Alan Yoza looks the same as always (the viedo of him on farm).
He is a good egg. Somehow he has been a Siddha loyalist all along.
A believer, I guess.
Yoza, Nishiki, Reed, Gabbard are all BETA male types to Butler's ALPHA. Easy followers. Most followers, as pointed out by Indigo Arthur and others, were/are likable "good eggs". Unfortunately, most people have only a stereotypical view of cults. It's fiction. They can't all be cast like a horror film or Jim Jones docu-drama. Butler's cult is in some ways more insideous because it is not so overt. Members succumb to it's pleasant narcotic effect (by employing beautiful, ancient traditions). In the end, it is solely for Butler's self angrandizement. It is similar to the creature vespa (wasp) who keeps the host insect alive while laying eggs inside of the abdomen until the brood hatches. The host has no idea the wasp feeds off of it's own life force. In Butler's case, for years...
As far as Nishiki, his daughter Kai has gone into politics, like Gabbard's daughter Tulsi. I doubt Wayne has left the cult. He was not considered much of a follower (drinking, womanizing), but never forgot who encouraged him to go into politics (Butler). He did have an excellent environmental voting record in Hawaii, so was well tolerated in spite of the open secret of his cult involvement.
In the past, the health food stores hired Butler followers/ true believers and had "soft" recruitment strategies while promoting the "yoga lifestyle". Indigo's posts were great illustrations of how they get under people's "skin" (or exoskeleton). Indie was going through a hard time in life and devotees offered friendship and "guidance". They were absolutely sincere and certain of the efficacy of their "philosopy".
But talk about double speak; It's a group pretending not to be a group. While being too cool to prosletize, they "anti-prosletize". They are impressively hard workers and passionate in their beliefs, while forfeiting their own spirit, creativity, family, friends, opportunities, freedom of soul as well as mind. They lie about and hide the depth of their involvement in the cult or the truth about Butler. While being used by the Butler WASP, they are comfortably numb, secure, well fed, and absolutely convinced they are doing g0d's will.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2010 02:28AM by Vera City.