> I have not read anything on this forum since I
> posted my post many days ago and I am impressed at
> the lengthy and immediate responses to my post
> when I had a chance to read it just now.
Will you just be honest for once? You and I both know the way Shiningworld High Command operates. This reply of 'yours' is not yours. Unless you are schizophrenic.
The posting content is much different than what was initially made. both in terms of the overall grammatical content, and the subject matter is much more polished. There is also a psychological element at play, that is making me smile.
Shiningworld staff do nothing but back-stab and gossip. About each other and students. They talk amongst each other in emails, and this response took a little bit of time, as I mentioned before would.
While James Swartz may not have posted this, I can see a lot of what he is saying in it. It is highly polished in terms of a Shiningworld teacher. I will see how much of Isabella is in this.
Anyhow, I have wanted this, and openly goaded this, all year. I am relishing this James and Isabella. I know you are reading this.
Much of what is replied to me here is simply wrong in terms of Vedanta. Shiningworld actually believe in their own hype. James, you have included so many things you don't actually know what is correct or not. And, as an aside. I have detailed interactions from you showing this.
I will explain, once more, Traditional Vedanta.
> Responding to posts on this board seems like a
> binding vasana for many writers on this board.
How many binding vasanas do any of you have? More to the point, Vedanta does not care abour vasanas. There are THREE vasanas of importance in Vedanta.
1. I am not the body.
2. I am not the mind.
3. Study scripture.
Vasansa cleansing is neither needed or able to be achieved. It is a dualistic tool, that may only be applicable at a certain stage. And anyhow, this is not a Vedanta board. People here could not care less about it. And that is valid. Whether they have binding whatever is their business.
You should not be judging people who are not on the path of Vedanta. Or indeed. anyone on it. Do you not understand there is no usefulness in judgement?
> I did not know any better, I would imagine that
> the writers on this board do not have a life
> outside of this board.
Hello Isabella. While you may not have posted this. These are your words. You have used them before. And I say to you, stop judging people. You have always done this. I recently was told of a student who received your heavy criticism by them by accident. People in Shiningworld are learning. Stop bullying.
I could say to you, that you do not have a live outside of the e-satsangs you post. Even though they are wrong. I noticed yet another wrong teaching by you the other day. You know the website? The Shiningworld one where you and James never stop posting by these 'students' how magnificent you both are.
I have a full meaningful
> life so I have a small amount of time that I
> allotted to read some posts directed at me of this
> board.
You are implying that since Isvara has a purpose for this platform, and this topic, that it is meaningless? How do you know better than God? None of you have been taught properly. If you had you would see that there is purpose here.
If I do not respond to a particular post
> aiming at me, it is because I choose not to spend
> the time to read more than the time I allotted to
> reading this board. First, I will address a few
> people's comments individually and then I will
> devote most of this post mainly to what Earthquake
> wrote because most writers on this board have
> mostly nothing of substance to say except name
> calling.
You don't need to explain. We know that the reason it takes so long is that this is a collaboration.
The thing is, you have not replied to me with anything of substance. And I will highlight that as we go on.
> Readers to this board may want to note the
> following line of thoughts that seems to be
> dominant on this board. If you are critical of
> James Swartz, then you are a real person and your
> writing is worth considering. If you have
> something positive to say about James Swartz, then
> your writing is not worth considering because such
> a person could not possibly exist, so therefore
> the person writing is really James Swartz writing
> under a pseudonym.
> The typical mode of operation of most writers on
> this board is that if you have a contrary opinion
> to the dominant opinion of this board, you will be
> name-called and ridiculed. I wonder if this
> practice reminds someone of some school playground
> early in their lives.
And what are you all complaining about exactly? Are you blind? Shiningworld do nothing but put down other spiritual expressions and people, and have been doing for many years. it is very dharmic for this. Isvara has created this. So take it up with God.
> Judging by the level of mental agitation that
> appears in the writing on this board, I can see
> actual manifestation of the saying "If you seek
> vengeance, you should dig two graves". I suppose
> the mental agitation is a small price to pay for
> the feeling of moral righteous indignation. This
> forum is a great place to study revenge and the
> psychological effect on those seeking revenge. I
> am impressed at the dedication to revenge on this
> forum.
Let me give you a quick Vedanta lesson...
It is dharmic to not let adharmic go un-challenged. This is the very issue Arjuna had in the Bhagavad Gita. It was against dharma for him not to go to battle.
Perhaps you should all stop bleating and just get on with this here.
> E (short for Earthquake): Were you never taught
> Karma Yoga properly? S: I can see that you
> cannot practice Karma Yoga properly because of the
> mental agitation that comes through in your
> writing.
Really? Lmao. That is so wrong in regards to Vedanta. The fruit of Karma Yoga is the preparation for the qualifications. And the fruit of the qualifications is the ability to carry out sadhana. And the fruit of sadhana is enlightenment.
You seem to think that assimialtion of Vedanta means permitting ahdarmic actions. It does not. That is spiritual by-passing. Which is what modern vedanta does. It is an epidemic in Shinignworld.
> S: Does the knowledge of this person's past
> negate what the person taught me about myself
> that I value so much? E: Yes, it does. For anyone
> that can think for themselves S: It is
> interesting that you think that I cannot think for
> myself and yet you spend a lot of time addressing
> someone who cannot think. I certainly would not
> waste my time doing that. I rather spend my time
> studying James' teachings, which I do for about
> four hours each day.
What you do is you business. Neither this topic, nor my reply to you, are for you. They have always only been for the rest of the world to read. Neither nor I are important in this. But as a self-proclaimed 'free person'. You would of known this. Though had you of, you would not be thinking about 'you'. As there is no 'you', lol.
Assimilate that. ;) .
> E: And I excuse you for this flawed thinking. S:
> How benevolent of you!!!! You are much too kind.
> I deeply appreciate this. I love your pomposity
> and condescension. We are a good match.
We are not a match. I was blinded by the Shiningworld cult. And am free now. You are still in it.
> E: There is no judgements on you. S:
> Really???? I suppose that self awareness is harder
> to come by than I expect.
Lmao. I can't stop laughing at these replies. This sounds like Isabella a bit again. She is so pretentious.
What on earth do you mean by 'self-awareness'? I could use one of your own teachings against you here Isabella. Explain what you mean!
> E: That is nice. Unfortunately you do not owe
> contentment to James.
S: You recite the Vedanta
> party line very well. If you have learned this
> from James, James has taught you well. You struck
> me as someone who knows the cost of everything but
> the value of nothing.
Any Vedanta I share is only very specific, and is Traditional Vedanta. Not James Swartz. So now, no credit goes to him.
Your last sentence is what James and Isabella say in private to people.
Before I had the great
> blessing to study with James, I had a life filled
> with typical jiva suffering. After I studied with
> James, I have a life of minimal mental agitation,
> irritation and dissatisfaction. I would say that
> on most of my days, I experience no mental
> agitation, irritation or dissatisfaction. This is
> what I want the most in life and I have only been
> able achieve this since I studied with James.
Again, a proper Vedanta teachers does not take credit for the above. And anyhow, your reply is showing a lack of understanding in Vedanta. Who cares if the mind has mental agitation. It cannot effect you. You claim to be a free person, but you simply do not speak like an enlightened person. You speak from the human angle all the time. I think you have not attained what you are told. Sattvic pride and academic knowledge is not enlightenment.
> S: James has introduced me to a knowledge that
> has helped to set me free. E: The enlightened
> person would not say this. S: I am glad to know
> that you are an authority on what enlightened
> people say and do not say.
Again, you are showing a lack of undersanding of Vedanta. I am not speaking from my perspective. We only speak from the view of Vedanta. And Scripture shows, and proper teachings show, how a person knows the above.
You must be
> enlightened yourself to be able to know this. I
> know what freedom is. I do not care to be
> enlightened. You may know that you are Awareness
> but it does not seem like you know what it means
> to be Awareness.
I don't mind what you are saying here one bit in regard to me. The truth is, you have showed again wrong teachings.
I am not enlightened. I never was. And never will be. Enlightenment does not concern me.
Unlike you, I do not know what freedom is. Because I was never bound. Therefore I am never freed. There never is any limitation.
The pronoun 'I' in vedanta is important. It is the strongest vritti, thought. The enlightened person would not say they know what freedom is. For freedom is of no concern to them. They are Sat Chit Ananda Atma. This ananda, is limitless. Since you were never bound, you are never free.
Your teachers have not taught you correctly. This is common in Shiningworld. James Swartz was not taught fully himself. So what does one expect.
The so-called jnani, enlightened person, would know in exchange what is what. This is based on what is said and what is not said. They would not claim to be free however. Only rarely to show a teaching point perhaps. And you have repeated more than once about being free and freedom. Not from the perspective of the enlightened mind is this.
> E: If he doesnt live out being good, how can he
> teach you to be? S: I am not interested in
> learning how to be good. I want to know that I am
> free.
> E: He won't reveal his ten year finances,
> independently. S: I never expect to know the
> finances of my teachers or anyone for that matter.
> I wonder if you are an American. It seems like a
> strange thing to want to know.
I'm not interested in what you want to know. I wrote to the world what myself and others want to know.
It is not strange to ask. As it is one of the possible signs of a cult to not share this.
> E: I am so glad you have added this to your
> original response. I cant stop laughing. You are
> elevating James Swartz above Krishna. Isvara, god,
> owns the Gita. S: It seems to me that you are so
> impressed with pedigree that you miss what is
> right in front of your eyes.
For someome who claimed to be responding so clearly you are not being precise in what you are saying here.
If by pedigree, you mean lineage. Yes, lineage is very important. Not all are equal. Or as James says, not all roads lead to Rome.
> E: you would accept he doesn't teach traditional
> Vedanta
S: You want to make a fallacious point
> so you put words in my mouth that I did not say.
> Go back and reread my post. I said that I do not
> care if he teaches traditional Vedanta or not. I
> am only interested in knowledge that is helpful
> whether it is traditional or not.
I make a point I have repeatedly made on here. If I am wrong, as well as all the other points, James is free to take legal action on libel. However, it is only libel if it is wrong and malicious.
Here you are missing what is right in front of you. You are being repeatedly shown how what you are being taught it not correct. And it is not what you are told, in regard to enlightenment. For someone genuinely interested, what is being said would be important.
> E: Well by his own admission he had been a sex
> crazed lothario.
S: The people I know who
> disapprove of sex crazed lotharios are the people
> who are not getting laid at all or not as often as
> they would like. I assume by what you wrote that
> you have never heard the concept of sinning
> intelligently. I was a sex crazed lothario and I
> still am. This is yet another reason why I like
> James so much. I highly recommend sex. It is one
> of the great jiva pleasures.
Shankaracharya teaches us not to take snippets of text and use it out of context. The context is that that was one of three points that made one single point. He has admitted to being sex mad, and has been sleeping with students. If you like that kind of thing, that is your call.
> E: As far as Panchadasi goes, it is an advanced
> text. And there is no way, none at all, that James
> SWartz is as accomplished as the author. S: You
> would do well working for the Trump
> administration. I never said that James thinks
> his commentary is better than the original text.
> I said that I think James' commentary on the text
> is more helpful to me than the actual words of the
> text.
I never said that you SAID that James thinks this. I implied openly that he does think like this.
You seem to think a modern vedanta teacher can explain the actual text of scripture like the Bhagavad Gita. No. Vedanta does not accept this view. Isabella has also said this in the past. . You are not being taught properly. Scripture like the Gita was regarded by Shankaracharya as being Sruti, the word of God almost. It is one of the three pillars of Vedanta. And in fact, James Swartz uses the teachings of Swami Dayananda to teach it. So James deserves no credit. I told you this already. If you have say him teach the Gita, you will know he does this before class.
> S: More importantly, James taught me what I need
> to do to prepare my mind so this important
> knowledge about myself becomes firm.
E: The
> credit for those teachings has got nothing to do
> with James Swartz. Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita is
> a good candidate for that. Isvara, God owns the
> credit.
S: If you read my post carefully, I
> wrote that James is an instrument of Isvara. You
> are once again twisting the fact to make your
> point. When your arguments are weak, you just
> make up a lie like the one I pointed out in the
> above that Traveller99 made.
Everyone is an instrument for Isvara. That is not some grand title, so ease up, on the hyperbole, lol. It is valid that you are wrongly crediting James Swartz with something that is actually Swami Dayananda. keep focused. This will be much easier on you.
> James has taught me so many cool things that would
> only irk many people on this board more if I were
> to recite them all. Like many valuable teachers I
> have had in my life, James suggested some tools I
> can use to deal with my jiva problems and to know
> that I am free.
This is not an anti vedanta board. People here could not care less about vedanta I expect. The only reason it is tolerated in this topic is cause I am showing James SWartz is not a valid Vedanta teacher.
> E: To be really direct to you, Vedanta is not
> about transforming your life. Why would it be? I
> get it, modern vedanta has this think about
> sorting out vasanas and thoughts. Never ending
> life management. Guna management!
S: I am
> guessing that if you had some life and guna
> management, you might not allow yourself to be
> abused by James as you have claimed. I can
> understand the possibility of Heather being abused
> as a child but I wonder how you come to allow
> yourself to be abused as an adult. I wonder if it
> is caused by a lack of life or guna management.
The thing is, your dualistic, Samkhya focused teachings do not bypass life. And most certainly, an victim of abuse in a cult, is not to blame for being abused in that cult. You will have to try better than that you get a reaction. In fact you wont' get a reaction. You will show how much of an adharmic you are. As you have repeatedly done. Lol.
> E: With James Swartz, the abuse is selective, and
> often behind closed doors. I know because it
> happened to me.
S: It seems to me that James
> still gets to you like he does to Heather after
> all these years. Participating in this forum
> might be a reason why both of you cannot let go.
You still have not understood WHY it was dharmic for Arjuna to challenge the wrong doing, I see.
> Your alleged abuse reminds me of the following
> story. Two monks cross the river and the older one
> of the monks helps a young woman to cross the
> river. The older monk clearly violated the rule
> that as a monk, he is not allowed to touch the
> other gender. Hours later the younger monk is
> still enraged at the older monk's violation. The
> older monk said to the younger monk " I let go of
> the woman once we crossed the river but you have
> been carrying her for all those hours." What this
> monk does not know is that some people carry the
> mental disturbance for years and decades.
I get tired of hearing the same stories from James and Isabella. A person can carry what they want, for as long as they want. If James and Isabella could stop judging anyone who disagrees with them, then the students might have that filer down. The fact is all that we see on here from Shiningworld is negative things being said to victims of abuse. That is your legacy. One we are promoting. As you all cannot help yourself!
This is brilliant stuff!
> E: He has so much power over you, you don't care
> what he teaches.
S: The issue of power is an
> interesting one on this board. Some people are so
> focused on having power over others or vice versa
> that they neglect the most important power, which
> is the power to master our own mind.
Are you for real? Lmao! That is so NOT Traditional Vedanta. Oh God. Lol. Master the mind, lol. Lovely.
> E: you are trying to create a flaming response on
> here, and use that to solidify keeping members in
> Shiningworld.
S: Your tendency to project makes
> me think about the guna that dominates this board.
> To give you a clue which guna dominates this
> board, think revenge, emotionality, perception
> distortion, jealousy, envy, rage, blame,
> hatred, reactivity and the need to be right.
Here is another actual vedanta teaching I am sure you will ignore. Who cars about gunas, you are beyond them. But you would know this of course. Since you are enlightened. Bit of a problem in your focus though, ;) . Trigunatha.
> S: Does the knowledge of this person's past
> negate what the person taught me about myself
> that I value so much?
E: Yes, it does. For anyone
> that can think for themselves
S: It is
> interesting that you think that I cannot think for
> myself and yet you spend a lot of time addressing
> someone who cannot think. I certainly would not
> waste my time doing that. I rather spend my time
> studying James' teachings, which I do for about
> four hours each day.
See, this is why I am not talking for you. Only to you. Those indoctrinated into a cult, they cannot see it. These posts are to inform others.
> E: And I excuse you for this flawed thinking. S:
> How benevolent of you!!!! You are much too
> magnanimous. I deeply appreciate this.
It is no problem. The way it works is that there is no pride nor judgements. There is only God. Only Brahman. No seperation. No importance. Okay. I cant take any credit for you saying I am magnaminous. I am only sharing Vedanta.
> E: There is no judgements on you. S:
> Really???? I suppose that self awareness is harder
> to come by than I have thought.
It will be if you think it is 'something to come by'! Lol. So wrong in those words again. This is not vedanta.
> E: If it makes you feel good, you're in!
S: Oh
> babe, you got it. Amen!!! Sign me up for the
> gospel. If you have not felt good much in your
> life, I recommend for you to try getting yourself
> into that state. Most people do not feel good
> most of the time. In fact, most people experience
> mental agitation almost every day, if not
> everyday.
What 'state'? Jeez like. Is the teachings of Shiningworld this bad now? There is not state.
> E: Anyhow, dispassion is also not about ignoring
> adharma.
S: James said that he never raped
> anyone. I believe him. Heather said that James
> raped her. You believe her perhaps because you
> have been victimized by James as you allege. My
> life and guna management is too good to allow
> anyone to abuse me so I do not have a chip on my
> shoulder regarding James like you apparently do.
Your ego and superiority clearly show you are not a humble enlightened person. Such a person would not try to score points against me, a victim of abuse, as they do not know if it is true. Why be like this to a person, if you are enlightened?
> S: A person once asked the Dalai Lama if he is
> angry at the Chinese. He said something to the
> effect "The Chinese already took my land. I am
> not going to let them take my mind too." E: You
> have got no moral right to use spiritual teachings
> against a child rape victim. You should be ashamed
> of yourself.
S: You seem to exert your right in
> telling me how flawed and misguided my thinking
> is. You may think that you are helping Heather
> but what you are doing on this board is harmful to
> her.
> The point of the Dalai Lama story is that the
> Dalai Lama knows what to do with his mind to have
> a peaceful and joyful life that is free of mental
> agitation, which is the opposite mindset that is
> displayed on this board.
You have already been shown by others on here that your assertion about the Dalai Lama is not correct. You are using spiritual teachings to try to make Heather feel she should not be speaking out. That is immoral, and is adharmic. Particularly when what you are trying to assert has already been proven wrong, and you are at it again.
> E: what kind of pudding are we talking about
> here?
S: The proof of the pudding is
> experiencing less suffering that comes from
> identification with the jiva and less mental
> agitation, which seems to plague most writers on
> this board.
Less suffering? I thought you were free? You should be free from suffering then. As you know samsara cannot impact you. So it does no exist/ How curious an enlightened person would use the word 'less'.
Another proof of the pudding is
> thinking from the platform of wholeness and not
> from lack. I am guessing that if you do not
> identify with your jiva so strongly as you seem to
> have, you will be able to let go of the negative
> effects from James' alleged abuse of you. When
> you are under the spell of Maya, you suffer.
Spirtual by-passing of modern vedanta. As you have been already taught here, one does not by-pass challenging wrong actions.
> probably do not know that experience does not
> modify you.
How interested you would say this. You can see what I mean in my last comment.
You probably do not realize that you
> are the Teflon in a nonstick pan. That is
> freedom. The good stuff does not stick. The bad
> stuff does not stick. You exist as a radiant,
> peaceful and happy presence. I asked many of my
> friends what they would say about me at my
> memorial if I were to die before them.
There you go again. You do not die. The enlightened person claims immortality. You are again talking from the primary perspective of the person. You are not enlightened. This is too widespread in your language. Vedanta is oral. One knows in the things said, and not said.
Many of
> them said that what I value the most is to have a
> life of minimal or no mental agitation, irritation
> or dissatisfaction and that I am the only person
> they know personally well who has achieved this
> mental state. What my friends also know is that
> I am able to achieve this state by studying what
> James taught.
This has got nothing to do with Vedanta, lol.
> In the spirit of a new year to come, I leave the
> readers of this board with a quote from a sage
> that forms the foundation of my well-being.
> samAdhi is the highest detachment obtained from
> Knowledge. Meditation is useless without
> detachment. Meditation is meaningless with
> detachment. Utter detachment is the most
> fundamental thing of all for Nirvana.
Didn't you write above that experience does not modify you?
Yet you keep writing from experiential perspective.
Intially it would seem that there is no contextual meaning for you posting this. But I know why you did. And I look at your wording.
Samadhi is not the top of our sadhana. Well not traditional vedanta anyhow. it is jnanam, guru and scripture. Samadhi is above nididhyaysnam, and below guru. In order.
Sahaja samadhi is what the enlightened person has. This does not mean that there is not relevance to challenging what is dharmic.
Re: Areyoukiddingme: Are you kidding us? Noone cares about your trolling. You are wasting your time. I think you are lieing, as usual. You sound like Isabella. Interact on the subject matter. Or leave...
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/30/2019 08:33AM by earthquake.