> Thank you Earthquake,
> I have not been in contact with James since the
> middle of October when I attended his event in
> Germany. And I have nobody else who supports me in
> the way I communicate here in the forum.
Two weeks ago a student posted on their site that they were going to post here. Only you and the greek guy have posted. And he can't hardly speak English. You have claimed to be fairly close to JS many times, and the language usage between you and the satsang is not that far apart.
Plus, you have already been exposed as lieing here. Which i'm going to elaborate on more.
Although you didn't reply much to me, you replied mostly about me, so I shall respond to you more.
> @Traveller
> Thank you for the reply, I enjoyed reading it. I
> also noticed that i felt much more comfortable
> reading your post because I value tolerance which
> I saw manifested in your reply.
You make me smile so much, lol. What do you really think is going to happen with your posting psychology? You havn't the ability to alienate one person, and ingratiate yourself with others here. The people here are very astute.
You must be joking though, haha! Trav has got NO time for SW people at all. He admitted to you earlier that I am more tolerant here. You have hurt my feelings ;)
> @Thank you Valma for the question, my motivation
> for asking is the following:
> 1. First my motivation was to find out in which
> way James teaching was just modern Vedanta. I
> wanted to know that for my own growth.
No you did not. Stop telling lies. You have been pro JS the entire time, except in private to me, which I never fell for. You are so pro JS, that you accused a victim of child rape as not telling the truth. It is horrible.
I cannot
> say that my question got satisfactorily answered.
> But I can say that i received many comments that
> were not helpful for my desire to know in which
> way james teaches modern Vedanta.
You said you read my posts. If you and I are both vedantins, then I think precision is important. In vedanta, precision is all. Are you aware of the qualifications? In particular Samadhana? Perfect concentration. If you had really read my posts, you would have read many examples. I did point this out to you. If you are too lazy to go find the information in this topic yourself, that is your call.
I asked
> Earthquake in which way James teaches modern
> Vedanta but all I received was that my
> paraphrasing was not correct.
You are not correct. Again. I did not say your paraphrasing was not correct. Go back and read it maybe?
And as above, you were reminded that I have alreadt extensively spoke about it, in this topic. In fact, for someone who claims to have read my posts, I find it amazing you do not know the information you seek. Since It is the only thing I have really posted about, haha.
> 2. I did not feel comfortable with trying to
> please Earthquake by paraphrasing him by the
> standards he wants (which are unknown to me)
> because it reminded me all too much of the
> environment of a school class, I stopped replying
> to his points.
It is the standards that Shankaracharya teaches the sampradaya. in fact, the lineages. It is not what I want, it is what is expected in Vedanta. I have no rules or desires. The person submits to vedanta. So you should take me out of all this. Shankaracharya says we do not take out of context. And he is the teacher that eclipsed all others, besides the first Guru, of course.
You didnt replying because you were not able to. But I am inviting you to prove me wrong. I am half expected a late reply, once SW prepare some retorts.
Plus I assumed that my demand will
> not be answered satisfactorily in any case,
If you mean that I cannot make you actually read what has already been wrote extensively by me, then yes. I have no control over laziness. I don't mind it to be honest. It's your deal.
> 3. But I noticed that the language of the replies
> to me have not changed, I noticed whether I reply
> to the questions posed to me or not, the language
> i am confronted with appears to me as hostile.
This is your imaginination. You should try to at least go check the teachings of vedanta I share with you. I have told you at the start I am talking to you out of compassion. And much teachings have been shared with you. There only is Isvara Prasada. And Like it or not, you are being exposed to actual vedanta here. This is a gift that Isvara has presented to you.
I have got nothing emotionally invested with you. Or even JS and IS. It is however, absolutely dharmic to challenge your adharma. You will recall you begun by calling invalidating the trauma of a child rape victim.
There is another vedanta teaching. In that it is completely proper to challenge bad things. Arjuna does this after all. You are being challenged because you had no mask up in your opening post. And we see through it. You cannot recover from that, and the more you try to, you are showing you are not being honest. Just accept the karma. It is no big deal to be honest. There is growth that can be attained.
> Since I don't feel comfortable with such a
> language because equality is important to me, I
> wondered what to do with this unsatisfactory
> situation.
Equality? While vedanta is for the world, an individual, with all their pre-conceptions is not equal to the teachings of vedanta. If the teachings show them something they don't like hearing, then that is too bad. They are free to project. In our tradition we know the nature of avarana shakti, the veiling power of maya. So there is no hostility to you. Though no quarter is being gave. You must keep in mind, you came here, and you posted things you did. If it is getting tricky then fine. You are free to carry on posting or we wait for the next one to come along. Traveller's topic, and Heather's support have made something incredible here.
> 3. And I learned that oneself does display the
> behavior which one wants to see in others. So i
> thought the best way to do that is in finding out
> what the motivation in the other members are.
You have asked. And it was always evident anyhow. Like Valma and Trav have said. it is to inform. Give an alternate view. So that people can make an informed choice. And like Trav said, people are thinking twice about SW.
> And I learned that Earthquake wants to get
> shiningworld presented professionally with his
> inside information within the media. This is to
> some extent interesting but i don't share much
> fascination about James and Isabella private
> lives. In fact i don't really care how they live
> their private lifes since i dont enjoy it when
> other people intrude in my private life.
That is a useless attempt at invalidation. Haha. I'm getting bored now. There has only been talk about the demonic duo in regard to vedanta. You are free to quote where it has been different. I don't know about anything private. I only know about them in regard to the subject of vedanta.
Stop being emotional. A person loses focus then.