That's great stuff. On the topic of SIF, and I've posted this here before, the Living Force band, made by early SIF devotees, led by Harvey Mann, back in the 70s did stuff like this:
https://youtu.be/DzjKywKvJ2gHe was a fantastic guitar player and is still a current follower of Butler. Many of his kids I think splintered out of the cult and found their paths, but many are still hardcore followers.
He was also responsible for Butler's album, Mantra Electric, which devotees were technically not allowed to listen to—something about it being made for newcomers (i.e., propaganda tapes and recruitment tactics).
https://youtu.be/oqAzTj-J0lIAgain, these songs/music are special because of the amazingly skilled musicians, not the mantras or personality worship they promote. They are great pieces of skill and talent and could have been singing about anything, really, and still had the emotional depth and catchy tunes anyone can vibe to.
Mantra Electric was the one and only major musical effort of Butler's and he was the only thing that sucked on those tapes. If it was;t for the skilled musicians the whole thing would have sounded like chopped liver.
One of the ideologies of bhakti-ism is the idea of "dovetailing" out talents or otherwise mundane persuits in the service of krishna. A type of "karma yoga". And so it's not uncommon to hear amazing music, see crazy cool art come out fo the western hare krishna scene. But often to lackluster, corny effect. I once hear an entire album of Beatles song's done pitch perfect by some ISKCON devotees. SOOOOOOOOOO FFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCKKKIING CORNY! OMG.