Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: June 30, 2024 06:54AM

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: June 30, 2024 10:09PM

Interesting and relevant here in how butler and his guru etc used assorted ritualism and self deprecation in followers to convince them that they are "purifying" themselves etc.

The philosophy and krishna groups preach a lot about this idea of the outside world being untrustworthy and only the group/guru and it's ideology being factual...


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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: July 04, 2024 12:04AM

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: July 04, 2024 06:22AM

Love coming upon threads like this on reddit where Hare Krishna devotees are actually "thinking" and not just falling for the mindless ritualism and ideology:

read and enjoy

Minds are freeing up.


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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: July 04, 2024 07:00AM

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: July 07, 2024 05:36AM

The religious fanaticism of many hare Krishna cult parents has effectively estranged or demolished the possibility of fluid, normal, and healthy boundaries and communication in families.

Many kids growing up in these cults have grown up with parents intolerant of anything outside the cult framework. They have guilt-tripped their kids into either donating money to the "mission"/Cult/Cult guru, or urged them to continue practices and bother them about it to the detriment of normal and healthy boundaries of tolerance towards a diverse human population that may, SUPRISE!, not share your fucking vision for humanity.

I have met countless devotee offspring who cannot stand their parents. and for a good reason: They may have been sent to abhorrent Gurukula facilities for years, but they are constantly told to live up to some fantasy standard of "perfect" and "pure." They are demonized when they don't share their views, date or marry outside the cult framework, or simply don't share in the guru-personality worship and other practices that define life in the cult.

Often, conversations with such parents are near impossible without, once again, returning to their fanatical beliefs and ideology as a central conversation piece. And they won't stop with you. If you are done with them, they will try to impose their religious ideas on your wife, husband, girlfriends/boyfriends, kids, friends, etc. In their presence, you feel basically constantly judged and unaccepted and a failure who is in "maya."

No sane person would choose to surround themselves by such energy and rhetoric, It's demeaning, domineering, and offensive.

Many ex-devotee's with parents in the cult visit or celebrate hare krishna holidays with their parents out of a naive, one-sided obligation to them. Like they "owe" it to them to satisfy their religious and fanatical indulgences.

We do not owe such careless people anything. Such people are no different than the fanatic on the street trying to get in your face as you cross to the other side. The only difference is that they are your "parents" so you tolerate it like a docile doormat.

My approach has been to abandon such "family". send them a clear message they're unneeded, unwanted, and unwelcome in your life. and watch as they scarmble to try to affect "someone" in your life. They may go after your kids, or your spouse, or "endear" themselves in some naive way by sending you "gifts" etc.

This is all done with a clear agenda. To try to intollerantly convince you to "join" them.

You see, the problem with many of these cults, is that they simply do not work. They need the power and belief of the masses to have the effect that they are somehow having some effect. But alone, these cults, their beliefs, their rituals and so on have ZERO power. Zero worth. ZERO impact. Their gurus are simply good at talking and working a crowd. Once the lecture is over, their words wear off, and you are left like a docile, brainless animal wondering what to do next.

That is why so many people have such a hard time leaving these groups. All the chatting and rewring of their thinking has left them unable to function with a modicum of directive and confidence outside of the cult structure. and the cult does not encourage self-reliance or independent thought or critical thinking. It discourtages it.

My advice is to give such parents a boot till they show you respect and realize how they have harmed you and disadvantaged you. How they have limited and boxed in your perception of the world and have filled your mind with mostly garbage. I can say from my upbringing that my mind was filled with utter garbage, shaming, disrespect and abuse, both mental and physical, on account of this cults ideology and core beliefs.

Many others share this experience. Their childhoods were destroyed and robbed for the most part. Growing up within the confines of the cult dynamic their life revolved around going to gurukulas, temples, and working at devotee businesses where they were simply kept in a locked-in closed system.

Unless you are actively asking your parents to discuss their religion with you, there is little to know functional reason other than a naive belief on their part that you are somehow lacking as you are in "something". This alone is a sign of disrespect. It means they do not respect you and accept your life choices as things that you have thought about and decided upon. Nor will they ever ask in a sincere way what you views actually are without calling you "offensive" or any number of other labels the cult uses to paint anyone outside of their belief system as "less intelligent", "materalistic", "demoniac", etc etc. We have normalized a lot of these ideas in our own heads and have already spent a good chunk of our life self-deprecating and second-guessing our gut feelings that this cult is total nonsense from the ground up.

Let these clows grovel at the door and see what it feels like to feel rejected, unaccepted, and "demonized". And in the meantime, see how you flourish without being under their thumb. How your own authentic ideas, realities, and insight pops up center stage rather than the culty crap they filled your mind with due to their own failings and shortcomings.

People often come to these cults in their most vulnerable state. In fact very few join cause it all makes so much sense and sounds like a great idea. They are literally at their rock bottom or experiencing some crisis when the cult comes into their life, love-bombing and giving them a sense that they belong somewhere and are accepted. This naturally is what all religions have to offer and why they thrive. But that is precisely where the bunch stops for most people. It's a sense of community... as long as it's THEIR community...

It's utterly preposterous and arrogant for any parent to continue to try and "convince" their adult child to "see the light" and accept the hare Krishna ideology as the one true way. It's one thing when they were younger to try and convince them or brainwash them, more accurately. But if you encounter an adult that does not share your religious convictions, it's utterly counterproductive to keep "trying" to convince them. All it shows is that you genuinely do not accept them and their life choices and that you feel the need to forever play the role of "savior" to them. Good luck with that god complex.

RUN. Amigos. Run till you're out of breath then run some more...

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: July 09, 2024 10:14PM

Just the lord protecting his sincere devotees...

Still no word on Tulsi Gabbards murdered aunt... Caroline Sinavaiana Gabbard



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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: July 10, 2024 09:19AM

Regarding the Ratha-yatra cart hitting the electrical cables: I seem to remember the same thing happened last year or the year before in India and several people were electrocuted. Amazing that they never learn! One would think they would have built the cart to a safe height of 10 or 15 feet? ... but I suppose the Lord would not be too pleased if it was not the regulation 35 feet? Crazy and ridiculous. Religious fanaticism that many would consider to be "idol worship"

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: July 10, 2024 10:39PM

Crazy sad.

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