> Yes, please keep collecting any voices that have
> come out on social media in this place as a
> record.
This is not a meticulously confirmed piece of information, but according to witnesses Balakhilya das, Johny Baldwin Midgett did not personally appear at the meeting in Sielpia Wielka - a retreat with people from outside the group. He was supposed to travel around Poland but did not come to Sielpia. We will see if this is confirmed. The important point here is that he supposedly has a tourist visa. If evidence of supervision and control of a religious association or recruitment to a religious association were shown, he could have problems with a visa. In another country.
> There are many devotees over the years both in
> iskcon and science of identity Foundation who
> feared leaving their respective cults due to
> either retaliation, or threats of damnation and
> displeasing guru or god. These kind of partisan
> tactics are used to this very day very effectively
> within the cult and its members towards those
> seeking to either get out, are becoming
> disillusioned or voicing their concerns and so on.
If they don't want to blindly believe in Butler, it is enough to formally scrupulously verify his behavior in relation to the scriptures of the Gaudiya tradition. A married paramahamsa. And generally the behavior of a "loving guru" who did not visit his underage disciples in Baguio. This is the easy part. The hard part is how to cope with the loss of relationships with close people who will be in the group...
> And while my personal feeling is that there is
> really not much difference in following one of
> these Cults or another, the very fact that some of
> these cults have this kind of rhetoric is abysmal
> and counter intuitive encounter productive and
> against all of their so-called sidhanta.
If all this, regardless of the "advancedness" of the group, is at the level of mental fairy tales, ceremonial, liturgy, life in a community of given religious beliefs, then without a doubt. The actual transformation is profound. Lack of attachment to existence in a given dimension. Lack of fear of leaving the family. These are most often traumatic experiences. And this is life among people living the same fairy tale interwoven with material life, etc.
Thích Quang Ðuc []
Take the Buddhist monk who burned alive in South Vietnam in protest of the persecution of Buddhism. He was not attached to life. He had the ability to withstand being burned alive....
> Religion/cults have always been good at one thing:
> Fear-mongering. Since the dawn of time, political
> opportunists have created a non-existent
> polarizing identity politics of "Us versus Them,"
> " Angels versus Demons, and Good versus Evil...
Dichotomy. This makes it easier to control. It strengthens the cohesion of one group. For the third player, e.g. the financial establishment, the political dichotomy allows both warring groups to impose control - financial.
But the fear of death is another matter. The ultimate solution would begin by facing the fear of death and not getting into the partisan dichotomous propositions of "religious death insurance."
> The masses of mindless trump-heads gathering at
> religious events are not there due to rational
> consideration but simply "blind faith" that he and
> anyone who wants to stop immigrants, fags, drug
> addicts, aborting moms, and trannys from pouring
> into our communities being a messiah. Sounds like
> a cult I know. No wonder all of that is right up
> Tulsi Gabards alley. We were all pretty much
> raised with that type of thinking/hate/intolerance
> in the name of a loving god. Cognitive dissonance,
> anyone?
The behavior of ISKCON members towards Tulsi Gabbard is very interesting. In their admiration for her, they no longer remember how her "guru" called his godbrothers "clumps of dog stool". In addition, for example, several times when they promoted her on their profiles, they were shown, for example, the fact that she took money from Planned Parenthood. They continue to admire her. Where are your Vedic principles? Where is the belief in reincarnation and karma. No. Here, the madness of supposedly belonging to the same faith and the cult of personality makes these issues irrelevant. Here is the great Tulsi Gabbard and she professes the same faith as we do. And the fact that she breaks its principles no longer matters.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2024 03:58PM by Culthusiast.