Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: April 14, 2024 04:37AM


Please refrain from posting about politics here.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: XKRISHNA ()
Date: April 14, 2024 04:47AM

It's really very shrewd of Tulsi Gabbard to establish residency in the state of Texas, Rick. The Indian immigrant community here is HUGE; we are number two only to California in terms of Indian immigrants. NASA, the IT field, etc.

Don't worry. I will desist and never meant to insult anybody personally. It's just that I could not take the insult to my beloved homeland. I took THAT personally. ¡Viva La Tejas!

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: XKRISHNA ()
Date: April 15, 2024 02:51AM

She'll need to be paying property taxes and be physically residing in Texas for at least twelve months in order to become a legal resident, but after twelve months she will be eligible to run for office here, if she is not VP by then. She could not be better situated, in terms of the Texan community of Indian immigrants, potential constituents. These are, in general, highly conservative people, the Indian-American community.


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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: April 15, 2024 06:10AM

Fair enough. But as you pointed out, XKRISHNA, she's strategically doing this, not because she randomly likes Texas.

It is difficult to avoid politics altogether, considering that this is a defining aspect of this particular cult, Rick. These guys have literally put a puppet in the political stratosphere. And ironically, one that has flipped-flopped on her stance politically to advance her position and appeal.

She stands to gain support from a large Republican, conservative, pro-Trump (and all that comes along with that), and pro-modi-Hinduttva demographic (white supremacists, I'm sure, will comfortably hop on board). So yes, strategy is the least of the issues, and so is politics. I could care less if she was a Democrat or a Wingnut. I'm making a larger point about the cult and how it is very obviously playing the political landscape with this personality, Tulsi Gabbard. This same stance applies to any political party associated with a religious cult or fundamentalist group that tried to gain political strength/status/support from a saturated base. Which, in the case of Texas and Tulsi, is directly related to the aforementioned. None of which has an iota to do with Gaudiya Vaishnavism, but any rational standard, but here we are...

I'm sorry, XKRISHNA. I'm sorry for offending your sensibilities about your "glorious" state of Texas and all its charming qualities. Now, we can focus on what's really going on with this cult. You'd think all the years you spent in the Hare Krishna cult would have made you less body-centric, let alone state-centric, in who you identify with. Viva la Texas. As you admit, the political demographic there is highly conservative, I stated as much and threw in the "white-supremacy" Republican/pro-trump bit for effect (though it has been a good bit in the news as well). I'm trying to make a point about who Butler is having her rub shoulders with to advance his ideologies. It aligns with his record over the years with regard to political ambitions.

Jai Texas!


P.S.—Rick you are most welcome to cancel my account on this forum. If I am unable to speak out about this group in detail and with the verve I am happy to move on. There is no shortage of venues to fight the good fight. I don't think anyone reads this shit anyway except for XKRISHNA.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: XKRISHNA ()
Date: April 15, 2024 07:28AM

Since you are addressing me directly, FORREST, I reckon that I have the right of reply. Rick, please allow me this. I come amicably, and in peace. Here is my position:

It was not your talking shit about Texas that offended me as much as the fact that you were parroting a stereotype that is based on ignorance, and on that principle it bothered me. You were pre-judging and condemning Texans and Texas when it was obvious, at least to me, that you really know little about this state outside of whatever propaganda the corporate media with their agenda, wants to feed you. You make it out as if most of the population of Texas are in the Klan, like we are all racist as hell.

You're putting us down without even really knowing us. There's a lot of that going around these days, it seems to me.

Your words offended me for that reason, not because I cannot take criticism of my home state, and that of my forefathers. It also offended me because you are so damn preachy sometimes, and ostensibly preaching is not allowed here. You never see me preaching to people, just trying to share information and correct misinformation. I don't go around telling people how to think, because I don't like others telling ME how to think, politically, spiritually or otherwise.

But I come in peace, and write as a friend. I have no hard feelings toward you, FORREST, and the only reason I am writing this now is because you wrote directly to me. Like I said, I reckon that I have the right to reply. Peace be upon you. Peace be upon you too, Rick.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/15/2024 07:32AM by XKRISHNA.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: April 16, 2024 12:39AM

You don't have to be KKK racists (tho Texas has over 80 white supremacy groups or which 50+ are directly tied to the KKK, so there is that) to show your racism. You just have to vote for laws that disadvantage certain races and minorities. Guess which race is most disadvantaged by shitty immigration laws and anti-abortion laws? And with Tulsi Gabbard being such a wishy-washy politician, it's not going to be difficult to see her support guns, abortion, anti-gay laws, anti-immigration, and all manner of trumpy bullshit and hate all while singing aloha and namaste. Or whatever the lone star states cry of goodwill is (yeeehaaaaw!). Trust me, she'll adopt that and it won't be long before she's riding into trump rallies on a white horse and wearing a cowboy hat. Does that stereotype offend you? Give me a fucking break. I'm sure the average republican texan is plenty proud of all the above. Is there the occasional rational person who hates those things about Texas? Sure, may they prevail in making their opposition heard. No hard feelings. Just facts and keeping the forum thread on target. Hint: It's not about you and your delicate sensibility about state-identity, and definitely not about Texas.

Texas ki-jai!


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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: April 16, 2024 12:57AM

Speaking of preachers (not to XKRISHNA—gotta be proactive and clear that my posts are not targeted or meant for this guy) this is interesting: A nazi sympathizer and aryan-race hindu nationalist hanging out at the local Math? Makes sense. Prabhupada didn't think hitler was all that bad and imagined a world where if people don't accept krishna and chant they should be shot...

"Savitri Devi Mukherji was a French-born Greek fascist, Nazi sympathizer, and spy who served the Axis powers by committing acts of espionage against the Allied forces in India. She was later a leading member of the Neo-Nazi underground during the 1960s. Savitri was a proponent of a synthesis of Hinduism and Nazism, proclaiming Adolf Hitler to have been an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu."

And the man who started all the preaching to begin with:

Quite an impressive conversion attempt. How it went... How it's going...

While we're at it should we sing some ki-jai's for Texas?

BJP Modi-hindutva supporters in Texas are sure to swing the vote if Tulsi Gabbard plays her cards right. Lord knows she appeals to trumps demographic. She can be a hindu for the Hindus (when did butler devotees start calling themselves Hindus again? Oh yeah, conveniently in the last election when it suited thier image and allowed them to hide behind cries of "hinduphobia" every time Tulsi was questioned about the cult she was raised in), and a Christian for the Jesus freaks. It’s a win win.

I can't wait to see the mince meat Texas makes of Gabbard's flipflop politics.

Butler's gonna shit a golden ladhu I'll tell you what!

Tulsi's next book is gonna be called:
Tulsi Gabbard: An Identity Crisis.
To be published by her very own, Science of Identity Crisis Foundation.


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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: April 16, 2024 01:13AM

Drop it.

This board is NOT about Texas or politics.

Cease and end the petty squabbling.

Hopefully this won't end in banning, but if it continues it will.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/16/2024 01:19AM by rrmoderator.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: April 16, 2024 01:28AM

Couldn't agree more. It's about this cult. XKRISHNA made it about politics and Texas by trolling this forum as he's done a billion times quoting his Prabhupada and trying to tell us what "he really meant".

Again, you are more than welcome to ban my account.

I have been dealign with Hare Krishna covert supporters on this forum for years. They can't help to pop in and divert and distract the discussion. Again, this particular cult has DIRECT ties to US politics. There is no way around discussing their influence, abuses, and reach, without mention of politics.

Tulsi Gabbard is Siddhaswarupananda's top disciple. His years of attempts at gaining political ground through his followers has been mentioned/documented here endlessly. Not sure how you expect a rational discussion about this cult on here with no mention of political motive.

So ban away!


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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: XKRISHNA ()
Date: April 16, 2024 01:53AM

She is playing a long game here. She's not going to be running for state office anytime immediately soon. She will need to be here as a continual resident for at least two years, in order to run for a seat as a state representative and for at least five in order to run as a Senator. This means that if she eventually becomes VP, she would not be eligible to run for public office in the state of Texas for at least six years or so. Four years as VP, not residing in Texas, and at least two to become a state rep.



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