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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: August 11, 2024 12:11AM

Yes, it sounds like another cult trying to make scrambled eggs out of people's minds.


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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: August 11, 2024 02:21AM

In the meantime, news on the Polish internet, i.e. FB/Meta profiles. Official correspondence of the chairman of SIF Polska, i.e. Tapasya das, has been published, where he admits that in SIF Polska in 2003 there is psychological terror created by leaders copying his behavior.

This is a fundamental document because it is the basis for reopening criminal proceedings/investigation into the suicide of a group member. The leader of the religious association has knowledge of psychological terror and does not notify law enforcement agencies.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: August 12, 2024 09:33AM


May you please post publicly on this forum what exactly was said?


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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: August 12, 2024 05:41PM

Quick link to Daruk Frankowski profile post with printout.

I will paste the translation of the key paragraph right away. If no one beats me to it, I will send a full translation of the entire document. Incidentally, Tapasya das later received sincere letters from Tomasz Ornatowski and Miroslaw Mazur about the problems. Tomasz Ornatowski in particular blamed him for the problems in the Mission. Tapasya das rejected, denied this sincerity. All this is in the letters published on Daruk Frankowski's profile.


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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: August 12, 2024 05:53PM

Fragment translation:


Such a leader forces others to listen to him, considers himself an authority, thinks that sitting on vyasasana and teaching is what it's all about and is all about. Then everyone stops doing anything, they just want to copy Balakhilya das, who when he comes to Poland for a retreat, doesn't put up posters, he just walks, talks and instructs, rests a little sometimes, because speaking is a great effort (I know what an effort it is, especially when you're trying to say something well with maximum concentration). So either it's a cart or a cart. This is the cause of all the crap that started in MC. Psychological terror.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: August 14, 2024 12:32AM

Thank you!

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: August 14, 2024 12:33AM

Yes, sitting on your ass speaking is such a great effort. Many naps are needed, indeed. It sounds like every sanyasi I have ever met. From Satva to Tamas in 10 seconds flat.

The rabbit will run. The carrot will move.

RUN little rabbit. RUN far, far away from this nonsense, away from the carrot. There is no prize worth your sanity.


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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: August 14, 2024 05:16PM

Translation of fist 2 pages. It's actually not a letter, it's a lecture. This evidence is also very important in disproving the statements and manipulations of Tapasya das that he was never the leader of the Mission or that he did not rule the Mission in Poland single-handedly. This is also proof of Tapasya das's ignorance, who naively believes that he will be the leader in the new proposal and that this will stop the games for his acceptance, i.e. the creation of an informal hierarchy. If there is no "guru" but there is a leader, then there is no "transparent" medium, passion-control appears in the form of Tapasya das and the system continues to build subsequent floors. Tapasya das had a whole circle of adoration and he let himself be caught by it. Decisions and assessments or judgments were made with his participation and the circle of adoration without, for example, listening to the other side. Marriages fell apart because of this, etc. This is also proof that another proposal for the structure of the Mission has nothing to do with the traditional organization of Gaudiya temples.

MCz - Misja Czaitanii, Chaitanya Mission (SIF Poland)


Lecture by Tapasya das – chairman of the Council of Initiates of IWoT “Mission of Chaitanya” on the subject of the so-called “leaders” of the sect Institute of Knowledge about Identity “Mission of Chaitanya”

...The whole problem is that there are leaders who try to be a copy of me and unfortunately they end up with psychological terror. I already have 3 such leaders in my collection. I don’t know if this doesn’t already apply to all the others who are also fighting for their position. They are constantly fighting for respect for themselves and trying to be a copy of Balakhilya das or me. And in reality they are only supposed to be a leader – a foreman. Why do they want to be some kind of religious authority? They are simply confused in their heads. And now either I will destroy it once and for all or there will be no leaders. I don’t need such leaders. What is happening, all these situations are simply “Corrigan not this way”. And these leaders create such a mood. Then everyone thinks that this is what it's all about and that spiritual life is about climbing up, over dead bodies.

Such a leader forces others to listen to him, considers himself an authority, thinks that sitting on vyasasana and teaching is what it's all about and is all about. Later, everyone stops doing anything, they just want to copy Balakhilya das, who when he comes to Poland for a retreat, doesn't put up posters, he just walks around, talks and instructs and sometimes rests a little, because speaking is a great effort (I know what an effort it is, especially when you're trying to say something well with maximum concentration). So it's either a cart or a ride. This is the cause of all the mess that started in MCz. Psychological terror.

This is what was written about in this article recently, that this person, when they considered someone a friend, confided in them, but a moment later the leader knew about it and this person was destroyed. I know this and I know that it's like this. Later, such leaders get on the pulpit and shout at this person from there when they don't like something and confuse it with what I do at meetings. So I'm announcing that from this meeting I won't do this anymore, I overestimated these people. I found out that when some people from abroad ask what happened at our last meeting, they get the answer that "Tapasya das scolded Madhava dasi, and at the previous meeting he scolded Bhava das, and at the previous meeting he didn't scold anyone". That's all they remember. That's all they come for, that's their version. Later they say - psychological terror.

But when there is a meeting where I talk from morning till night, do I really swear at Madhav dasi the whole time? If that were the case, she would have been dead long ago. Maybe I will draw her attention, maybe she will ask about something, about some thing, but my relationship with Madhav dasi does not change.

Aren't these people used to being able to draw attention to anyone at all? And it is such a sensation for them, that is all they remember? It will not be like that now, because I do not trust these people.

...I do not know how the people I treat and criticize like that perceive it. If they do the same, then it is the end of any criticism. You will figure it out yourselves, maybe life after life. In any case, it follows from this that people who come to meetings are definitely like weirdos, who come to the meeting as if it were a game and only remember from the meeting what someone did and who I criticized and only they are interested in who was reprimanded and who was praised. Do they think that this is a rat race? And they judge that "oh, this one has lost points now" And then this climate is transferred to the centers. There is also a rat race there. Such a leader tries to fight for his position, and not just be a leader and organize service, engage people, inspire and encourage them. No, he does not do that. Instead, he fights for some kind of prestige of his own. And who said that leaders are supposed to be a religious authority or mentor and that someone has to listen to them? After all, even the fact that I came to Poland does not mean that people have to listen to me! The fact that SP told me: "go and talk", does not mean that he told you "listen to him". If I speak well, you listen, if not, you do not listen. No one has been appointed to listen to me. Even a spiritual master is not appointed. So he himself would appoint me as someone you have to listen to?

People confuse concepts. I was given instructions, and you were also given to listen to me? Of course not.

…So why does Balakhilya das come and speak when only SP can speak? Sometimes it is worth listening to others. But you are not obliged to do so, it is your business. But if you want, use my or Balakhilya das's experience and understanding.

And who ordered all these leaders to be copies of Balakhilya das, such regional Balakhilya das? And what came out of it? Mindless imitation. First, one would have to really get to know Balakhilya das. Unfortunately, that is not the case - there is vyasasan and chatter.

…After all, leaders did not become leaders because it is obvious that they know something, but because it is obvious that they are trying to do something. No one will accuse Prasadam das, for example, of not doing anything, or that he does not care about the mission. He cares and does something in the mission and that is why he is a leader.

…In reality, everyone is guilty here, because both sides see it the same way. There is no humility in either of them. Even if someone teases me, I will endure it, because I want to serve Krishna and that will be humility. I will endure it humbly, without false prestige.

…If, however, it starts to move me and I start acting on it, then I bought it and I am the same, I simply play in the same league. Such people do not look at such a leader, who is excited about being in a position, as a freak.

From this it follows that unfortunately some people are running in the wrong direction. They have absolutely no understanding of the basics. They are sitting in the same mess as before and have not even noticed that nothing has changed. That is why my proposal is, first of all, that instead there will be a group of people running the center. There will be no name leader at all. There will be no one person, there will be 3 or 4 people responsible, each for their own plot. And they will be responsible to me, not to some leaders, i.e. local caciques. Apparently the leaders have not grown up. I do not trust them to teach people what is needed. Because the soda has gone to their heads and they start the rat race and drag others in, or others themselves get involved and get excited, fight with them. This is one solution.
The second is that maybe someone will finally realize that a leader is a foreman who, together with his assistants and people from other departments, makes a plan of the center's activities, looks at how many people are needed for each of these things and then simply looks for people to do it. Such a schedule can be posted on the notice board. And anyone can sign up there. If someone doesn't sign up themselves, the leader goes to such people and asks if they would like to do something and then there will definitely be no situation in which someone did nothing because no one suggested anything to them. In other words, a leader will be a person who cares, and not someone who is a religious authority or who works for someone who is who knows how advanced spiritually. No leader has the right to teach (other students). First of all, I didn't ask for it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/14/2024 05:18PM by Culthusiast.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: August 15, 2024 02:01AM

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: August 15, 2024 10:09PM

> Leaving this here...


“The recent curriculum changes, the initiative to rewrite history, and the systematic spread of pseudoscience are connected and aimed at the same goal of instilling in the public psyche an idea of ancient Hindu superiority,” Banerjee told The Diplomat.

“They want people to believe Vedic India was far advanced compared to all other civilizations in the world and that other civilizations emanated from the ancient Hindu civilization. Such claims without evidence are dangerous for society,” said Banerjee, who is a professor at the Department of Physical Sciences at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER-Kolkata).

The spread of unscientific beliefs and the promotion of pseudoscience began gathering momentum in 2014 when Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came to power. The prime minister set the ball rolling when he claimed that ancient Indians knew the science of plastic surgery — he cited the example of Ganesh, the elephant-headed Hindu deity as evidence — and genetics. BJP parliamentarian Ramesh Pokhriwal Nishank described modern science as a “pygmy” compared to ancient Indian astrology, and Biplap Deb, then Tripura state’s chief minister, remarked that the internet and satellites existed in ancient India.

Existed or not, India experienced decline and degradation. Whether it was because of the mythical war of the Pandavas and Kauravas (Aryans, Iranians with earlier mixed waves of migration and assimilation with Dravidian peoples), or the casteization of society and later the invasion of Muslims and finally Europeans with the depredations of the British East India Company. One must ask where this degradation came from. Of course, the question also about the earlier civilization of the Indus Valley, which according to one hypothesis was supposed to be the civilization of the Puranic Dasas.

Another concept is the destruction of earlier human civilization and the necessity of recording its achievements in the form of myths - because the information matches like the rain of diamonds on the gas giant planets, etc., etc.

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