art, at Andrew’s misled counsel, for it allegedly being simply “an extension of ego,” and thus ostensibly an impediment to enlightenment
Followers throwing their secular books into the Ganges, and obediently incinerating their life’s writings (with no known backups), on Cohen’s demand
Disciples surviving for extended periods on five hours or less of sleep per night, not by choice but by necessity for meeting the community schedule of mandatory activities
Students on meditation retreats not being allowed to have personal conversations, only being permitted to discuss Cohen’s summary of his teachings in his “five fundamentals”
Injunctions by Cohen against his disciples entertaining intellectual pursuits. As Tarlo (1997) put it: “I mentioned to [Andrew] that I’d glanced at [Wilber’s] Up from Eden and he told me not to read further in the book because it was intellectually stimulating [sic]”
Cycles of expulsion and readmission to the community, for devotees who had fallen out of favor with Cohen. Those were then given second or third chances to work their way back up into Andrew’s good graces
And, as is the case with every spiritual community, anyone who leaves “is viewed with scorn and contempt. He hadn’t the courage to face himself” (van der Braak, 2003)
After all that, Luna Tarlo (1997) summarized her own opinions regarding Cohen’s guruship:
It just seems to me that [Andrew] is as duped by his own propaganda as were all those other brother-gurus in the marketplace who promised deliverance from suffering—from Hitler to David Koresh.
Note that that wholly negative, Hitler-comparing evaluation comes from Cohen’s own Jewish mother and former disciple. Tarlo still loves him “as her son,” but will rightly have nothing further to do with the activities which stem from him feeling “like a god.”