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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Luis Peru ()
Date: May 05, 2010 01:21AM

I saw Ole in Lima. He has a stong motivation to stop Alah in Europe. It is like a slogan, but in South America doesnt stick. Cristianity has changed since times of inquisition, Why not muslims ?.
He is not a humble person. Someone asked him to lower the price of powha retirement to get more people. He answered if you have money are more educated and could understand his message. (He doesnt think in drug dealers money )
He is sure ,that the fact to has been born in Europe make a person more spiritual than africans.
He is a vain person, but product of meditation alongs his live ,he had some qualities proper from meditation or maybe some good tricks.
Im Buddhist, and the diamond group make a good effort to translate and spread good buddha knowdlege ( a good point), but my friend Ole is not a wise people, and could lead people away the path.
Well there is another things to make you think ...........
I saw two argentinian girls in his twenties had a tongue kiss with him in front of everyone in the phowa
One of the is his translator was touching his leg while we meditated.
Well ,is you are young and want to have sex with every girl in diamond way go ahead , if they let you. There are no guarantee that its happens....
But if you are a family guy, think in your daugther. Cause i wish you ,you can see her grow in freedom enviromment without a personality cult to Lama Ole or another . Then when she grow up is her problem.
In other words " I dont want to raise a daughter to be fresh meat for the guru"

Like in other cults i saw some goods persons looking the right way, but ..............

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: SteveLpool ()
Date: May 08, 2010 11:33PM

Watching Nydahls female attendants give him a "feel up" is nothing new. I've witnessed it at many course. Nydahl justifies his sexual liasons with his "students" by claiming that they are his students only when teaching takes place and everyone is on an even footing when he ceases his formal teaching activities. I'd love to see an academic teacher use this as an excuse should any problems arise with a student of legal age at a school or university.

Tongue kissing two girls in front of a Phowa course is inappropriate for a teacher. And I assume he was still in his capacity as a teacher as the Phowa course was running?

His sexual liasons with his young female students are no secret. It is claimed that his late wife hannah knew about these affairs and was OK about them. I've heard stories which claim the opposite, that she was hurt by them. I do not know the answer and without the chance to ask Hannah herself I can never know.

If his affairs were seen to be OK by Hannah and his female students were not coerced into these liason then I have to say that no real harm has been done. But...........

I question the motivation and desires of a man who needs to constantly check his alpha male credentials by having multiple partners?

And here's another point to consider.

How would the male devotees of Nydahl feel if it was their wives or girlfriends that Nydahl decided he would like to have sex with (assuming the female party was happy to be involved)?

I heard so many students justify his actions by saying "he's not a monk", "his wife was happy with it", "it might be what the female student needed at that time" and so on. Well if he chooses your girlfriend or wife then you really can't have any complaints then can you?

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: jah ()
Date: May 13, 2010 02:42AM


Your observations indicate the deep-seated selfishness of Ole as a teacher. He may be able to view himself as a regular guy when he interacting sexually with the ladies. There is simply no way that can be said of the ladies. Are we really supposed to believe that his partners are having sex with him and flirting at courses simply because he is a cool guy?

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Luis Peru ()
Date: May 14, 2010 02:10AM

Well ,you must think like this ...

Ole is a like a espiritual Rock Start, and like them has thiers females fans , that could do anything for him, no matter is they are married or not.
Brainwashed minds could do anything and fell good. !!!

Dont you think ?.......

One of these is EIleen Feely ( This girl was a translator ,and was
kissing Ole during the Phowa in Lima.

I heard talking some girls this " One feel to much love when Ole is in front of you, that you are tempted to kiss him "
You see like a rock star ......

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: zara11 ()
Date: May 16, 2010 02:43AM

Here´s a video of Ole kissing his students in the mouth when he arrived at the airport.... I know that in some countries in Europe its ok that people kiss in the mouth when they see each other... but I dont know what to think about this case....
U decide for yourselves:


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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Luis Peru ()
Date: May 16, 2010 10:48AM

Here´s a video of Ole kissing his students in the mouth when he arrived at the airport.... I know that in some countries in Europe its ok that people kiss in the mouth when they see each other... but I dont know what to think about this case....
U decide for yourselves:


>Thats nothing. I saw Ole kiss them in other ways. A quite more animal kiss proper of kingdom animals (budhist kingdom)

One important thing whe you choose your teacher is see he can control himself or herself. This guy has no control of himself. He just know all tibetan stuff, you can find a video and learn ,but one doesnt need adore him.

Dont you think guys ?

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Luis Peru ()
Date: May 16, 2010 09:00PM

i saw the video, thats nothing !!!!!

I saw Ole kissing in an animal way,
Like a man without control
Like animals, in budhisths kingdom, there is a place, for animals,
It is important, when you choose a teacher, see if he can control himself or not,
One can find good tibetan stuff in books or in a video, but one doesnt need to adore ,a guy that translate books

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Luis Peru ()
Date: May 16, 2010 09:42PM

i saw the video, thats nothing!!!!!

I saw Ole kissing one student in an animal way, like a man without control, there is a kingdom for animals
If important when you choose a teacher, see if he can control himself or not
One can find good tibetan stuff, in books or in a video, but you dont need to adore a guy who has translate the books., even if the karmapa is a man without control, you shouldnt acceps as a teacher.
Remeber, all things has consecuences, look this guy has an stupid accident ,cause he forgot to open his parachutes while he was meditating, Ole is quite stupid, because he doesnt think the consecuences of his acts or his hate words

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Luis Peru ()
Date: May 16, 2010 11:07PM

I saw the video, thats nothing

I saw ole kissing a student in an animal way ( proper for kingdom animals) like a man with out control. He bite her ears sereval times.

It is important beforo you choose a teacher, if he or her can control himself (herself) or not.

One can find a good tibetan knowledge in books or maybe in a video, but one doesnt need to adore , to honour a guy who translate the books.Even if somebody has declare him as tulku (reencarnate) if he cannot control his basics emotions.

Even if the Karmapa , or bigger bosses in tibet cant show that they can control themself, you shouldnt accept them as a teachers.

For example, Ole convince most of his students, thow off a plane in parachutes, this is not a wise man (stupid) , he was meditating during the fall and he had an accident.

For buddisth, every thing has consequences.

A guy like Ole Nydahl does not think in consequences. You can see this in his acts and his hate words.

I hope this could can change.

He spoke in the powha in Lima ,that all the money from Diamond way was protected from the Tibetans. And he hope reincarnate as boy, who likes to hit tall guys and see underwear girls. and tooks again the ride of Diamond way .

He said this tibetan need me, for sure

Analize this, one hope through lives one improves himself., but all is ego for Ole Nydahl Violence,Sex, and Vanity I hope this guy (Ole Nhydal) could improve and control his live.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Outsider ()
Date: May 17, 2010 12:17AM

I want to retrace steps to my last post, the self righteousness of DW from its core to the so called global centers. Has anyone else any experience or comment of DW followers (2 - 3 years local center membership) going to local schools to teach about Buddhism.

I would like to point out to all visiting these posts that while Ole and DW seem fit to wage a war of words (words laced with intolerance) against other non Christian religions they see no wrong in their promotion of what is a secular and has been in the past in Tibet a cruelly administered sect of Buddhism.

The very fact that DW centers are sending their members out into schools is surely a concern of note

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