Quoted material in brackets is Rob Juliano's Youtube material as quoted by Sahara71.
Bhakti requires an object of devotion, the leader serves that role. Different paths don't have this type of dynamic. Besides, he is allowed to enjoy being loved, as long as he's using his power wisely
Corboy comment: Seems to me the only ones who respond wisely and well to bhakti devotion
are our dogs and cats. It takes profound bhakti to pick up and manually dispose of our Loved One's excrement.
(Oh, my God....perhaps when we pick up the dog and cat poo, we are actually practicing tantra and don't know it!!)
Bhakti devotion between humans, dogs and cats seems to work as well as it does because interspecies sex is
forbidden under penalty of law - and social taboo.
And as far as I've seen, he(Presumably Moo) has. Sex is fine. Having sex with a master is a great blessing because it brings in higher vibrations.
"Having sex with a master is a great blessing because it brings in higher vibrations"
Corboy comment: There are some problems here. This is an assertion, made as though everyone agrees that this is so and that there is no debate.
Hmmm. But there has been debate and there is debate on whether sex with a master is a great blessing. For according to the material from Rob Juliano that Sahara71 quoted in the post above RJ seems to acknowledge others have not found sex with the master to be a great blessing:
Now, if a break in relationship occurs between a follower and master from sex- who's fault is this. It is the ego of the follower, who is trying to use the sexual past with the master as leverage to gain some existence/power. This is not a loving soul that does this, but, this is why these souls are with a master- to learn about love."
So, there does disagreement whether sexual congress between master and disciple "Having sex with a master is a great blessing". A simple assertion that it is a great blessing is not enough, not unless you're convinced the guru can never ever do wrong.
So lets ask if the term "vibrations" - used to describe something objectively observable and measurable by different persons can be correlated with something - "blessings" that are not objectively observable and measurable.
No. These terms relate to different domains - the objective (science/measurable phenomena) and blessings (metaphysical and subjective) Whether something is a great blessing or a great violation of trust is not measurable in terms of vibrations, whether it is sound waves or light wavelengths.)
Whether something is or is not a blessing is subjective, is debatable and it belongs to the area of metaphysics.
There is no universally agreed upon unit of measurement for blessings.Combining the language of science with that of metaphysics is like trying to play a game of soccer using an American football. Metaphysics and science are discussed using different sets of rules, rules that
cannot be combined without generating messy confusing conclusions.
Scientific method is useful only for investigating objective phenomena that can be described using an agreed upon vocabulary and an agreed upon unit of measurement. A stable precise vocabulary shared among investigators is a necessary precondition for scientific method. So is a shared commitment to honest and complete communication of one's findings no matter how personally disappointing this is.
Unlike gurus, scientists must be willing to admit, publicly, "the evidence from different research teams does not support my hypothesis."
"Having sex with a master is a great blessing because it brings in higher vibrations"
Suppose we try to study this using scientific method.
"Vibrations" -- vibrations of
Mechanical vibrations?
Electromagnetic vibrations?
How do we
know that sex with a master "brings in higher vibrations?"
Did Masters and Johnson report any findings on this?
Schultz and Sabelis the Dutch researchers that did MRIs of copulating couples - do they have any findings on this?
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Has any research been done on this subject by the celebrated Dr. Frank-N-Furter, the sweet transvestite from Transsexual, Transylvania?
This is very important. A finding is not robust unless it has been replicated by different researchers If just one person alleges that sex with a master brings in higher vibrations, this is merely anecdotal.
Now, if a person observes a guru and see he is valuing sex and power over doing god's duty of moving their followers towards liberationCorboy question: "If a person observes".... what about the descriptions given by people on this discussion thread (which has been repeatedly been disrupted by trolls) and other discussions shut down?
Now, if a break in relationship occurs between a follower and master from sex- who's fault is this. It is the ego of the follower, who is trying to use the sexual past with the master as leverage to gain some existence/power. This is not a loving soul that does this, but, this is why these souls are with a master- to learn about love."
Corboy comment: No other motive is considered possible for a dismayed disciple except "leverage to gain some existence/power?"
What if the disciple was not informed that having sex with the master will be the pedagogical method used to "learn about love"?
To refresh our memories, lets look at xivoparig's post from almost two years ago, the item that transformed this discussion thread from a sedate backwater into a volcanically active discussion that brought a legion of trolls -- and many others some stating they have spent considerable time at Monte Sahaja.
This is how one is taught about love?
Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: xivoparig
Date: August 10, 2018 02:26AM
This account may be deleted but I am posting anonymously to help others and for fear of being found. Mooji is a straight up conman in the worst sense praying on the desperate and vulnerable. He is a rapist and everybody has to be warned. This happened over a year ago over the span of 2-3 months or so. I don't want to post much more than that as his may be reading.
I was having a rough time with money and having a home and I ended up at a Mooji talk in London. At this point in your life, anything free is a blessing. I wasn't the only one in this situation, there were a few of us that were given food, shelter and in exchange for an 'open mind'. I was thankful for this - much better than the streets and you don't mind filling the time with hearing someone speak. We went along to hear him talk to the masses and it was quite inspirational and this went on for a while with us 'following him'... well there is nothing like a free lunch.
I started seeing some females who I met in similar situations as me who would have 'private talks' with Mooji and come out of rooms looking detached and something bubbling below. I had a friend, let's call her 'Sarah'. Whenever I asked Sarah what happened, she would put on a fake smile and spout that life is beautiful we have to believe. This wasn't the real them and it bugged me that something wasn't right. Mooji never really invited me privately in but his crew spoke to me a lot about 'giving myself' to them whatever that meant, submitting for the higher good and belief. It was wishy washy to pinpoint what I was supposed to believe but the sheer force of belief coming from the crew made me didn't want to question this for fear of being thrown out on the streets. I felt like I had to contribute something but I didn't know. Work? Giving out leaflets? Not sure.
So far, there was a positive focus and sense of wellbeing but for what price?
This happened one day a while into my stint with them. I had to sleep when I could being with so many others so I found a quiet corner behind some bags in a venue. I curled up and was trying to drift off amongst the people coming in and out setting up. I couldn't fall asleep so I was lying there trying to relax. I finally sat up and I could see mooji and one of his crew members who I always saw float around mooji and not say much (I didn't even recall hearing his voice) talking to each other. They had their backs to me and i felt a bit strange as nobody else was around and they couldn't see me. I heard them talking about 'Sarah'. Mooji was asking top crew guy if 'sarah' was ready to give herself. ' The crew guy was saying how 'i've been working on her, she'll be *sleeping* with you within the week'.
I was shocked at the frankness of this abuse and it made sense from sarah's detached personality. She was being forcd to prostitute herself to mooji!
Mooji was asking about some others and what they are 'contributing' and the crew guy was talking about them giving money (some followers had money and were not sleeping on the street).
I sat back down behind the bags and lied down quietly as I could sweating if they found me, they would not only kick me out but silence me.
I had to leave and I knew I wouldn't have long with Sarah. I was ready to go and I had to plan my exit so I chose my moment to speak to her about what I heard. She called me a liar and how I didn't believe enough. She was on the verge of tears and her words didn't match how she felt with this conflicting information I was telling her. She was too far gone. I left straight away and I never found out what happened to her. If you're reading sarah or if you ARE a 'sarah' then I urge you to trust your instincts and not fall into the mooji trap. He's preying on the weak with having to believe in something. Don't give him money, don't give him your body. He is using a positive persona and behind this is a twisted evil man. I'm now doing ok, I have a job, a home. There is a way out of this cult.
xivoparig also wrote this
Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: xivoparig
Date: August 11, 2018 01:26AM
(Quoted material from a previous post by Corboy deleted)
Thank you corboy. That is good good advice for everyone.
I am trusting no-one. Not even you. I do not want to be interviewed and I recognize the danger in speaking about what happened. The whole Mooji cult works on followers deflecting and entrapment. The constant repetitiveness of tasks, chants that make the cult a part of your daily life. I saw this starting to happen to me. I saw lots of potential people in this position, giving their money and bodies away to this cult. This is the first place that came up on search so I posted. I want Mooji exposed and I am hoping this gets publicized and the press jumps on him. I know that if Sarah or others search the internet this post will come up and they can read and reflect on themselves how to get out before they are in too deep. My message to Mooji and any other cult that IS your life is don't be blinded and lead on with 'belief'.
xivoparig later wrote this
Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: xivoparig
Date: August 11, 2018 11:06AM
Well I had to sleep where I could which is what led me to find out this! We were kept 'busy. What I can remember is some people didn't have any real names. They had new names, identities and personas and leave the material world to find true happiness. In a nutshell this did mean cutting yourself off from people. There was a sense of freedom and movement ..but it wasn't real freedom. It is hard to explain as there is a trance like state everyone was in. I wasn't fully integrated but I was being beckoned into the group more and more as time went on. If I was there for longer I'm not sure how cut off I would be and how deep it got. I was one of the group that was very new and kept my guard up more than others so mooji's followers didn't talk to me as much as they talked to others who after formed a strange bond that shunned us new blood out. From general chit chat those very close to mooji people didn't want to talk about their 'old lives' or personas because it 'wasn't important' when I approached them. They seemed like they had nobody but the golden path of this trickster mooji. Maybe they were too far brainwashed. There were different levels of people. Those who were deep into it were closes to mooji and they had no life before meeting him and the new blood were all being reeled in and slowly transformed. It was a false sense of trust. It's terrifying to think about.
xivoparig took a break and later revisited the discussion.
Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 06/23/2020 07:13AM by corboy.