stefa Wrote:
> Namaste, found this on reddit. Did a search of
> this forum's previous post, did not find any, so
> decided to post.
> Posted byu/[deleted]2 years ago
> "
> The insidious dangers of Mooji
Posted by PriorToAwareness 1 year ago in response to above article
I agree, there's no "dirt" that comes up with those guys as unlike Mooji, they don't have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Tony (Moo) is a text book case!
Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from other people
Fixation on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
Self-perception of being unique, superior, and associated with high-status people and institutions
Need for continual admiration from others
Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others
Exploitation of others to achieve personal gain
Unwillingness to empathize with the feelings, wishes, and needs of other people
Pompous and arrogant demeanor
Posted by Anonymous 2 years ago
I am very concerned about the teachings of Mooji and his take on "non Dualism". Some of what he promotes does mimic 'brain-washing'. He wants to break down people's egos, so as they become empty, spacious, nothing..... He says things like '99% of your thoughts are rubbish'. To me, that is a huge red flag! Once a person has become 'nothing' then they are easily manipulated and exploited. In an ashram they call this a 'break-through', but in reality it is a break-down.
It's impossible to become 'nothing'. We are living breathing beings with lives to live....
Mooji is not enlightened. He practices 'free love' with his young female devotees. Ok, whatever... there is nothing especially wrong with free love, as long as you practice safe sex. The thing is that he takes pains to keep this covered up... why all the secrecy? If promiscuity was part of his spiritual doctrine, then why doesn't he talk about it openly? That would make a lot more sense to me. Check out r/[]
Posted by PriorToAwareness 1 year ago
Yes, there are over 60 pages of accounts of "cult-like" behavior around Mooji, and his young female devotees etc. Any young woman considering traveling to "see" him should read through this before deciding!