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Re: Desteni, hitler, neo-nazis, Bernard Poolman, Aryan Atlanteans
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: May 04, 2010 12:39AM

There is a wiki page on Sitchin and his theories:


but although there doesn't seem to be a wiki on Stanford she publishes her own site and magazine:


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Re: Desteni
Posted by: Doc ()
Date: May 04, 2010 04:25AM

Quote "Desteni will have to be debunked in German too. Anyone who speaks German, should consider taking on part of the responsibility to expose what Desteni is trying to do in German, for German readers."

There are only translations of the "material". No forum or any possibility to comment. Obviously German is a language which cannot controlled by Berni and most of his Co - Nazis (mods). I will watch it, as far as I could because the contents is so sick, that I only can read a few lines.

I think and realy hope there will be trouble soon for them due to the German law dealing with "Nazionalsozialitischer Umtriebe". They are closely whatched by the secutity service here, which is good. We learned our lession. I am pretty shure the German followers are under observation, at least the postings. In this circumstance, the World Soccer Championship is comming up soon in South Africa and I feel an urge to warn the people in charge in South African for the security of the visitors because of the Desteni sect. They should remember what happend in the Tokyo Subway.

I am still waiting for some comments of my post by some "Desteni trumpeds". Are they licking their wounds in their self protected Universe? Or are they all resonating and gone or do they heavy channeling to solve a differential equation on "Structural Resonance" (Tip: try Einstein)?

One more hint: Adi was a Vegetarian and a strikt non - smoker.

Thats all for now


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/04/2010 04:42AM by Doc.

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Re: Desteni
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: May 04, 2010 11:13AM

regarding German language critiques...
You could perhaps make a few posts in this thread in German about what Desteni is up to, with perhaps an automatic translation into English below?
At least that would go into the Google rankings, with some German language critiques of Desteni.
That way people will eventually find their way to threads like this.

Desteni is not going to be able to get away with their "Hitler" nonsense in Germany. As stated, that is serious business over there.

The Desteni members were obviously told by Poolman to not post in this thread anymore, as they realized very quickly their standard tactics would not work in this type of forum.
These sects are very fragile in the belief systems they promote, which is why they fear criticism, and flee from critical thinking.

But these threads go into the Google rankings, and many hundreds end up reading them.

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Re: Desteni
Posted by: Doc ()
Date: May 07, 2010 07:03AM

Quote from Desteni Forum writen by Mr. "Universe" Doferl (nickname for Adolf) Poolman:“This is More intense than any university degree you can take and involve more practical participation than a doctor will do preparing to fed you chemicals as medicine as quick fixes

there are 2 sra courses

the first for 4 years

the second for 3 years

you will be rather effective once you have done this -- unless you are committed to yourself and others in equality -- stay AWAY

the price for the next course is in the afterlife and will cost you all you have“

Taken from Desteni

I love it. Absolutely middelage Christian Money found system “ the price for the next course is in the afterlife and will cost you all you have”. Ablass – Mensch wie doof muß der Typ sein (sorry how uncool :-) ). Making money with the fear of death and what may happen thereafter. That is really cheap and non – educated, silly, dump, non -*Enlightend*. A big issue in “ how to render up to be the biggest arse in the internet”.

Mr. NAMLOOP (he likes that mirroring example evolution reads in his opinion as “LOVE” what a brain (sic)) get out of your cover – at least if you regard yourselfe as a man – otherwise hit the road and get lost, remove your money – earning system defined as “Desteni Universe” from the internet.

Only one question how a policeman can judge over academic education he has obviously never experincened. Poolman, please go self-forgiving again – at least for 4 years to grammar scool in order get at least a minor education? Or is that a newbie self - promotion. In my opinion you are a coward or a little sucker – better to say looser, self – analyse it for you own. Performe some self-critics. As a mater of fact, I will forward a esoteric course – how to get into reality – only two seats. One is for you. Never forget – without the knowledge of solving differential equations in string therory, you will have a hard times in the “AFTERLVE”. It is only 5 Euro for a 1 day course via the internet. Don´t , miss it. The 5 Euros will go to the local fire brigade – who do it without an payment. According to my assumption you are a anti - nature capitalist - a brooker - get money ot of nothing blackmailing peoples.

@Anticult: I can do it if it is appreciated. But I have a work to do to keep my family going. I dont have a farm with brainless people around controlled by me. Please indicate that via private message.

Best Regards and best wishes to Mr. Loopman


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Re: Desteni
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: May 07, 2010 11:26AM

@ Doc...

Even just a few sentences in German in this thread about Desteni, should be enough to get it into the Google rankings, for anyone who might be looking into Desteni in Germany, in the German language.
There is a public interest there, due to the Desteni fraud and vile nonsense about "Hitler".

The public just needs to be AWARE of some the belief-reform techniques being used on them by Desteni and Bernard Poolman.

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Re: Desteni
Posted by: Doc ()
Date: May 10, 2010 02:52AM



Eine Sache zu berücksichtigen hier ist, dass im Unterhaltungs-System Dinge wie Holidays, Urlaubsattraktionen, Ferienangebote usw. nicht mehr sein werden was sie heute sind, wahrscheinlich wird es das gar nicht mehr geben. Denn diese Dinge werden wegen Geld-Machen angeboten; die werden nicht als Unterstützung und Spass angeboten...

Esteni: Die sind angeboten als ‚Erholung‘ weil die Leute so ‚gestresst‘ sind...

Bella: Ja, da ist die Polarität von ‚Arbeiten‘ und ‚Freizeit‘...

Bernard: Nein, die Urlaubsangebote in dieser Welt sind gemacht zum Geld-Machen.

Esteni: Ja man muss Geld haben...

Bella: ‚Urlaub‘ wird verkauft als das Gegenteil von ‚Arbeit‘.

Bernard: Das wird es nicht mehr geben so wie es heute ist. Versteht dass man nach wie vor einem evolutionierenden Ausdruck folgen wird. Was ist Evolution? Evolution ist ein Prozess von Ursache und Wirkung.
Evolution ist... und deswegen ist das Wort EVOLution das Wort LOVE (Liebe) ruckwärts: Evolution ist Bewegung auf der Grundlage von dem, was man meint zu lieben, gern zu haben. Es ist das Prinzip von ‘Gleiches zeiht sich an’. Und daher – wenn diejenigen, die Hotels und Urlaubsparadiese entworfen und promotet und bauen lassen haben, keinen Drang mehr haben dies zu tun weil die keinen Gewinn mehr daraus machen werden... Denkt daran, diese Dinge machen einige Wenige sehr sehr reich. Nun wird es das nicht mehr geben...

End quote

Zum Einstieg ein Zitat aus dem deutschsprachigen Desteni – Forum. Was soll uns dieses „Interview“ sagen?

1.Kein Urlaub oder Freizeit mehr!
2.Urlaub ist nur zum Umverteilen von Geld da!
3.Evolution ist das Prinzip „Gleiches zieht sich an“!

Wie bitte Herr Poolman?

Zu Punkt 1 Urlaub und Freizeit ist etwas für dass sozial engagierte Menschen seit nahezu 200 Jahren gekämpft haben, besonders in Europa. Sieht man sich die Zustande zu Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts an, so gab es nicht einmal für Kinder Urlaub, Freizeit oder Zeit für Bildung. Ist das die Botschaft Ihrer Vorstellungen? Sind Sie schlauer als 4 Generationen intelligenter Menschen? Oder wollen Sie nur provozieren, dann war das voll daneben, was sie in dem Moment erkennen werden, wenn Sie einmal richtig arbeiten und eine, der Menschheit förderliche Tätigkeit nachgehen und sich nicht nur „interdimensionalen“ Stimmen folgen würden.

Die Desteni – Farm war, soweit ich das recherchieren konnte d. h. ich kann in diesem Punkt falsch liegen, eine Ponyfarm für Kinder. Warum wurde das gemacht? Natürlich auch zum Verdienen des Tauschmittels Geld. Wurde damit dermaßen viel Geld verdient, daß sie jetzt das Internet mit unsäglich schwachsinnigen, pseudo - spirituellen Texten und „Channelings“ überfluten können? Nachdem was ich aus Ihren Webseiten schließen kann wird nun Geld mittels Kursen gemacht. Kursen, die ein besseres Leben nach dem natürlichen Ableben ermöglichen soll. Also ein Ablass, wie man Ihn aus der Katholischen Kirche des Mittelalters kennt, und welcher zur Reformation durch Martin Luther geführt hat! Interessanterweise werden diese „Kurse“ von fortgeschrittenen Kursteilnehmern (die selber zahlen) durchgeführt. Sie machen also Geld aus Geld natürlich ohne den geringsten eigenen Input oder Risiko. Ein finanzielles Perpetuum Mobile sozusagen, an der nur Sie und Ihre Clique verdienen. Da wird Ihr Wahlspruch „Equal and One“ ad absurdum geführt. Bei Ihnen gibt es nur die die ihren freien Willen abgeben „give up your free will“ und von Ihnen versklavt werden. Auch bei Ihnen im Forum gibt es viele Gleichere „more equal“ wie z. B. Sie und ihre Moderatoren, die brutalst die freie Meinungsäußerung jedes Menschen unterdrücken, der nicht mit ihren „Vorstellungen“, aus welchen Gründen auch immer, konform gehen. Offensichtlich folgen Sie damit Ihrem spirituellen Führer Adolf Hitler, für den die GESTAPO und das unsäglich KZ die Arbeit übernommen hat. Ein Mensch der mindestens 64.000.000 Menschen, Kinder, Frauen und Männern das Leben auf verschiedenste Methoden genommen hat. Ihre Leben missbraucht und ausgebeutet hat. Sie, ausgerechnet Sie reden von einig und gleich! Sie, der sein Heil in einer, von Ihnen kontrollierten, faschistischen und menschenverachtenden Welt sehen? Equal money, gleiches Geld – aber nur für Sie und Ihre Clique. Für die Anderen keine Freizeit, keinen Urlaub, kein Vergnügen. Pfui Teufel sag ich da nur.

Nun zu Punkt 3 ihre sehr, sehr freie Interpretation des Fachwortes Evolution. Das hat absolut nichts mit Liebe oder sonst etwas zu tun. Im Gegenteil, das Wort Evolution im Sinne von Charles Darwin heißt Entwicklung, die nicht zwangsläufig besser sein muss (Sie könne da als sehr gutes Beispiel dienen). Es bedeutet Anpassung an die vorhandenen Lebensbedingungen und nichts Anderes. Sie sind redlich aber erfolglos bemüht Ausdrücke zu verwenden, deren Bedeutung sie aufgrund mangelnder Bildung oder Intelligenz nicht verstehen, oder was noch verwerflicher ist, bewusst falsch gebrauchen.

Physik für Destenigläubige, Prinzip „gleiches zieht sich an“. Nur zum Verständnis, im Deutschen heißt der Ausspruch „Gegensätze ziehen sich an“, so wie der Nord- und Südpol eines Magneten. Gleiches (Nord – Nord, Süd – Süd) stoßen sich ab. Man könnte also logisch daraus schließen, nachdem wir sehr unterschiedlicher Meinung sind, wir seien gleich. Mitnichten, uns trennen Lichtjahre in Menschlichkeit, Intelligenz und Bildung.

Neu auf Deutsch, Dumm, Dümmer Desteni.

In diesem Sinne


Please, do a translation via google.

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Re: Desteni
Posted by: Sparky ()
Date: May 10, 2010 07:24AM

The Anticult
@ Doc...

Even just a few sentences in German in this thread about Desteni, should be enough to get it into the Google rankings, for anyone who might be looking into Desteni in Germany, in the German language.
There is a public interest there, due to the Desteni fraud and vile nonsense about "Hitler".

The public just needs to be AWARE of some the belief-reform techniques being used on them by Desteni and Bernard Poolman.

Well, The Anticult, the latest posting from Doc should do the trick! You can't get much more German than that.

Definitely Google Translate the page. Doc rips Poolman a new one in German. I especially like the Gestapo, "Poolman, your leader is Hitler" and concentration camp labour comments he makes. This should get the Germans buzzing about Destini. Gee...I hope it doesn't make it more difficult for the Hitler-Worshipping Destini cult from getting a toe-hold in Germany.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/10/2010 07:32AM by Sparky.

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Re: Desteni
Posted by: Sandman ()
Date: May 10, 2010 07:26AM


Please, do a translation via google.

Okay, here it is ...

Quote: []

One thing to consider here is that the entertainment system, things like Holidays, holiday attractions, holiday packages, etc. will not be more what they are today, probably there will be no longer. Because these things are available because of money-making, which are not offered as a support and fun ...

Esteni: They are available as' rest 'because people are so stressed out' ...

Bella: Yes, there is the polarity of, working 'and' Sports' ...

Bernard: No, the holiday offers in this world are made to Make Money.

Esteni: Yes you have to have money ...

Bella: "leave is sold 'as the opposite of' work '.

Bernard: It will no longer exist as it is today. Understand that you will follow remains a evolutioneering expression. What is evolution? Evolution is a process of cause and effect.
Evolution is ... and so is the word evolution, the word LOVE (Love) REV SCAN Button: Evolution is movement on the basis of what one means to love, love to have. It's the principle of 'same accuses itself'. And therefore - if those who designed hotels and vacation paradises and promoted and be constructed, have no desire to do more because this will make no profit from it more ... Remember, these things make a few people very rich. Now it will no longer be ...

End quote

To begin a quotation from the German Desteni - Forum. What needs to tell us this "interview"?

1.Kein holiday or leisure more!
2.Urlaub is to redistribute money there!
3.Evolution is the principle of "like attracts itself"!

Excuse me Mr. Poolman?

At one point leave and Leisure is for that socially dedicated people have fought for almost 200 years, especially in Europe. Looking at the states at the beginning of the 18th Century, there was not even for children's holiday, leisure and time for education. Is that the message of your ideas? Are you smarter than four generations of intelligent people? Or just want to provoke, that was dead wrong, what they will recognize the moment when you work once properly and one of humanity beneficial activity, and follow not just "interdimensional" votes would.

The Desteni - Farm was, as I was researching the means I may be wrong on this point, a pony farm for children. Why was this done? Of course, to making money medium of exchange. Thus became so deserved much money that they now the Internet with unspeakably idiotic, pseudo - spiritual texts and "channeling" may flood? From what I can gather from your website now money is made by means of courses. Courses that will enable a better life after the natural death. So a drain as we know him from the Catholic Church of the Middle Ages, and which has led to the Reformation by Martin Luther! Interestingly, these "courses" of their students (who pay themselves) out. So you make money from money, of course, without the slightest input or own risk. A financial Perpetuum Mobile earn so to speak, in which only you and your clique. As your slogan "Equal and One" ad absurdum. With you there is only the casting their free will "give up your free will" and are enslaved by you. Also at your place in the forum there are a lot more equal "more equal" such as you and your moderators who brutally suppress the free expression of every man who does not go with their "ideas", for any reason whatsoever, to comply. Obviously you are following your spiritual leader Adolf Hitler, for which the Gestapo and the concentration camp to work has taken unspeakably. A person at least 64 million people, children, women and men, life has taken on a variety of methods. Your life has abused and exploited. You, of all you talk about unity and the same! You see the salvation in one of your controlled, fascist and inhuman world? Equal money, even money - but only for you and your clique. For the others no free time, no vacation, no pleasure. Ugh, I say just because.

Now to point their three very, very free interpretation of the word professional evolution. This has absolutely nothing to do with love or anything else. On the contrary, the word evolution as defined by Charles Darwin is development which does not necessarily need could be better (as you serve as a good example). It means adapting to the conditions of life and nothing else. They are honest but unsuccessful effort to use expressions, understand their importance, not because they lack education or intelligence, or what is reprehensible even aware of who use false.

Physics for Destenigläubige, principle of equal draws to himself. " Only to understanding, the German is the saying "opposites attract" as the north and south poles of a magnet. The same (north - north, south - south face) away. So one might logically conclude, after we have very different opinions, we are equal. No way, light years separate us in humanity, intelligence and education.

New to German, Dumb, Dumber Desteni.

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Re: Desteni
Posted by: ThomDarc ()
Date: May 17, 2010 08:33AM

Maite Zamora Moreno
Here is a lovely brochure like testimony written supposedly by a "Mother" to get people to feel safe about bringing their kids to Desteni Farm: Click Here

I don't know how South Africa legally views issues like child molestation, But in my view the South African government should keep a careful eye on Desteni.

She is my mother too - Leila is my sister. My mother has come to the farm and has seen the Desteni Farm is safe - until you actually have been here - you have no right to claim otherwise.

Personally, I think your mother uses bad judgment. I would never let my child anywhere near Desteni Farm. I was not picking on your mother. I was simply showing how Desteni uses her testimony as a feel good feel safe environment for the whole family.

As for claims concerning Desteni and child molestation, I was just pointing out a potential danger since children are to be treated on the same level as adults. Cults are simply notorious for exploiting children. I'm sure Desteni feels very safe to you right now. But, I'd wager that Desteni might very well become unsafe. But, regardless, you and your family are the ones placing yourselves in a mind altering environment where past taboos are deconstructed and eliminated.

Another subject I want to point out is how members of Team Desteni try to point out how almost everything else is a cult and that critics are the brainwashed ones. This is silly since under these conditions the very term "Cult" loses meaning. I'm sure I could show how a colony of ants is a cult under these conditions. Ah! but let's not forget that according to Desteni's series on the History of Mankind, we are all brainwashed and embedded into a cult from birth.

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Re: Desteni
Posted by: ThomDarc ()
Date: May 17, 2010 12:09PM

The self-forgiveness schtick is something that has been bothering me. The demand for forgiveness from others has always struck me as somewhat creepy, a get-out-of-jail free card, more about making the transgressor feel better (and free to continue transgressing) than any true wish to make amends to someone who has been wronged. In my view a transgressive action, a wrong deed, cannot be wiped out of existence no matter how much others demand forgiveness for it.

I have been keeping a journal on my thoughts concerning the Desteni Process. The article I have written here goes more into what you're talking about: Desteni Process

At the end of the article you will notice that I'm a Christian. However, unlike Team Desteni, I'm able to keep my preaching separate from my research.

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