Just so you know, Hawaiians and Hawaiian political opponents have been aware of Butler's involvment in politics via his deeevotees for years.
Here is a letter from Gabbard's opponent Ed Case from July 21, 2004. [
July 21, 2004
Dear Mike:
The candidate filing deadline has passed and you are asking over 600,000 of Hawaii's people to represent them in our nation's highest legislative body. I trust you agree that the voters of the Second District are entitled to know exactly who you are, where you come from, what you've done, why you believe you're qualified, and what you propose to do.
You have provided virtually no details on your background, experience, beliefs, qualifications, or accomplishments to date, nor on your positions and proposed actions. You have also declined to talk directly with the media, instead requiring that they e-mail you their questions.
Here are some questions that any voter would want answered and that arise from your campaign literature and other information. Please respond to me with your answers to all at your earliest opportunity.
1. Where and when were you born?
2. Who were your parents and where were they from?
3. You've stated that your father was in the Air Force; what was his rank, and what were his postings and when?
4. Your website implies that your father was a pilot; was he and, if so, what did he pilot?
5. Where did you live growing up and when?
6. What schools did you attend, what high school did you graduate from, and where and when?
7. You've stated that you joined a Catholic seminary at 14; which one, where, and how long did you stay?
8. You've stated that you had a surfing accident at 17; where?
9. You've stated that you tried to enlist in the military in 1965; what branch and where?
10. Since your graduation from high school, where have you lived, when, and what employment have you had during each period?
11. During what years have you lived in Hawaii fulltime and where?
12. How many children do you have?
13. What are their names and ages?
14. Where are they living and what are they doing?
15. You've stated that you have a "BA in English from Sonoma State University”; what years were you enrolled there and when did you receive your degree?
16. You've stated that you have an "MA in Community College Administration from Oregon State University"; what years were you enrolled there and when did you receive your degree?
17. OSU doesn't appear to offer an MA in "Community College Administration"; please confirm the degree you received.
18. What other schools have you attended, and do you have any other educational qualifications?
19. You've stated that you have "devoted 20 years to education"; at which schools have you worked, during which years, and what were your job titles and responsibilities?
20. You've stated that you're a "longtime educator/teacher"; at which schools have you worked, during which years, and what were your job titles and responsibilities?
21. You've stated that you've "worked with young people as a teacher, guidance counselor, college administrator and coach"; at exactly which schools, during which years, and what were your job titles and responsibilities?
22. You've stated that you were affiliated with the " Ponomauloa School" in Wahiawa; what type of school was that, what years was it in existence, and what were your responsibilities and in what years?
23. You've stated that you "know the challenges of running your own business"; exactly what businesses have you owned or operated, where were they located, and what was your specific role with each and in what years?
24. You've stated that you are a "small business advocate"; exactly when and in what ways?
25. What other business or professional experience do you have?
26. You have implied that you are or have been a Catholic; are or were you, when, and what church if any do you currently attend?
27. Are you or have you been a follower of the religion sometimes called Vaisnava or Vaishava, and have you worshiped or do you worship Lord Brahma or Lord Vishnu?
28. Do you follow or have you followed the teachings of the Vedas?
29. Are you or have you been a follower of Chris Butler, also referred to as Jagad Guru, Siddha Swarupa Ananda, or Siddhaswarupananda Paramahansa?
30. What is or has been your relationship with any of the Science of Identity Foundation, Identity Institute International, the International Society for Khrishna Consciousness, or Down to Earth Inc.?
Government Experience
31. What specific government experience did you have, and when, prior to your current service on the Honolulu City Council?
32. Did you work for former State Senator Rick Reed?
33. What do you regard as your five primary accomplishments during your year-and-a-half of service on the Honolulu City Council?
34. You've stated that our "major challenges are improving education, protecting our environment, winning the war on terrorism, and strengthening our economy." What exactly have you done to address each such challenge during your service on the Council?
35. You've cited the following as major issues: "a balanced budget; education; national security and the war on terrorism; affordable housing; war on drugs/ice; transportation infrastructure; environmental protection; Native Hawaiian concerns; health and senior care." What exactly have you done to address each such challenge during your service on the Council?
36. You've stated that you have "worked statewide to help combat drugs"; exactly how and when?
Second District Experience
37. During which years have you lived fulltime in the Second Congressional District and where?
38. What specific actions do you cite as providing you with knowledge and experience with respect to the Second Congressional District?
39. What specific awards or recognition have you received, from whom, and when, for your government, community or personal service?
Platform/Proposed Actions
40. You've stated that our "major challenges are improving education, protecting our environment, winning the war on terrorism, and strengthening our economy." What exactly do you propose to do to address each such challenge?
41. You've cited the following as major issues: "a balanced budget; education; national security and the war on terrorism; affordable housing; war on drugs/ice; transportation infrastructure; environmental protection; Native Hawaiian concerns; health and senior care." What exactly do you propose to do to address each such challenge?
42. Exactly what else do you propose to do to represent the people of the Second Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives?
43. What other details can or will you provide with respect to your qualifications to serve Hawaii's Second Congressional District in the U.S. House?
With aloha,
Ed Case
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------GABBARD'S REPLY FOLLOWS:
Dear Rep. Case,
You have not answered my question as to whether or not you will give me the email list of the people to whom you sent your first list of questions/accusations. There is no use answering your questions if I am not able to get them to the people who received your questions/accusations. So if you are sincere, please confirm that you will send me the email list so that I can be assured the people who received your questions/accusations will receive my uncensored answers.
With warm aloha, Mike
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 16:43:06 -1000
From: Mike Gabbard
To: Ed Case
Aloha Ed. Thanks for confirming (that you sent that letter). By the way, before I spend time answering/replying to your "questions," I'd want assurance that the same people you sent your letter to (30,000 email list?) will receive my answers/reply uncensored.
You know, that's a request worthy of Karl Rove and the Bush Administration. "If you'll just turn your mailing list over to me I'll be happy to answer your questions."
I wonder how you say chutzpah in Hindi?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/07/2010 10:24PM by Vera City.