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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: earthquake ()
Date: December 13, 2019 10:55PM

Ahh Panos! I forgot about your post!

Before I start, can I say your not so discrete attempt at attempting to initiate direct contact with an anonymous whistle-blower, is noticed. And won't work. This forum is expert in varying tactics.

I want to start with Heathers accusations for sexual harassment and physiological war she claim that has received from James…the thing that makes me suspicious that is all constructed or at least amplified for some reason is that she brings it up after 30 years(now that James is well known to Vedanta cycles)… why not earlier? Why she didn’t wend to authorities back then or at least after a few years pass this event?

Do you understand the trauma that a child would go through, if they were systematically raped, and brainwashed in a cult?

Do you understand, have you experienced yourself, or even researched, the well known disabling effect that serious sexual assaults have on people?

Do you know, of the well know effect of such attacks, that many find it imppossible to come forward for many reasons?

And do you know, the other well known, uneducated ridiculous position of judging someone who have been through intense trauma?

Here, in these questions, are your answers.

.... would it be easy for me to write a book about my sexual rape from heather that happened 30 years ago?.... no witnesses …no evidence…nothing……. It will be just my word against hers…..i can also easily say that she don’t even remember it… but the scars from my rape from her are still deep in my soul…. I hope you get the point…….

This does not mean what is being said is not true. This is deflection, and will not be allowed to work here. I wont allow it myself.

Then you Traveler you said so much about him…. So many people and so many accusations….. you also hear from he’s friends that he killed the neighbor’s dog…..

You are wrong. James Swartz has said this himself. He admitted it.


Well a solid accusation goes like this….. “I learn from (name of James friend) that around (date here) he poison a dog at (place here)…. I can easily say about you that some friends of yours told me that you shared one day you was drunk you have killed 9 pussycats for pleasure… no names… no places… no dates….. so convenient isn’t it?

James Swartz as admitted this himself. So you are wrong.


And last you trying to find where is wrong in he’s teachings that I bet you have learn Vedanta better than the greatest teachers of India…..

You can play that at me more than Trav, please. I want that responsibility. The fact is that yes, the greatest teachers in India do know better than James Swartz. James Swartz is good at marketing.

In fact, he charges to teaching the Bhagavad Gita. He has three months last year in Cardondale. Fact, is, he was teaching his own interpretation of what Swami Dayananda teaches in the Gita. Problem is, he has not been taught with in Arsha Vidya and expresses things wrong. I know as I have had personal dealing with some students from that course last year. They came to me with problems after James Swartz teaching it.

I don’t mind and I don’t care If James or any other teacher is not clean as Himalayan water to be qualified to teach what he knows…. Shall we cancel all Jesus teachings because he fell in love with Mary Magdalene?...

It isn't important what you believe Panos.

Anyway I see a pattern here that reminds me scammers…. It won’t sock me if I learn that you asking him money or else you won’t stop…. Or if this not the case….

You are being ridiculous. Don't be a silly person now. You are losing credibility.


Come out with your name like a man and press charges against him with heather and a good lawyer…. If you ask for truth seek for it the right way… the text above an antilog to a very long monolog …… PS I won’t post anything else I don’t have the time for it……….. Greetings from Athens Greece Panos Praftsias (you see I put my name also nothing to fear)

You are breaching forum rules here. No pressure is allowed to be put under any whistleblower to reveal their identity. It is confidential.

You are not being allowed to put heather under pressure. For starters she wont be pressured by anyone. And secondly. people like me here, love challenging people like you.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2019 10:59PM by earthquake.

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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Traveler99 ()
Date: December 13, 2019 11:26PM

You Must Be Joking
You want Heather to what???

Heather will NEVER (be stupid enough to) contact someone she suspects is, or is connected to, James Swartz.

Panos, if you've truly read the posts on this thread, and the book, "Guru? The Story of Heather," then you would not be writing good things about James Swartz any more than you would Harvey Weinstein or Jeffrey Epstein (compatriots of his, of sorts). That is, if you have a mind able to look at things objectively and reasonably, and unlike Swartz, have a heart (or conscience).

Just the last few pages of posts alone show how a thinking person with a heart (Earthquake) can pick apart the mindless (as opposed to mindful) droolings of Swartz or one of his stooges.

Stooges? That seems strong, maybe harsh. To me, though, a stooge is a mindless follower--and only a person with their thinking faculties turned to "low" could maintain any sort of allegiance to a bully and fake like Swartz. That is especially true with so much information out there now that reveals Swartz's lies, misteachings, and crimes.

Eventually, hopefully, each "stooge" will "grow a brain" and connect to their heart and move on to a real teacher. (It is a day James Swartz fears, of course. Then it would just be him and Isabella... What a treat.)

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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: zizlz ()
Date: December 14, 2019 01:22AM

JS's comments about this discussion once again reveal how his views are distorted by egocentrism.


They have a saying in India: “Nobody throws stones at a tree that doesn’t have ripe juicy mangos.” So it is really a badge of honor to be hated like this. Fake news.

The saying actually is "The Tree That Bears Fruit Will Be Stoned," which has a very different meaning.

"Nobody throws stones at a tree that doesn’t have ripe juicy mangos" would mean that being accused means that you are worthy or admirable (that you "have ripe juicy mangos"). That would mean that people like Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein are admirable people because they are accused.

He says it's fake news, i.e. the Donald Trump defense. Since Trump is president, it's okay to behave the way he does, many people seem to think. This is really unfortunate.


As the government puts new rules in place for the greedy tech companies, the troll world will gradually die out.

The only interpretation of this statement I can come up with is that new restrictions on internet companies will make it impossible in the future for people to be anonymous online, so that "trolls" or whistleblowers lose their platform. JS seems to think this kind of totalitarian control of the internet would be a good thing. Am I interpreting his words incorrectly? I hope so.

Someone spiritually evolved wouldn't reply this way, it seems to me. Their reply would show empathy instead of egocentrism.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/14/2019 01:23AM by zizlz.

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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Aenas ()
Date: December 14, 2019 06:15PM

Hi Earthquake,

I am very happy that you took the time to reply to my posts thoroughly. This is very kind of you, thank you!
I will try my best to do likewise, please let me know if you find this approach helpful.

"You are also not interested in your own clarity."

Thank you, Earthquake. May I ask you if you feel uncomfortable in our exchange because clarity is very important for you? Does it help if I reply to your questions more systemically?

Let me try:

"What do you mean by 'bhakti'?"
Bhakti in the highest, as I understand it, is Advaita Bhakti, but to get there Dvaita Bhakti in form of worship to a deity is welcomed. Advaita Bhakti could be translated as absolute self love based on self-knowledge, without a second thought.

What do you mean by Bhakti, Earthquake?

"It is tradition and the way dakshina works is very important."
Yes, James repeatedly said he learned it from his guru and he only allows that service to the teacher, in form of money, is done in the traditional way of donation.

" Just because you have not had money took and been burned, does not mean others haven't."
Well, to be fair, he has not only not taken any money from me, he GAVE me money! He paid for restaurants, transportation and accomdation to get to his seminars! He has done similar things with students from India. He suppported one kid from Tiruvannamalai, Mani, through his WHOLE school education, including university. Mani today's works at a software company in California and can support his whole family with his job.

"You will not even accept this, and that is because you are fully conditioned by the cult"
I am not sure about it. I disagree on many topics with James and we had lengthy debates on politics, enviornment, buddhism, etc.
Do members of a cult openly disagree with the Guru and mention the disagreements publicly?

"But I will tell you the way things are behind the hyperbole."

Yes, I would seriously be interested. Do you agree it is the best to gather first all points that make James and shininworld Modern Vedanta?

I will start from your last post.
James and Shiningworld is Modern Vedanta because:
1) James uses charts
2) James teaches self realisation and self actualisation
3) James teaches Brahman plus Maya = Isvara

Is the list of Modern Vedanta indicators in James complete or would add further points?

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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Aenas ()
Date: December 14, 2019 06:45PM

Dear Heather and Traveller,

I have not said Hello to you two yet, and I apologize for that. I am very happy to have met you in form of the posts in this forum. I genuingly like you. And I can see clearly that you two (inlcuding Earthquake) have been hurt by James. I am very sorry for this and I hope you can forgive him at some point in your life.

I have a question for you Heather, Traveller and Earthquake:
Would you like to see as many students of James to wake up from any possible cultish developments within Shiningworld? Or would you go further and actually like to see Shiningworld with all its publications and thousands of openly available Questions and Answers, plus James Swartz and all his planned seminars and videos to be removed? and in Earthquake's case his wife removed too?

I am looking forward to your replies,


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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: earthquake ()
Date: December 14, 2019 08:28PM

> I am very happy that you took the time to reply to
> my posts thoroughly. This is very kind of you,
> thank you!
> I will try my best to do likewise, please let me
> know if you find this approach helpful.

I will be able to read whatever way you post.

It's really cute that you have now went away and got some help The posting flow is different from you. What we are looking here is to get their attention. We're really happy at this.

You might think you are only getting help from one or two people in SW. I can tell you what you are being told, and subsequently posting will be the accumulated effort of likely half a dozen. This is like Jesus exorcising a host of demons, lol!


> "You are also not interested in your own
> clarity."
> Thank you, Earthquake. May I ask you if you feel
> uncomfortable in our exchange because clarity is
> very important for you? Does it help if I reply to
> your questions more systemically?

You are very wrong if you think i feel uncomfortable in our exchange. I only really come back into the topic now when people like you post, because I love this.

Again, it doesn't matter what way you post to me.

> Let me try:
> "What do you mean by 'bhakti'?"
> Bhakti in the highest, as I understand it, is
> Advaita Bhakti, but to get there Dvaita Bhakti in
> form of worship to a deity is welcomed. Advaita
> Bhakti could be translated as absolute self love
> based on self-knowledge, without a second thought.

That only took you 24 hours. Even though you did by-pass the question, as well as others, in your reply yesterday.

> What do you mean by Bhakti, Earthquake?

It was you that mentioned bhakti, not me. Stay focused.

> "It is tradition and the way dakshina works is
> very important."
> Yes, James repeatedly said he learned it from his
> guru and he only allows that service to the
> teacher, in form of money, is done in the
> traditional way of donation.
> " Just because you have not had money took and
> been burned, does not mean others haven't."
> Well, to be fair, he has not only not taken any
> money from me, he GAVE me money! He paid for
> restaurants, transportation and accomdation to get
> to his seminars! He has done similar things with
> students from India. He suppported one kid from
> Tiruvannamalai, Mani, through his WHOLE school
> education, including university. Mani today's
> works at a software company in California and can
> support his whole family with his job.

Oh my god. I am rolling my eyes. Jeffrey Epstein donated millions of pounds to charity. Even setting up a foundation.

The point being, that your experience does not ever invalidate every other person's experience. You have to get real.

> "You will not even accept this, and that is
> because you are fully conditioned by the cult"
> I am not sure about it. I disagree on many topics
> with James and we had lengthy debates on politics,
> enviornment, buddhism, etc.
> Do members of a cult openly disagree with the Guru
> and mention the disagreements publicly?

Yes. Particularly if it is to convenient to use on the world foremost cult education website to try to show they are not a cult.

I am going to provide you with some common signs of a cult. This is from a world renowned expert on the subject matter, someone called Rick Ross.

I will also give my own response in regard to Shiningworld, in each.

1. A charismatic leader, who increasingly becomes an object of worship as the general principles that may have originally sustained the group lose power. That is a living leader, who has no meaningful accountability and becomes the single most defining element of the group and its source of power and authority.

EarthQuake: Shiningworld was initially set up with the idea of helping people. However, as time has went on there has become a cultist, star like atmosphere, one of an inner circle, in regard to James Swartz. This is noticed by many people who attend his course.

While it is not a problem in itself traditionally for JS to bed and marry a student, once he became clouded to those attributes he then began to violate the sacred terms of the Guru-Shishya relationship. The Guru-student relationship.

This was very noticeable in him allowing Isabella, a person with no spiritual authority, to have the authority to seriously, negatively impact the relationship between James and his very first teacher student. This was many yeas ago. The person in question was female.

He allows Isabella to poison almost all relationships he has with his teacher students. It is always a matter of time. I know this first hand. It cannot be invalidated.

In JS own words to being challenged by the student over how things were going wrong, JS exclaimed; 'I am a MAHATMA!!'

It was from here that he became noticeably clouded in Shiningworld.

He is very charismatic, and can wield this loving air about him. This permits him to treat students and way he wants, as they become blind that such a person can be nasty.

JS is the single defining element of the group. So much so that over many years, the inner circle has said among themselves that once he dies, SW will implode. Of course, with Isabella acting the way she does. He is more cunning, Isabella is much more open, in the destructive expressing.

2. A process [of indoctrination or education is in use that can be seen as] coercive persuasion or thought reform [commonly called "brainwashing"]

Earthquake: You are not only told what to think in SW, it has to be what JS and IS say is true. You are also expected to speak that ridiculous 'vedanta third party speak' often. It is so pretentious.

If you openly oppose them in regard to anything they have taught, your days are numbered.

3. Economic, sexual, and other exploitation of group members by the leader and the ruling coterie.

The destructiveness of groups called cults varies by degree, from labour violations, child abuse, medical neglect to, in some extreme and isolated situations, calls for violence or mass suicide

Earthquake: As far as economic goes. There is growing evidence that JS and IS have been lobbying various people to help with their Spanish love nest, and then spurning those students. They will know what I am speaking off here. Cause many others now know.

We have also heard of sexual exploitation in this topic.

From Rick:
Some groups may not fit the definition of a cult, but may pose potential risks for participants. Here are 10 warning signs of a potentially unsafe group or leader.

• Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.

Earthquake: JS has marketed SW as the soul western authority on Vedanta. You have alluded to this brainwashing also here. SW is not the main authority in the western world for Vedanta. The top three Indian schools of vedanta are each much more successful at teaching vedanta in the west than SW is.

• No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry.

Earthquake: Despite what way the satsangs are finally published as, many current and former students report to me that JS and IS do not like being challenged in regard to Vedanta. This is an abuse of the second stage of sadhana, mananam.

• No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget or expenses, such as an independently audited financial statement.

Earthquake: I've publicly posted here for many months about this point with SW. And I know they have read what I have requested. IT has to INDEPENDENTLY audited.

• Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies and persecutions.

Earthquake: Shiningworld are a victim of their own negative atmosphere. Many of those closest to them report that the air is thick with fear. And this is to be expected. After many years, they can hardly hold on to 6 teachers at once. The Indian schools currently have hundreds. Including many westerners.

Shiningworld persecute almost every other expression of Vedanta. And in doing so, it is a commonly used tactic to elevate themselves as number one. They reap what they have sowed. And this is not going to stop.

• There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.

Earthquake: There is a growing amount of actual evidence from them, in which they are invalidating student after student for their reasons to leave. The spiritual manipulation is evident. And I am hoping that a time is coming here when there is publication of a collecting of this evidence by their own making. Their own words.

• Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances.

Earthquake: I am telling you that just because former students have not confided in you, does not mean they have not confided in me. Students are reporting the same general themes of abuse.

I am not a liar. They are. And I am trying my best to create a tipping point situation where this material is allowed to come out. I've spoken with many others about this, including Traveller and Heather.

• There are records, books, news articles, or broadcast reports that document the abuses of the group/leader.

Earthquake: This topic and the books, provide this. There is also some tentative discussion around a website dedicated to dissemanting JS and IS, as well as a documentary. This is only in planning stages, though has been for many months. The concept is to bring many abused people together with one voice.

I trust that is acceptable to James Swartz nice juicy mango satsang post.

• Followers feel they can never be "good enough".

Earthquake: A psychologist witness the way both JS and IS where with me, first hand. The reason this was possible was because they were also a member of SW. They left along with me, and many others around the same time. Steadily there has been people distancing themselves since.

• The group/leader is always right.

Earthquake: This almost goes without saying. No-one can challenge the great self proclaimed mahatma in regard to vedanta.

• The group/leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible

Earthquake: I cannot quantify this fully at this time. However, JS and IS have positioned themselves as the sole western authority. Only to people who dont know any better.

> "But I will tell you the way things are behind the
> hyperbole."
> Yes, I would seriously be interested. Do you agree
> it is the best to gather first all points that
> make James and shininworld Modern Vedanta?

You can interact with me whatever way you want, I will respond gladly.

> I will start from your last post.
> James and Shiningworld is Modern Vedanta because:
> 1) James uses charts

This is not what i said. You are not off to a good start.


> 2) James teaches self realisation and self
> actualisation

This is also not what I said.

> 3) James teaches Brahman plus Maya = Isvara

Yes, he does. I know where this is going, so go ahead.

> Is the list of Modern Vedanta indicators in James
> complete or would add further points?

Your own little list you have just made is wrong. So how will you even hope to invalidate anything else. Go get your own house in order first ;) .

Dear Heather and Traveller,

I have not said Hello to you two yet, and I apologize for that. I am very happy to have met you in form of the posts in this forum. I genuingly like you. And I can see clearly that you two (inlcuding Earthquake) have been hurt by James. I am very sorry for this and I hope you can forgive him at some point in your life.

I'm rolling my eyes and laughing. Amateur hour is here.

For you to be truthful in us being hurt by James and hoping we can forgive him would mean that you believe he has done something to hurt us. You have already tried to invalidate a victim of a child rape.

Can you not be truthful, honest and open? That is dharmic.

My own answer to your question is that you seem to think I am personally involved. Isvara has decided that Shiningworld is being took to task. And this is growing in ability. There is nothing that exists that is not what God wants, as there is nothing that is not Isvara. So this is totally cool, and a sheer joy.


I have a question for you Heather, Traveller and Earthquake:
Would you like to see as many students of James to wake up from any possible cultist developments within Shiningworld? Or would you go further and actually like to see Shiningworld with all its publications and thousands of openly available Questions and Answers, plus James Swartz and all his planned seminars and videos to be removed? and in Earthquake's case his wife removed too?

I am looking forward to your replies,


If you have attended so many excellent teachings you need to go back and do some more. Start with Karma Yoga. And move to resolving the separation through the aikyum teachings.

It matters not, what way this goes. There only is Isvara. Who cares either way? Isvara has created this situation out of itself. So this is Isvara's business. And I cannot know what should and should not be. I am only an instrument. Which is not a big deal at all. But it makes this all very enjoyable.

The responsibility is with JS and IS. SW is being negatively impacted by this, and as this movement is organised more, it will be more so. It's a matter of going with the flow really. The fact the JS mentions in that satsang about Trav that traffic is increasing, sales increasing, doesnt mean that students are not listening.

They are. Becuase they are talking to me. And I don't tell lies. Particularly when I allude to it publicly, and also say the time is coning when I want everything to be presented professionally.

If Isvara wants that sooner, then the situation will present itself. This topic has went a bit quiet until JS made that posts and you two started posting here. It's what we want here. We want the attention. And the interaction with you all. The world is watching this. As Isabella said, a tiny corner of the interent noone see's. Sure, approaching 18,000 views now.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/14/2019 08:33PM by earthquake.

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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Aenas ()
Date: December 15, 2019 12:10AM

Hi Earthquake,

Thank you for your lengthy reply.

You wrote:

"We want the attention. [...] approaching 18,000 views now."

Am I correct to assume that your goal of replying to my emails is to increase the views of this thread with the final goal of "I want everything to be presented professionally."?
When you wrote you want attention and views, How many views would you like to get to be satisfied? 20,000? 50,000? 100,000? Or is there no limit and no goal at which point you will be satisfied?
When you wrote "I want everything to be presented professionally" do you mean professionally with lawyers and papers in the court room? Will you be satisfied then If it is presented in the courtroom? Or will you only be satisfied if the judge speaks in favor of your accusation? What would you do if he doesnt?

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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: earthquake ()
Date: December 15, 2019 01:01AM

> Thank you for your lengthy reply.

It would have been much better if you replied back to it. Instead of waiting for the behind the scenes 'support'. Even now I can hear the whirr of the collective emails being bandied about, between them all, lol.

I havn't got a clue why you are thinking that your post to me is valid in any way. Though I do know that the sloppiness is a sure sign of having nothing of substance to retort. I will reply to you though, for amusement more than anything.

> You wrote:
> "We want the attention. [...] approaching 18,000
> views now."
> Am I correct to assume that your goal of replying
> to my emails is to increase the views of this
> thread with the final goal of "I want everything
> to be presented professionally."?

I would have assumed, with your excellent vedanta training, that you would know Shankaracharya teaches not to take things out of context. Not to mention I did advise you of his teaching myself also. You are placing two separate sentences above. You will run the risk of confusing yourself at some point with that method.

Naturally I support the existence of this thread. There is no 'final goal'. I've already tried to explain some vedanta teachings to you that you should have been aware of. I expected them to be ignored as SW students are not effectively taught it. This is Isvara's business, not mine. While all of the SW High Command are without a doubt emotionally involved, as are you, I am not. I don't care what way this goes. It's about going with the flow.

It is true that the more attention that this gets the more it is galvanising people. And I am telling you, and them, there are immense collections that have been gathered of both JS and IS talking down to students. Their own words. They are fuelling a situation in which they won't be able to defend. The author of Heather's book and myself have a difference of opinion before over this being revealed (the evidence i have gathered). As they want it out right away. And I respect their view. But I am standing with them. I see a lot of truth in what has been published. And many former students tell me the same.


> When you wrote you want attention and views, How
> many views would you like to get to be satisfied?
> 20,000? 50,000? 100,000? Or is there no limit and
> no goal at which point you will be satisfied?

It makes no difference, save for the point Isabella says noone is interested, and James says this is one person that is a troll. We show that neither are correct in their assessment. That is the point.


> When you wrote "I want everything to be presented
> professionally" do you mean professionally with
> lawyers and papers in the court room? Will you be
> satisfied then If it is presented in the
> courtroom? Or will you only be satisfied if the
> judge speaks in favor of your accusation? What
> would you do if he doesnt?

What are you talking about? I don't take JS and IS to court cause they are spiritual manipulators and bullies, who traumatise people.

You are being very dramatic with this courtroom business. Professionally presented is professionally presented in the media.

Everything is happening organically and is quite enjoyable. Anytime Shiningworld want to up the ante, there is, right now, a wealth of their own words how they abuse students, that can be brought out. it doesnt matter what they tried to delete in the past, nor what they think they have told others in confidence. Even those closest to them can't be trusted completely. I've interviewed many students all saying the same thing.

In the matter of truth, it doesnt matter if 200 people say 'I never saw this'. That doesn't invalidate 30 people who say, independently, 'Yes, I was a victim of that'.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/15/2019 01:03AM by earthquake.

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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Traveler99 ()
Date: December 15, 2019 01:51AM

is James Swartz.

In the posts above,
Earthquake destroys him.

Fascinating. James Swartz must be so desperate now.

Why would he so futilely continue such a disastrous, losing effort against Earthquake?

That is, unless James Swartz has either totally "lost it" mentally, unless he figures he has nothing left to lose since the Truth has been brought to the public eye regarding him thanks to Heather getting it all started, or both.

In the above, Aenas-Aeneas-Anus-Swartz did ask one question I'd like to examine. The query was, to paraphrase:

"How many views of the 'James Swartz--What is the Truth?' message thread are enough?"

For me, there is no upper or lower goal. Personally, I have two 'hopes.' The first hope is that every victim of James Swartz and his spiritual, psychological, and financial scamming would find out about Heather, the book, and this forum, and would be helped in healing by knowing that he or she is not alone. Plus, that each victim would be comforted, and perhaps helped in healing, by knowing that the monster can be, and is still being, confronted.

My second hope is that no person ever walks into a 'spiritual' meeting or lesson presided over by James Swartz (or one of his acolytes who has not 'grown a brain' and expanded to the real truths of Advaita Vedanta) without have been 'forewarned.' Sadly, there are people who seemed doomed to suffer. You can tell some persons, 'Hey, that part of the jungle is full of deadly snakes and aggressive predators,' and they'll still choose to take an evening stroll there.

All, realistically, that Heather, her friends (like me), and new comrades (like Earthquake) can do is to put out the word, wave the danger flag, tell the truth as we find it, and hope all will see or hear. That not everybody will heed the warnings is the way of the world, but at least some will be saved some suffering the darkness of Swartz and his so-called Shining World.

That seems the most we can do. Whether it takes 18,000, 30,000, or 500 'views' of the posts here, and no matter how many readings of "Guru? The Story of Heather" it requires, the numbers aren't the issue. It's the effect that matters.

James Swartz has already lost, and it doesn't take a judge in some courtroom to say so. No spiritual teacher besides those he's trained or those who aren't aware of his actual history or teachings give him any credence whatsoever. His best students, all, inevitably, depart as they find the massive holes in his teachings, and come to realize that this angry, egotistical, pet-poisoning bully is not to be preferred as one's spiritual guide (in fact, far from it).

Perhaps, thanks to the efforts Heather inspired beginning about three years ago, fewer 'beginning' persons fall for his fake persona now. That, again, is one of my 'hopes.' Swartz's doings have been evil by any worldly standard, and to let others know of his dark and insidious nature, as best we can, might be all we can do. (Swartz has tried to claim that our efforts have given him publicity and since "all publicity is good," he's actually gained students due to our posts. What would Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, or (if still alive) Jeffrey Epstein have to say about 'all publicity being good publicity'? Plus, even male serial killers get fan mail from women. It is likely only this type of 'fan' who would come to Swartz after reading the book and these posts. And, as mentioned above, there's nothing we can do about these "take a dangerous walk" folks. To them, "Good luck, folks" is all we can say.)

Again, how many "Views" of the posts occur is not the primary goal. What is much more important is simply to make sure that only forewarned victims, not innocent and ignorant ones, come under the sway of James Swartz from now on. When that happens, and all his victims have heard, then there have been enough 'views,' and we've done what we could.

May this day arrive soon.

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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Valma ()
Date: December 15, 2019 01:51AM

Aenas Wrote:
> Hi Earthquake,
> Thank you for your lengthy reply.
> You wrote:
> "We want the attention. [...] approaching 18,000
> views now."
> Am I correct to assume that your goal of replying
> to my emails is to increase the views of this
> thread with the final goal of "I want everything
> to be presented professionally."?
> When you wrote you want attention and views, How
> many views would you like to get to be satisfied?
> 20,000? 50,000? 100,000? Or is there no limit and
> no goal at which point you will be satisfied?
> When you wrote "I want everything to be presented
> professionally" do you mean professionally with
> lawyers and papers in the court room? Will you be
> satisfied then If it is presented in the
> courtroom? Or will you only be satisfied if the
> judge speaks in favor of your accusation? What
> would you do if he doesnt?

Reading this I must wonder: what are the motivation and goal of the one who is asking these questions? What's the point? What does it contribute to the topic of this thread which is to inform, share or educate oneself??? Is sarcasm useful at all unless to confuse people reading this thread and distract them from the reason someone started this thread in the first place?

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