Maria Lena Wrote:
> It's worth listening to and lasts only 15 minutes.
Thank you Maria. After the cow experience, this was a easy one to spot. Just go to Jac's website at
Try scheduling a private session and you will see that 30mins cost USD 125 and 50mins cost USD 200.
How different is this from the cow who charges EURO 150 for personal face to face session???
Wrote this for someone from this forum eons ago and posting it below for free:
The only price you have to pay is $incerity.
1. Say the word "I", or think "I' (without saying it verbally), where does your attention suddenly shift to? David Godman refers to this as the "I" feeling. This is "ego I" that you have been conditioned to remember. Continue to do this until you are be able to discern that your absolute being is watching this "ego "I". Awareness watching awareness. Being aware that you are aware. Asking yourself "To whom do these thoughts appear?" will also lead your attention to this "ego I".
2. Asking youself "Who am I" at this stage will shift your attention to itself. Stay here. Attention on attention.
3. Alternatively, following the following instructions will also get you to "attention on attention". Try to remember your childhood days, some you can remember and some you cannot remember. So try to remember what you cannot remember. This is the same as trying to remember how you look like before your father was even born? Your ego tries to follow whatever memory it can find until it ends up hitting a blank "wall" or "space". That is the root of 'I'; the "I" before the 'ego I' arose, your original state of being.
Step 3 is for me the most directly way to get here to the root of "ego I". Step 2 documents Ramana's use of the question "Who am I?" to get here. Nisargadatta used "I am That" to get here. Robert Spira uses "Who is aware?" to get here.
When you get to this point, Fear will come because the ego which you think is yourself is so close to the Absolute, it fears for its individual existence. Your heart may also start to beat faster. To conquer this fear, SURRENDER is key. There is effort when you fight the feeling. If you don't fight, let it all go, it is effortless.
It is not easy to let it all go. The feeling is very similar to sitting on the window sill with your back facing the outside of the window, letting go of your dear life and falling backward into the "unknown", this freefall is complete surrender. Earnesty will invoke Grace.......Grace will take care of the rest and you will not need my explanation anymore because you are a light unto yourself.
Do this for one hour in the morning and one hour before your sleep and let nature takes its course. The process is long for most of us because the egoic "I" accumulated for many lifetimes has to be 'burnt' off. So don't expect anything is the best attitude.